Python project inspired by tutorial exercise
- Uses BeautifulSoup library for web scraping
- Uses regular expressions ('re' library) for keyword matching
Mapping/matching team abbreviation dictionary keys to user input (abbreviations only & static season for now)- DONE: Functions have been updated to allow for user input for both season and team name abbreviations
- Based on above, update functions to be applicable for all NHL teams
- KINDA DONE: only accounts for the teams that appear on the stats page for now, need to do more research for stats for ALL teams
- Add condition to check if table of data is null or not (e.g. if the season hasn't started yet)
- User input for season
- Case-sensitive for team abbreviation?
Once above finally works, allow varied user input (e.g. "ranger", "arizona", etc.) + use list of team name abbreviations & regex to determine which team the user is referring to
Once everything is functional, consider adding it to website portfolio (scrape for more details/image of players based on player last name & team)