GPL v2
This repo has moved to a new location as I'm rewriting the module from the ground up to cover all the other Beats modules Elastic have released. Please look there for the latest versions & issues.
include ::packetbeat
That should install Packetbeat for you and enable the default Elasticsearch output with default host and port (localhost:9200)
If you want to configure further, you can do
class {'packetbeat':
es_host => '',
es_port => '9200',
To enable the protocol monitors, you'll need to include the right protocol class as follows
include ::packetbeat::protocols::http
This will create an http protocol listener on ports 80, 8000 and 8080, capturing the Host, Cookie and X-Forwarded-For headers in addition to the defaults.
All the parameters are overrideable. Look in the manifests for more information - I'll flesh out the docs when I have time. Failing that, feel free to fork this and submit a pull request.