This project shows an example of how to implement monolith with embedded microservices (a.k.a. modular monolith). This way you'll get many upsides of monorepo without it complexity and at same time most of upsides of microservice architecture without some of it complexity.
The embedded microservices use Uncle Bob's "Clean Architecture", check Example Go microservice for more details.
Table of Contents
- definitions of own and 3rd-party (inapi/ext-*
) APIs/protocols and related auto-generated codecmd/*
- main application(s)internal/*
- packages shared by embedded microservices, e.g.:internal/config
- configuration (default values, env) shared by embedded microservices' subcommands and testsinternal/dom
- domain types shared by microservices (Entities)
- embedded microservices, with structure:internal/config
- configuration(s) (default values, env, flags) for microservice's subcommands and testsinternal/app
- define interfaces ("ports") for The Clean Architecture (or "Ports and Adapters" architecture) and implements business-logicinternal/srv/*
- adapters for served APIs/UIinternal/sub
- adapter for incoming eventsinternal/dal
- adapter for data storageinternal/migrations
- DB migrations (in both SQL and Go)internal/svc/*
- adapters for accessing external services
- helper packages, not related to architecture and business-logic (may be later moved to own modules and/or replaced by external dependencies), e.g.:pkg/def/
- project-wide defaults
- contains legacy code which shouldn't be modified - this code is supposed to be extracted fromold/
directories (and refactored to follow Clean Architecture) when it'll need any non-trivial modification which require testing
- Project structure (mostly) follows Standard Go Project Layout.
- Strict but convenient golangci-lint configuration.
- Embedded microservices:
- Well isolated from each other.
- Can be easily extracted from monolith into separate projects.
- Share common configuration (both env vars and flags).
- Each has own CLI subcommands, DB migrations, ports, metrics, …
- Easily testable code (thanks to The Clean Architecture).
- Avoids (and resists to) using global objects (to ensure embedded microservices won't conflict on these global objects).
- CLI subcommands support using cobra.
- Graceful shutdown support.
- Configuration defaults can be overwritten by env vars and flags.
- Example JSON-RPC 2.0 over HTTP API, with CORS support.
- Example gRPC API:
- External and internal APIs on different host/port.
- gRPC services with and without token-based authentication.
- API design (mostly) follows Google API Design Guide and Google API Improvement Proposals.
- Example OpenAPI 2.0 using grpc-gateway, with CORS suport:
- Access to gRPC using HTTP/1 (except bi-directional streaming).
- Generates
from gRPC.proto
files. - Embedded Swagger UI.
- Example DAL (data access layer):
- MySQL 5.7 (strictest SQL mode).
- PostgreSQL 11 (secure schema usage pattern).
- Example tests, both unit and integration.
- Production logging using structlog.
- Production metrics using Prometheus.
- Docker and docker-compose support.
- Smart test coverage report, with optional support for
- Linters for Dockerfile and shell scripts.
- CI/CD setup for GitHub Actions and CircleCI.
- Go 1.16
- Docker 19.03+
- Docker Compose 1.25+
- After cloning the repo copy
. - Review
and update for your system as needed. - It's recommended to add shell alias
alias dc="if test -f; then source; fi && docker-compose"
and then rundc
instead ofdocker-compose
- this way you won't have to runsource
after changing it.
- This project requires https:// and will send HSTS and CSP HTTP headers, and also it uses gRPC with authentication which also require TLS certs, so you'll need to create certificate to run it on localhost - follow instructions in Create local CA to issue localhost HTTPS certificates.
- Or you can just use certificates in
, which was created this way:
$ . ./ # Sets $EASYRSA_PKI=configs/insecure-dev-pki.
$ /path/to/easyrsa init-pki
$ echo Dev CA $(go list -m) | /path/to/easyrsa build-ca nopass
$ /path/to/easyrsa --days=3650 "--subject-alt-name=DNS:postgres" build-server-full postgres nopass
$ /path/to/easyrsa --days=3650 "--subject-alt-name=DNS:localhost" build-server-full ms-auth nopass
$ /path/to/easyrsa --days=3650 "--subject-alt-name=IP:" build-server-full ms-auth-int nopass
To develop this project you'll need only standard tools: go generate
go test
, go build
, docker build
. Provided scripts are for
convenience only.
- Always load
in every terminal used to run any project-related commands (includinggo test
.- When
change (e.g. bygit pull
) next run ofsource
will fail and remind you to manually
to match
- When
go generate ./...
- do not forget to run after making changes related to auto-generated codego test ./...
- test project (excluding integration tests), fast./scripts/test
- thoroughly test project, slow./scripts/test-ci-circle
- run tests locally like CircleCI will do./scripts/cover
- analyse and show coverage./scripts/build
- build docker image and binaries inbin/
- Then use mentioned above
) to run and control the project.- Access project at host/port(s) defined in
- Access project at host/port(s) defined in
- Then use mentioned above
dc up -d --remove-orphans # (re)start all project's services
dc logs -f -t # view logs of all services
dc logs -f SERVICENAME # view logs of some service
dc ps # status of all services
dc restart SERVICENAME
dc exec SERVICENAME COMMAND # run command in given container
dc stop && dc rm -f # stop the project
docker volume rm PROJECT_SERVICENAME # remove some service's data
It's recommended to avoid docker-compose down
- this command will also
remove docker's network for the project, and next dc up -d
will create a
new network… repeat this many enough times and docker will exhaust
available networks, then you'll have to restart docker service or reboot.
$ docker run -i -t --rm -v
mono version v0.2.0 7562a1e 2020-10-22_03:12:04 go1.15.3
Use of the ./scripts/build
script is optional (it's main feature is
embedding git version into compiled binary), you can use usual
go get|install|build
to get the application instead.
$ ./scripts/build
$ ./bin/mono -h
Example monolith with embedded microservices
mono [flags]
mono [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
ms Run given embedded microservice's command
serve Starts embedded microservices
-h, --help help for mono
--log.level OneOfString log level [debug|info|warn|err] (default debug)
-v, --version version for mono
Use "mono [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./bin/mono serve -h
Starts embedded microservices
mono serve [flags]
--example.metrics.port Port port to serve Prometheus metrics (default 17002)
--example.mysql.dbname NotEmptyString MySQL database name (default example)
--example.mysql.pass String MySQL password
--example.mysql.user NotEmptyString MySQL username (default root)
--example.port Port port to serve (default 17001)
-h, --help help for serve
--host NotEmptyString host to serve (default home)
--host-int NotEmptyString internal host to serve (default home)
--mono.port Port port to serve monolith introspection (default 17000) NotEmptyString host to connect to MySQL (default localhost)
--mysql.port Port port to connect to MySQL (default 33306)
--nats.urls NotEmptyString URLs to connect to NATS (separated by comma) (default nats://localhost:34222)
--stan.cluster_id NotEmptyString STAN cluster ID (default local)
--timeout.shutdown Duration must be less than 10s used by 'docker stop' between SIGTERM and SIGKILL (default 9s)
--timeout.startup Duration must be less than swarm's deploy.update_config.monitor (default 3s)
Global Flags:
--log.level OneOfString log level [debug|info|warn|err] (default debug)
$ ./bin/mono -v
mono version v0.2.0 7562a1e 2020-10-22_03:19:37 go1.15.3
$ ./bin/mono serve
mono: inf main: `started` version v0.2.0 7562a1e 2020-10-22_03:19:37
mono: inf serve: `serve` home:17000 [monolith introspection]
example: inf natsx: `NATS connected` url=nats://localhost:34222
example: inf goose: OK 00001_down_not_supported.sql
example: inf goose: OK 00002_noop.go
example: inf goose: OK 00003_example.sql
example: inf goose: goose: no migrations to run. current version: 3
example: inf natsx: `STAN connected` clusterID=local clientID=example
example: inf serve: `serve` home:17001 [JSON-RPC 2.0]
example: inf serve: `serve` home:17002 [Prometheus metrics]
example: inf jsonrpc2: IncExample: `handled` 1
example: inf jsonrpc2: Example: `handled` 1
example: inf jsonrpc2: Example: `handled` 2
example: ERR jsonrpc2: Example: `failed to handle` err: unauthorized 0
example: inf serve: `shutdown` [JSON-RPC 2.0]
example: inf serve: `shutdown` [Prometheus metrics]
mono: inf serve: `shutdown` [monolith introspection]
mono: inf main: `finished` version v0.2.0 7562a1e 2020-10-22_03:19:37
- Add security-related headers for HTTPS endpoints (HSTS, CSP, etc.), also move default host from localhost to avoid poisoning it with HSTS.
- Embed as an example of embedding microservices from another repo.
- Add example of
adapters calling some other services. - Add LPC (local procedure call API between embedded microservices), probably using
- Add complete CRUD example as per Google API Design Guide (with PATCH/FieldMask), probably with generation of models conversion code using
- Add NATS/STAN publish/subscribe example in
(or maybe use JetStream instead of STAN?). - Switch from to