A library for adding information of code authors to compiled Erlang modules.
Suppose we have following module named test.erl
-export([help/0, sum/2, sum/3]).
help() ->
io:format("Use sum/2 for two integers\n"
"Use sum/3 for three integers\n").
sum(Arg1, Arg2) ->
Arg1 + Arg2.
sum(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) ->
Arg1 + Arg2 + Arg3.
Before compile, define attribute
-compile({parse_transform, eauthor}).
in your module or include eauthor
's header file eauthor.hrl
in your module
%% or if eauthor is part of your project
or define flag {parse_transform, eauthor}
for compiler.
After compile, our module has new function named authors/0
%% For doing this, compiler should access to compiled eauthor module.
%% So i add path to file eauthor.beam. (i used rebar3 for compiling eauthor)
1> code:add_patha("_build/default/lib/eauthor/ebin").
2> compile:file("test.erl", {parse_transform, eauthor}).
3> test:authors().
#{{help,0} => undefined,{sum,2} => undefined,{sum,3} => undefined}
means function help/0
, {sum,2}
means function sum/2
and so on. Because we did not define anything about authors, we have undefined
value in above. Edite the code to:
-export([help/0, sum/2, sum/3]).
%% Add 'author' attribute. This is author of module.
%% This is author of next function (help/0)
help() ->
io:format("Use sum/2 for two integers\n"
"Use sum/3 for three integers\n").
%% Its author will be module's author ("foo")
sum(Arg1, Arg2) ->
Arg1 + Arg2.
sum(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) ->
Arg1 + Arg2 + Arg3.
Save file and back to shell:
%% I included eauthor's header file, so i don't need define {parse_transform, eauthor} again.
4> c(test).
5> test:authors().
#{{help,0} => "bar",{sum,2} => "foo",{sum,3} => "baz"}
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