Its a mini memory game in which user can pick two cards at a time and if both are same then they will be removed from the display.
The landing page will display a grid (4x4) of cards initially laid face down.
Each card hides an image that can be revealed by clicking on the card.
The grid has unique pairs of distinct images (8 pairs for a 4x4 grid).
Images are display avatars provided by dicebear http API.
<img src="" height="auto" width={96} alt="Avatar" />
A countdown timer (30 seconds) is displayed on top of the grid and starts when the first card is revealed.
When a user reveals two cards, two outcomes are possible:
- If both card images match, they remain revealed for the rest of the game.
- Otherwise, these two cards are turned face down again 0.5 second after the second card was revealed.
The game ends when the last pair is revealed or when the time runs out.
The remaining seconds is considered to be the user score and will be displayed at the end with a “Play again” button.