This action automatically scans for express APIs in your codebase and generates a documentation website
- Added JSDOC Like Syntax to define APIs (Thanks to @rahil1304)
- Refactored Code & Reduced Bugs (Thanks to @rosborne132 & @KulkarniSuraj)
- Added Unit Tests
To add this action to your workflow simply modify your workflows main.yml file.
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Express AutoDocs Action
name: Express AutoDocs.
# This specifies when the action should occur
branches: [master]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Generating Docs
# this step checks out the master branch of your repo using checkout action.
- name: Checks out the repository
id: checksout-repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ''
# this step generates the docs
- name: Generating Docs.
id: reading-file
uses: Pika1998/express-autodocs@v0.0.1
# Use the output from the `hello` step
- name: Get the output time
run: echo "The time was ${{ steps.reading-file.outputs.time }}"
Following are the parameters which you can modify to make this action suitable for your codebase.
Parameters | Description | Default Value |
appName | The name of the app variable | app |
routerName | The name of the router variable | router |
docsTitle | The title of the documentation page | Documentation |
server-filepath | The path of the base index file where APIs are defined | server.js |
outputFormat | The format in which assets are deployed markdown - To generate MD files standard - To generate HTML & CSS Files |
standard |
outputBranch | The branch in which the generated docs are deployed | express-autodocs |
You can easily add description to your APIs using JSON in comments in the following way
Adding API descriptions
* @param {string} description - Get a user from database
* @param {string} [inputs] id - The user id.
* @param {string} [outputs] user- A user JSON Object.
router.get('/user', auth, (req, res) => {
.then((user) => {
Check the CHANGELOG to view the changes done to this action over time
Contributions to this action are most welcomed. please check the Contributions Guide for more details.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Prafulla Raichurkar 💻 |
Syed Muhammad Abid 💻 |
Suraj Kulkarni 💻 |
Rahil Sarvaiya 💻 🐛 🤔 🚧 |
Robert Osborne 💻 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!