EB Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that helps you deploy and manage your AWS Elastic Beanstalk applications and environments. It also provides integration with Git. This file provides a sample walkthrough of EB CLI. To view a list of commands, type:
eb --help
For more information about a specific command, type:
eb {cmd} --help
For detailed information about EB CLI, see EB Command Line Reference.
You will need administrator/sudo privileges unless you install into a virtual environment. To install you will first need to install Python and Pip. The most recent version of Python now includes pip.
If you already have Python, but need to install Pip, go here.
After you have installed Pip, run the following command:
pip install awsebcli
EB CLI requires you to have AWS security credentials. For procedures to get security credentials, see the documentation.
- In Linux/UNIX, type the following:
- mkdir my-hello-app
- In Windows, type the following:
- md my-hello-app
echo "Hello World" > index.html
NOTE: In Windows, do not include quotes in the command.
3. Set up your directory with EB CLI and then answer the questions to configure AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
eb init
When prompted for your AWS security credentials, type your access key ID and secret access key. To answer a question with the default value, press Enter.
eb create
Wait for AWS Elastic Beanstalk to finish creating the environment. When it is done, your application is live in a load-balancing environment.
eb open
Make a change to your code by typing the following:
echo " to you." >> index.html
NOTE: In Windows, do not include quotes in the command.
When you are ready to launch your new application version, type the following:
eb deploy
eb health
eb open
eb terminate
Confirm that this is the environment that you want to terminate by typing the environment name.
To completely remove your application and clean up the local project directory, type the following:
eb terminate --all
Confirm that this is the application that you want to remove by typing the application name.
This section describes some EB CLI 3 commands and why you would use them.
eb status -v
- The status command will show you the current state of your application. This includes things such as:
- Environment Name
- Application Version
- Solution Stack
- Health
- Number of running instances
eb list
The list command will show you a list of running environments. The environment with an asterisk next to it is the default environment. To see more detailed information about your environments, type the following to use verbose mode:
eb list -v
You can run most commands with any environment by using the following syntax:
eb {cmd} <environment>
To change your default environment, type the following:
eb use [environment_name]
To view your environment in the AWS Management Console, type the following:
eb console
You can set environment variables for your running environment at any time by typing the following:
eb setenv foo=bar
You can view your environment variables by typing the following:
eb printenv
EB CLI 3 provides integration with Git. After running "git clone" or "git init", run the following command:
eb init
EB CLI 3 will now recognize that your application is set up with Git.
To use Git with EB CLI 3:
Make any change to your code.
After you make a change to your code, type the following:
git commit
Deploy your updated code.
Now when you run the "eb deploy" command, EB CLI will only deploy the code that was under source control. Make sure to always commit what you want to deploy. EB CLI uses your commit ID and message as the version label and description, respectively.
- Deploy to production.
When you are ready to deploy an updated version of your code, use Git tags.
git tag -a v1.0 -m "My version 1.0"
The tag will be used for the version label so you always know which version your environment is running on. If you have already deployed this version, EB CLI will deploy that version to your environment instead of uploading a new application version.
- Use branches.
EB CLI enables you to associate different environments with different branches of your code. For example:
git checkout master
eb use prod
git checkout develop
eb use dev
Now whenever you switch to a new branch, your default environment will also switch.