Use the following commands from the Package Manager Console to add/modify a EF Core context. Please change the command to suit your environment (database as well as fodler structure).
PM> dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
PM> cd .\Common
PM> dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Host=localhost;Database=identitywithpgsql;Username=postgres;Password=Tetya1:2" Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -f -o Models
To use this POC, please feel free to clone the repo on your machine and comment out/delete the parts that you don't need. For example, Authorization, and API gateway etc. You may also want to edit the app settings as per your environment. The core code to see how the data sync background service works, you can run the main UI app (after all app settings are edited) and check your destination database. As a reader's exercise, please feel free to implement the updates and deletes too.
- ASP.NET Core Identity
- Entity Framework Core
- PostgreSQL Driver for .NET Core
- Data Synchroization Background service
- Using REST APIs for jBPM, Camunda BPM and Alfresco Activiti engine and simuate a business process running in each of these engines through the ASP.NET Core Web application.
- jBPM
- Alfresco Activiti
- Camunda BPM
- BonitaSoft BPM
Please read detailed documents on how to work with the BPM platforms mentioned above at knowledge base. The business processes from these platforms are run thorugh the web application saved at this repository.
The data sync ensures that two records in two databases are kept in sync using simple rules:
- Traverse through a source db patient list to see if each patient is in the destination db. If yes, update it if its last modified date is earlier than this record (destination record is stale). If not, update the source record. This is the two-way sync.
- If this record is not in the destination db, insert it.
- You can use a UHID or Name or similar ID (not driven by database) to check whether the given entity is there in the destination db. Names can be repeated. So, using UHID or similar unique ID is recommended.
- The same steps can be used for each and every entity.
- The IDs automatically set by the database are unique within the same database but not across two databases. So these need to be avoided. UHID is the best bet.
Create a patient table in source and destination databases. These databases could be on the same PostgreSQL instance or two different instances on the same or even different servers.
-- Table: public.Patient
-- DROP TABLE public."Patient";
"Name" character varying(100)[] COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
"Address" character varying(500)[] COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
"UHID" uuid,
"LastModified" timestamp without time zone,
TABLESPACE pg_default;
ALTER TABLE public."Patient"
OWNER to postgres;
COMMENT ON COLUMN public."Patient"."UHID"
IS 'Unique health ID';
The code is available in this file.
services.AddScoped<datasyncservice.Services.BackgroundService, PatientSyncService>();
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
public class PatientsController : Controller
private readonly IPatientLogic _patientBusinessLogic;
private readonly PatientSyncService _HostedService;
public PatientsController(IPatientLogic logic,
datasyncservice.Services.BackgroundService hostedService)
_patientBusinessLogic = logic;
_HostedService = hostedService as PatientSyncService;
// POST: Patients/Create
// To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to.
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Address")] Patient patient)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
await _patientBusinessLogic.InsertAsync(new PatientDto {
Address = patient.Address.First(),
Name = patient.Name.First()
// Call background service.
await _HostedService.StartAsync(new System.Threading.CancellationToken());
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index), "Patients");
return View(patient);
The invoked background service then checks whether the new record is already available in the destination database. If not, it adds the new record to the destination database. Similarly, the other use cases (such as updates/deletes) can be coded.
With Entity Framework Core, the code becomes simple to maintain.
Getting a list of objects is very simple. No raw SQL queries.
private readonly identitywithpgsqlContext _context;
public UnnaturalDeathsRepositoryEFCore(identitywithpgsqlContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<IList<UnnaturalDeathsDto>> GetListAsync()
var listFromEF = await _context.Unnaturaldeaths.ToListAsync();
var list = new List<UnnaturalDeathsDto>();
foreach (var death in listFromEF)
list.Add(new UnnaturalDeathsDto {
Support for Dzongkha
as well as English
can be added using the following concepts:
- Separate view for each language. (In most cases the views are just copied from the invariant culture view). In some cases, you might want to give a little different UI to your users of a particular language.
- Controller need not be changed. Same controller is shared by view of multiple languages.
- Added two example APIs- One that does CRUD for an example entity and other receives messages from the first service via a RabbitMQ queue. No cross-API calls here.
- Please change your RabbitMQ configuration in app settings in all the relevant API projects as per your environment.
The following Zuul API gateway configuration works here in this project. Please change the settings below as per your environment.
server.port = 8091
zuul.routes.api1.url = http://localhost:6001/api/unnaturaldeaths
zuul.routes.index.path = /**
zuul.routes.index.url = http://localhost:5000/Index
- Please run your Zuul API gateway application on the port 8091.
- Unnatural Deaths API is running on the port 6001. This is called the
downstream API endpoint
. - The UI project's configuration (
) has been updated to use the following:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=identitywithpgsql;User Id=postgres;Password=Tetya1:2;"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"GatewayUriApi1": "http://localhost:8091/api1"
See the configuration above which uses the Zuul API Gateway
endpoint rather than the downstream API uri