Higher-Order-Function/Wrapper for "smartly" polling FaunaDB.
npm i faunadb-real-time
yarn add faunadb-real-time
const { withRealTimeMethods } = require('faunabd-real-time');
const { Client } = require('faunadb');
const client = withRealTimeMethods(new Client({
secret: '<FAUNA_SECRET>'
// Index must return a FaunaDB TS as the first element.
// Additionally, returning the Document's Ref afterwards...
// is useful for reading the entire Document, after mapping (as seen below).
const subscribable = client
{}, // param_object for FQL's Paginate
{ // default options for specifying polling frequencies (in milliseconds)
activeMs: 5000,
passiveMs: 10000,
passiveAfter: 10000
.map((arr) => q.Get(q.Select([1], arr)))
const unsubscribeA = subscribable
.subscribe(data => console.log('subscription A', data));
const unsubscribeB = subscribable
.subscribe(data => console.log('subscription B', data));
👤 Taro taro.s.chiba@gmail.com
- Website: cooksto.com
- Twitter: @potato_potaro
- Github: @potatopotaro
- LinkedIn: @taro-woollett-chiba-25a802125
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