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Automate the deployment of markdown content as a static website to cloud based infrastructure

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Automate the deployment of markdown content as a static website to cloud based infrastructure

This application will help publish your markdown pages as a static website built with javascript and HTML effortlessly. Really at the click of a file. All you need are:

  • An Amazon account (access key and secret key)

  • A git repository where your site content is.

  • A domain name (e.g - optional

Caveat: You need to have docker installed.

For more information on what markdown is, scroll to the markdown section below


On first use build the docker image by running:

docker build -t poshjosh/automate-jamstack .

Direct Usage

To create a new blog named my-awesome-blog:

  • Create an environment file in the /app/sites directory. The file should be named after the name of the site you are creating my-awesome-blog.env.
  • Site names are restricted 63 chars of lowercase letters, digits, periods and hyphens.

  • Blog post file names:

    • Should not have spaces; rather use hyphens. For example:
    • Should not have question marks.
  • Copy contents of /app/config/site-data/ into the properties file (/app/sites/my-awesome-blog.env) you just created.

  • Edit/Update the relevant properties in your properties file (/app/sites/my-awesome-blog.env).

  • You need to provide values for at least these properties:

# E.g.[github-user]/[github-repository]/archive/
# E.g. git+[github-user]/[github-repository].git
  • From the above, you need a public git repository, from where your site content will be pulled.

  • Now you are ready to get going. Just open a terminal/command prompt and run this script: scripts/


Your site content is hosted in a git repository.


To add https follow this guide


Place assets in an assets directory at the root of your site. The following assets are supported:

    └───facebook-icon.png      - optional, has a default
    └───instagram-icon.png     - optional, has a default
    └───linkedin-icon.png      - optional, has a default
    └───reddit-icon.png        - optional, has a default
    └───tiktok-icon.png        - optional, has a default
    └───twitter-icon.png       - optional, has a default 
    └───youtube-icon.png       - optional, has a default
  • Stick to these image types: (jpg|jpeg|png|gif).

  • Only site-icon.png may be renamed.

Site Icon

After adding a site icon to your sites assets directory, specify the location of the icon in the properties file of your site. Note that the location is relative to the content directory. E.g:



You can specify a banner for your site. Simply place the image in the assets directory at the root directory of your site.

Deploying to Amazon S3

  • Change the profile property in the /app/sites/my-awesome-blog.env file you created earlier from PROFILE=dev to production PROFILE=prod

  • Run the app (See below for how to)

Use a custom domain name

This section only applies if you wish to use a custom domain name. Otherwise skip to the next section

If you wish to use a custom domain name e.g my-awesome-blog rather than amazon allocated domain name e.g <bucket-name>.s3-website.<region> then:

  • Use your custom domain name as a bucket name e.g

  • Login to amazon Route53

  • Create a hosted zone with the name of the domain/bucket (e.g and take note of the ID of the newly created hosted zone. Also take note of all the name servers. E.g

  • Copy your name servers and use them to update the nameservers of your domain service. The service where you purchased your domain name

  • Run the app

Run the app

  • Open a terminal/command prompt and run this script: scripts/
  • It could take a while. Wait till you see a message like: You can now view [Site Name] in the browser.
  • Browse to http://localhost:8000 to view you website on your local machine.

If your browser complains with an error message like the following. You may need to relax any restrictions you switch on in the browser, particularly regarding javascript. Otherwise, try other browsers.

Failed to get service worker registration(s): Storage access is restricted in this context due to user settings or private browsing mode. app.js:41
[HMR] connected client.js:95
SecurityError: The operation is insecure. app.js:41
404 page could not be found. Checkout index.js:2177
    __stack_frame_overlay_proxy_console__ index.js:2177
    loadPageDataJson dev-loader.js:28

I set tough privacy restrictions on my firefox and go the above error. So I opened another browser (microsoft Edge) and Hello World was displayed

  • After basking in your first success. Take time out to read the advanced section below.

  • For useful links, see the reference section at the end of the page

Tips for writing blog content

This application will help publish your markdown pages as a static website built with javascript and HTML.

What is Markdown

Markdown is a markup language written in plain text format. It allows you to add structure and style to your content with more ease than permissible with html (another markup language). Markdown is a format of writing. Markdown files end with .md. Click here for some common markdown

Well composed markdown documents contain front matter.


  • Add frontmatter at the topmost of all your pages. Frontmatter starts with a single line of 3 hyphens --- and ends with same. Example of frontmatter
path: "./"
date: "2019-11-11"
title: "README"
description: "Usage instructions"
lang: "en-us"
tags: ["readme", "usage instructions", "useful info"]
  • If you don't add frontmatter, one will be automatically generated for you.

  • If you don't specify a title in frontmatter, article file names will be used as titles. In that case, dashes (-) will be replaced with spaces ( ). Two consecutive dashes or underscores will be treated as ( - ). For example: Abc-def,_ghi--jkl will be converted to: Abc def, ghi - jkl

Linking to other markdown

      │   │─
      │   └─

Given the above structure, to link to /blog/2011/ from /blog/2010/ simply enter /blog/2011/page3. No .md extension.


  • /blog/2011/page3


  • /blog/2011/ <- .md
  • ./blog/2011/page3 <- single preceding dot
  • blog/2011/ <- no preceding forward slash and .md
  • ../blog/2011/page3 <- double preceding dots

Markdown Foot Notes

Standard Markdown doesn't support footnotes, but you can manually add footnotes with superscript tags, e.g. 1.

You can make the footnote links clickable as well.

  • First define the footnote at the bottom like this
<a name="myfootnote1">1</a>: Footnote content goes here
  • Then reference it at some other place in the document like this

Converting between page formats

Pandoc is a command-line utility that can convert between various formats. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

First install Pandoc. Then use it to convert between formats.

Run the script scripts/ to convert multiple files to markdown.

Example Pandoc Direct Usage

Run the following command to convert a file called doc.html from html to markdown as file

pandoc --standalone --from html --to markdown -o doc.html

For more advanced users

The following steps will help you customize the website.

  • Rename you markdown (pages having extension .md) pages to sites/default-site/content/blog

  • Do not paste any index.html page as it will be auto generated for you. Pasting an index page could interfer with the auto - generation process

  • Rename any picture of yourself to profile-pic.jpg and place it in the sites/default-site/content/assets directory, replacing any profile-pic.jpg therein.

  • Rename you site icon to site-icon.png and place it in the sites/default-site/content/assets directory replacing any site-icon.png therein.

  • To add styles do the following:

          │   │─  layout.js
    +     │   └─  layout.css   <-- Add this file here
              └─  index.js
    • Add a layout.css in the sites/default-site/src/components directory.

    • Import the layout into the sites/default-site/src/components/layout.js by adding import "./layout.css" to the top of layout.js

    • Enter styles to the sites/default-site/src/components/layout.css file e.g:

  div {
      background: #eeeeee;
      color: navy;
  • Take styling a step further by changing the typography (call it theme if you like) of your website. Click here to find a selection of typography. To change the typography open file at sites/default-site/src/utils/typography.js and change import Theme from "typography-theme-twin-peaks" to any of the following:
  import Theme from "typography-theme-twin-peaks"
  import Theme from "typography-theme-lincoln"
  import Theme from "typography-theme-wordpress-2016"
  import Theme from "typography-theme-fairy-gates"
  import Theme from "typography-theme-grand-view"
  • If you want to get your hands dirty with HTML, JavaScript, React, Graphql

    • Auto bio - sites/default-site/src/components/bio.js

    • Page layout - sites/default-site/src/components/layout.js

    • Blog post template - sites/default-site/src/templates/blog-post.js

Some properties and their effects

VERBOSE - Causes a more verbose log

Known Errors and Solutions

Missing Field

  • Example error message: Cannot query field "tags" on type "MarkdownRemarkFrontmatter".
  • Solution: Ensure at least one markdown page has the tags field in their frontmatter.

Logs Enabled

  • Example error message: Error: creating Amazon S3 (Simple Storage) Bucket (logs): BucketAlreadyExists
  • Solution: We currently set logs_enabled to false in
 Error: creating Amazon S3 (Simple Storage) Bucket (logs): BucketAlreadyExists: The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.
       status code: 409, request id: 8BP9ZWJ7YED51GZG, host id: dhcmOr7XXc9cZuDYyiUTHqbZAC7wxNtH/6fBVwvGIZwJvoW+dxlEqNrwxzagGQkEAp1KzDXTIz/eZO/qpe9v1w==
   with module.s3_website.module.logs.module.aws_s3_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.default[0],
   on .terraform/modules/s3_website.logs.aws_s3_bucket/ line 29, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "default":
   29: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "default" {

Wrongly displayed title

  • Example wrongly display title /2025/01/17/ The-life-of-pi instead of The life of pi.
  • Solution: Ensure there are no spaces or other unwanted characters in the file name. The file name is used to generate the title.







Automate the deployment of markdown content as a static website to cloud based infrastructure






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