This is a basic example of an Angular frontend application with a Java backend REST API. This is a simple "CRUD" (Create Read Update Delete) example with very simple data model. The Java backend is implemented with Jersey (REST provider) and JPA (using Derby as the underlying database). The Angular frontend uses the Angular Material components.
You need to have Java 11 installed (although I think it can probably run in Java 8 as well)
cd crudservices
gradlew run ==> this will run the server
gradlew distZip ==>builds independent java backend file in builds/distributions
You need to have an Angular development environment as described here
cd frontend
ng serve
You might first need to do an update by executing the commands below
npm install
ng update
npm update
At this develpoment state, you need to run the browser using the "NOCORS" mode, for example ein windows
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=c:/temp
This is needed because the Java backend REST API is deployed at localhost:8080 and the Frontend angular app at localhost:4200. The plan is to include a next version when I have the time where everything runs on the Java side from localhost:8080