POWER CAPTCHA protects your OXID eShop against bots and unauthorized persons. GDPR compliant!
This OXID eShop Module integrates POWER CAPTCHA into:
- Customer login forms
- Registration forms
- Checkout completion
- Contact form
- Password reset form
- Newsletter form
- Wished price form
Compatible with OXID eShop 7.1.x. Ready to use with the default APEX theme and easily integrable into other (custom) themes.
To install the module, use composer:
cd <shopRoot>
composer require power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop
Once installed, activate the module through the admin panel or via command line.
Log in into your OXID eShop admin panel and navigate to Extensions ⇨ Modules. Select the POWER CAPTCHA module and click the Activate button.
You can also activate the module using the OXID eShop console. Run the following command from your shop root directory:
vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:activate power_captcha
If you need to activate the module for a specific sub-shop, use the following command (replacing <shop-id>
with the actual shop ID):
vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:activate power_captcha --shop-id <shop-id>
Log in into your OXID eShop admin panel and navigate to Extensions ⇨ Modules. Select the POWER CAPTCHA module and click the Settings tab.
Enter your API Key and Secret Key, both keys can be found in the API Key Management of POWER CAPTCHA. If don't have an API Key yet, you can choose a plan on power-captcha.com.
Other general settings are optional.
Here you can select which sections / forms in your shop should be protected by POWER CAPTCHA.
These settings are only relevant if you are running a self-hosted POWER CAPTCHA instance. If not, you can leave these fields blank.
Clone the module to
:cd <shopRoot> git clone https://github.com/power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop dev/power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop
Add and require the module from the local path via Composer:
cd <shopRoot> composer config repositories.power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop path ./dev/power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop composer require power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop:*
Install and activate the module using the OXID eShop console:
cd <shopRoot> vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install vendor/power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:activate power_captcha
Activate the module:
cd <shopRoot> bin/oe-console oe:module:activate power_captcha
Reinstalling the module
After making changes, it is necessary to reinstall the module for the changes to take effect:
cd <shopRoot> vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install vendor/power-captcha/integration-oxid-eshop
Reactivating the module
If you make changes to
(e.g. adding more services) ormetadata.php
(e.g. extending new OXID eShop components), you may need to reactivate the module:cd <shopRoot> vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:activate power_captcha
Clearing the cache
You can clear the cache with
cd <shopRoot> vendor/bin/oe-console oe:cache:clear