- PHP 7.3+
Use Composer to install it:
composer require positus/positus-api-php-client
If you use Laravel, we provide a wrapper.
use Positus\Client;
$client = new Client();
If you don't have an authentication token, click here to generate one.
$client = new Client();
The first step to be able to send messages is to specify the ID number of origin:
$number = $client->number('your-number-id');
Then send the message and wait for a response.
If you want to test a Sandbox you can pass a second argument when calling the number method as true
$number = $client->number('sandbox-number-id', true);
If you want to send a message using data on your own, you can use:
$response = $number->sendData([
'to' => '+5511999999999',
'type' => 'text',
'text' => [
'body' => 'Hi!'
To check all the data that can be sent in each type of message, check the WhatsApp Business documentation.
If you prefer, we provide ready methods for each type of message.
$response = $number->sendText('+5511999999999', 'Your message');
$response = $number->sendTemplate('+5511999999999', 'namespace', 'name', 'languageCode', [
"type" => "body",
"parameters" => [
"type" => "text",
"text" => "Param 1"
Please check the documentation related to templates in the WhatsApp Business documentation.
$response = $number->sendContacts('+5511999999999', [
'name' => [
"formatted_name" => "John Doe"
'phones' => [
'phone' => '+5511888888888',
'type' => 'CELL'
Please check the documentation related to contacts in the WhatsApp Business documentation.
$response = $number->sendLocation('+5511999999999', '-23.553885', '-46.662819', 'Robbu - Atendimento digital inteligente', 'Av. Angélica, 2530 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01228-200');
$response = $number->sendImage('+5511999999999', 'https://example.com/image.jpg', 'Random Image');
$response = $number->sendDocument('+5511999999999', 'https://example.com/document.pdf', 'Random Document');
$response = $number->sendVideo('+5511999999999', 'https://example.com/video.mp4', 'Random Video');
$response = $number->sendAudio('+5511999999999', 'https://example.com/audio.mp3');
To download a media, use the following method:
$response = $number->getMedia('media-id');
After any call you can check if everything went well and receive the data using the following methods:
if ($response->success()) {
echo 'Message with Id ' . $response->json()->messages[0]->id . ' sent successfully';
If everything goes correctly you will receive an answer like this:
"messages": [
"message": "The message was successfully sent"
If something goes wrong, you will receive a message detailing the errors:
"errors": [
"code": 1008,
"title": "Required parameter is missing",
"details": "Parameter 'body' is mandatory for type 'text'"
"message": "Unfortunately we were not able to send your message"
Please check all possible errors that the api may return in the WhatsApp Business documentation.
Feel free to create a pull request or open a support ticket in Positus Studio if you have or find any problems.
You can check if it failed:
if ($response->error()) {
echo 'Something went wrong';
If you only need the status code:
You can get the answer from api as a string:
Or if you prefer as JSON:
Or if you prefer as object:
You can get a header:
Or you can get all headers: