EU4 svg maps generated out of eu4 configs with oikoumene. Generate your own maps for mods and from saves, build province outlines, rasterize svg. Convert metadata and store saves as json. Manual.
Download the map (right click and save as) and open from local file in either Chrome or Firefox. If you open the link directly, github will block font and background texture loading. Note that the two browsers will render maps differently. Further, note that other svg readers would normally fail to render names correctly.
See also
Possible mod and save support, wasteland ownership. Save and view MEIOU svg map by right-clicking and running save as.
Globe projections can be view directly from github. Chrome and Firefox rendering is identical. Svg doesn't give us real 3D, but trigonometry allows us to imagine what if. This is why we need a real globe, Paradox! ;)
Algorithm description:
- Province tracing
- Border parsing
- Border smoothing
- River parsing
- Name placement
- Map with svg characteristics
See Also:
- Style samples - a collection of map style samples and resources I've come across and enjoyed.
- Don't miss the bloopers. Developing is fun, sometimes names hit the fan. :)