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Yet another Flux implementation for React, focusing on minimal boilerplate and strong Typescript support.

High level overview:

  • create Registry
    • declare State interface
  • register Actions
    • declare Payload interface
    • declare function reduce: (State, Payload) => State
  • register Components
    • declare OwnProps
    • optionally declare SelectedProps and function selectProps: (State, OwnProps) => SelectedProps
    • declare function render: (OwnProps & SelectedProps & Dispatch) => React.Element | null
  • create Store
    • provide initial state
  • put Store Provider into the Component Tree as parent of registered Components
  • dispatch registered Actions from Component's render function to update state

Example usage:

import { createFluxRegistry } from 'flux-registry'
import React = require('react')
import ReactDOM = require('react-dom')

// first create a registry
const flux = createFluxRegistry<{
  // definition of global state
  myNumber: number

// register any number of actions
const incrementNumber = flux.registerAction<{
  // definition of action payload
  amount: number
  // unique type name for the action
  type: 'increment',

  // function to update the state when action is dispatched
  reduce: ({myNumber}, {amount}) => ({myNumber: myNumber + amount})

// register any number of react components
const IncrementButton = flux.registerComponent<{
  // definition of component props (OwnProps)
  incrementBy: number
  // render function. dispatch is provided with the props
  // use it to dispatch previously registered actions from event handlers
  render: ({incrementBy, dispatch}) => {
    const onClick = () => dispatch(incrementNumber({amount: incrementBy}))
    return <button onClick={ onClick }>Increment by { incrementBy }</button>

// registered components can select additional props (SelectedProps) from the global state
const NumberDisplay = flux.registerComponent<{
  // OwnProps
  multiplicationFactor: number
}, {
  // SelectedProps
  totalValue: number
  // must provide a selectProps function in this case: (State, OwnProps) => SelectedProps
  selectProps: ({myNumber}, {multiplicationFactor}) => ({totalValue: myNumber * multiplicationFactor}),

  // OwnProps and SelectedProps are merged into a single object for the render function
  render: ({totalValue, multiplicationFactor}) => {
    const text = `${totalValue} (multiplied by ${multiplicationFactor})`
    return <p>{ text }</p>

// create a store that holds a single instance of the global state
const store = flux.createStore({
  initialState: {myNumber: 0}

// Wrap all registered components into a single store.Provider at the root of your component tree.
const App = () => (
    <NumberDisplay multiplicationFactor={ 5 }/>
    <IncrementButton incrementBy={ 2 }/>

// That's it, we can render our app
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root'))


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