d3v-gsd (Design visualizer for General ship design)
- Install prerequisites for d3v (https://github.com/linaetal-fsb/d3v)
- NumPy
- OpenMesh
- PyOpenGL
- PySide2
- Download or clone d3v form https://github.com/pprebeg/d3v, (api_extend branch)
(this is a fork of original d3v https://github.com/linaetal-fsb/d3v with extended API) - Download or clone d3v-gsd
- Run d3v/src/main.py using argument: -a path_to_d3v-gsd_folder
e.g. if d3v is located in D:/dev/d3v, and d3v-gsd in D:/dev/d3v-gsd:
python D:/dev/d3v/main.py -a D:/dev/d3v-gsd
Note: the commands folder needs to be the subfolder in d3v-gsd folder - Use File/Import geometry to open *.huf (hull form) or *.dbb (design build block) file
Erhardt, Luka Josip (UNIZAG FSB, student)
Igrec, Bojan (UCL, PhD student)
Munic, Ivan (UNIZAG FSB, researcher on project)
Orec Ivan (UNIZAG FSB, student)
Pavlovic, Tomislav (UNIZAG FSB, student)
Prebeg, Pero(UNIZAG FSB, associated professor)
UNIZAG FSB - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architerture
UCL - University College London
Gordan Sikic (LINA ET AL)