Analytics services provides analytical REST services and plotted Graphs for provided dataset. It uses powerful Python libraries such as Pandas and scikit-learn to analyze the data. The services are developed using the Django Rest Framework is widely used Rest API platform in Python. It also provides in-built authentication, serialization, ORM and web browsable API view. The project demonstrates data analysis and machine learning capabilities.
Download latest Windows PostgreSQL Installer and follow windows installation steps.
Alternatively, can download Windows PostgreSQL Binary Archive and extract the zip file. POSTGRE_SQL_HOME is the path to the unzipped PostgreSQL pgsql directory.
directory inPOSTGRE_SQL_HOME/pgsql
and initialize the postgres database usingpg_ctl init
command from pg_ctl utility.$ pg_ctl -D "POSTGRE_SQL_HOME/pgsql/data" init
Start the Posgres server in background with the initialized data directory. PostGreSQL runs by default on port 5432.
$ pg_ctl -D "POSTGRE_SQL_HOME/pgsql/data" -l logfile start
Create default
as superuser and set the password assecret
.$ createuser --password --superuser postgres
Alternatively, the password of
user can be changed as below after logging into psql.$ psql -U postgres postgres=# \password postgres=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';
Register Posgres server with data directory path as a windows service.
$ pg_ctl register -N postgres -D "POSTGRE_SQL_HOME/pgsql/data"
Create a new user named appuser and new database named appdb using below psql commands.
$ psql -U postgres postgres=# CREATE USER appuser WITH PASSWORD 'secret123';
Create a new database
and grant all privileges for the database to userappuser
. user named appuser and new database named appdb using below psql commands.postgres=# CREATE DATABASE appdb; postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdb TO appuser; postgres=# \c appdb;
Alternatively, database can be created using the createdb utility as below. Then login into psql with appuser and appdb database.
$ createdb --owner appuser appdb $ psql -h localhost -U appuser -d appdb postgres=# \q
To remove the user
and databaseappuser
, login into psql usingpostgres
superuser and execute below drop commands.$ psql -U postgres postgres=# DROP DATABASE appdb; postgres=# DROP USER appuser;
- While running
pg_ctl.exe register
command, please ensure that the windows command prompt is running as administrator, to avoidpg_ctl: could not open service manager
error. - If the data directory is not initialized pg_ctl returns the error
pg_ctl: directory "C:/Installs/pgsql/data" is not a database cluster directory
. - The
user is not created by default and hence should be created using createuser utility to avoid theFATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
Download the latest stable windows release or follow installation instructions for linux platforms.
Start the redis server using below command. Redis by default runs on port 6379.
$ redis-server
The Redis CLI is used to communicate with redis instance. Redis CLI connects to the server at and port 6379 by default. It also allows to connect to different host using -h option and different port using the -p option. The -n option operates the command on a database number other than the default number zero.
$ redis-cli -h -p 6390 ping $ redis-cli -n 1
Redis enables print all the key names in the keyspace using keys command, or scan & filter the keys for specific patterns.
$ redis-cli keys * $ redis-cli --scan --pattern '*-11*'
To get value of the key, first use the type command to determine the key's value type. Then use the corresponding commands depending on the key type to fetch the value.
$ redis-cli type <key-name>
- To get "string" value:
get <key>
- To get "hash" value:
hgetall <key>
- To get "list" value:
lrange <key> 0 -1
- To get "set" value:
smembers <key>
- To get "zset" value:
zrange <key> 0 -1 withscores
- To get "string" value:
In order to create a new key or update (overwrite) the value of existing key the set command is used. The
option allows to set the expiration time for the key. The del command is used to delete the key.$ redis-cli set mykey "Hello" $ redis-cli set anotherkey "will expire in a minute" ex 60 $ redis-cli del mykey anotherkey
The FlushDB command is used to delete all keys from the connection's current database. The FlushAll command deletes all keys from all databases.
$ redis-cli flushdb $ redis-cli flushall $ redis-cli flushall async
The redis stats option provides the real time information of the redis instances.
$ redis-cli --stats
The redis monitoring mode prints all the commands received by a Redis instance. The basic latency checking tool is the --latency option which measures the time taken to receive a reply for a ping from the redis instance.
$ redis-cli monitor $ redis-cli --latency
Below are the instructions to download/setup Python3, PIP, Poetry and to run Django Services using command line.
Download the latest Python3 Release and install it. It is recommended to use installer rather than standalone version for windows machine.
Install PIP using the below command.
$ python
Install Poetry using PIP as below.
$ pip install poetry
Create a new virtual environment using poetry and install all the python packages by reading the
file in the project directory. Alternatively we could also use the commandpip install -r requirements.txt
to install all the required packages directly into the system, which is not recommended.$ poetry install
Run the below commands with
poetry run
prefix command, in order to run them in poetry's virtual environment. Run Django'smakemigrations
commands as below to setup and run django rest services.$ poetry run python makemigrations $ poetry run python migrate $ poetry run python runserver
Alternatively, if want to start a fresh project
and create an appapi
for example, can be achieved using below commands.$ poetry run django-admin startproject analytics-services $ poetry run django-admin startapp api
Create a new super user
with the passwordsecret123
:$ poetry run python createsuperuser --email --username admin
Access the Admin page at http://localhost:8000/admin
In order to create a new user, first login into Admin page using the super user credentials created earlier.
Go to sign up page at http://localhost:8000/signup/ and fill in the username, password, email and other details. After submitting the form by clicking on post, a new user is created.
Login at http://localhost:8000/api-auth/login/ with the new user.
To obtain a valid access_token for an application, we need to register the application. The Django OAuth Toolkit has a set of customizable views we can use to CRUD application instances.
- Go to http://localhost:8000/o/applications/
- Click on the link to create a new application which will take to a form. Fill the form with the following data and save:
- Name: just a name of your choice
- Client Type: confidential
- Authorization Grant Type: Resource owner password-based
Install HTTPie, command-line HTTP client for the API with JSON support.
$ pip install httpie
Generate a new Oauth token by calling the endpoint http://localhost:8000/o/token/ and passing the
from the application registered above. Theusername
is the user created using the http://, andgrant_type
. The HTTPie's-v
option represents verbose, while-f
option represents form request.
$ http -v -f POST http://localhost:8000/o/token/ 'client_id=<clientId>' 'client_secret=<clientSecret>' 'grant_type=password' 'username=admin' 'password=secret123'
"access_token": "dSCqdRi7y9wxRy4AWMh3klpgFEzBGj",
"expires_in": 36000,
"refresh_token": "0u3mnJBGfdTKcgLpxR6f8WNEajEkaK",
"scope": "read write groups",
"token_type": "Bearer"
- Use the
from the above response to pass as bearer authorization for the /users, /users/id and /groups services.
$ http -v localhost:8000/users/ Authorization:"Bearer <access_token>" Accept:application/json
- We can also use Google Chrome to browse the HTTP GET APIs. In order to do that, we need to install the ModHeader Google Chrome Extension
into Google chrome. Once installed click on the
Extension, and under Request Headers, addAuthorization
with the value asBearer <access_token>
is taken from step 2.
Django import export package is used to import data from csv, json, excel and other formats into the database.
In order to import the data file into the database, the corresponding django database model and the resource model
should be added into the application. Currently only /data/vgsales.csv
can be imported into the database using the
model. To begin the import of data from csv file we follow below process.
Login to the Admin page at http://localhost:8000/admin and navigate to
Video Game Sales
application. -
Click on
button which gives below form. Select the/data/vgsales.csv
file and select option ascsv
. -
If the file data is valid with no errors, we see below page. Click
Confirm Import
to import all the data inapi_videogamesales
table. -
Once all the data is imported in
table successfully, we see the confirmation page as below. IgnoreSelect the Video Game Sales to change
Resource | Services | Service Description |
Users | /users | Returns all the users |
/users/[user-id] | Returns the details of the requested user id | |
/groups | Returns all the list of groups | |
BlogPost | /api/postings/ | Returns all the blog postings present in blogpost |
/api/postings/[blog-post-id]/ | Returns details of the requested blogpost by blogpost id | |
SuicideStatistics | /api/suicide/statistics/ | Returns all the WHO suicide statistics records from data/who_suicide_statistics.csv, which can be analyzed using dataframe |
/api/suicide/statistics/chart/ | Returns SVG chart for suicide statistics | |
VideoGameSales | /api/videogames/sales/ | Returns video game sales records which can be analyzed using dataframe |
/api/videogames/sales/chart/ | Returns SVG chart for video game sales | |
StockList | /api/stock/data/[symbol] | Returns end of the day stock data for the requested company symbol, using MarketStack API |
The Video Game Sales and WHO Suicide Statistics API services supports below query parameters for data manipulation using Pandas. All the below query parameters can be applied together or separately as shown in the below examples.
- Filter: It finds all the records that match the text in the
parameter for the data column specified byfilter_column
parameter. - Group: It groups all the records by data column
and adds up all the values for the sum data columns for corresponding resource. For video game sales the allowed group by columns areplatform
, while the summed up data columns areusa_sales
. For WHO suicide statistics the allowed group by columns arecountry
, while the summed up data columns aresuicides_no
. - Sort: It sorts the specified data column in the
In order to call the /api/stock/data
service, it is required to register for MarketStack API.
Go to the MarketStack Dashboard to copy the API Access Key and replace the value of MARKET_STACK_ACCESS_KEY
field in
Analytics services provides various types of charts for all the video game sales analytics services. All the below supported charts
can only be accessed using a web browser and requires bearer authorization to be passed in the headers. The
ModHeader Chrome Extension
mentioned before enables to pass the bearer authorization header for all the requests within the
Google Chrome browser, thus enabling to view all the below charts. Each chart type requires some mandatory parameters to be
passed in order for the chart to be rendered using the Video Game Sales dataframe.
Charts also support various custom styling by passing the style
parameter with below standard style values.
, _classic_test_patch
, bmh
, classic
, dark_background
, fast
, fivethirtyeight
, ggplot
, grayscale
, seaborn
, seaborn-bright
, seaborn-colorblind
, seaborn-dark
, seaborn-dark-palette
, seaborn-darkgrid
, seaborn-deep
, seaborn-muted
, seaborn-notebook
, seaborn-paper
, seaborn-pastel
, seaborn-poster
, seaborn-talk
, seaborn-ticks
, seaborn-white
, seaborn-whitegrid
, tableau-colorblind10
Delete the Django migrations directory within the app.
Execute the below query to delete the record from django_migrations table.
DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app = 'app_name';
Then execute django migration commands as below for the app.
$ python makemigrations app_name $ python migrate