just use websockets!
most browsers support websockets, and the ones that don't polysocket will upgrade them! so, STAP using non-standard protocols for implementing realtime! let's start building libraries and utilities on top of the standard for realtime: websockets.
jsonp since we're aiming for supporting all browsers. old ones only have jsonp as an option (since it's a cross-origin request), and new ones may use jsonp.
// pseudocode
// validate request parameters
ensure target is websocket url
ensure origin is valid with key
ensure caller is present
// validate authentication
token authorizes target websocket url
within connection limit for token
// which polysocket server should handle this client?
get polysocketd fqdn that is most available
// establish socket on that remote server
socket, err = polysocket.establish(target) // redis message passing
cb : (string) jsonp callback (also serves as cache-buster)
from : (string) e.g. 'polysocketjs-v0.0.1'
target : (string : valid websocket uri)
token : (string) auth token
ok : true
fqdn : '{uniq}.tom.polysocket.com'
socket : (string) this is your socket and your session id for communication
error : (string)
ok : false
this is how you write data to your socket.
cb : (string) only for jsonp version
d : (string) base64 string when t = 'b', or utf8 string
t : (string : ['b','t']) binary, or text // TODO handle continuation for when payload longer than GET URL capacity
bad request means you are missing parameters or they are poorly formatted
unauthorized means your socket isn't valid
means we have accepted your data and pushed it along your socket, feel free to send more now
this starts a jsonp long-polling call. this is how you receive data out of your socket.
cb : (string)
ttl : (integer) time before request expires and server should return with no data (in milliseconds)
bad request means bad parameters
unauthorized means your socket id could not be found
means the server has a valid response for you to process
ok : true,
messages : [
type: 'heartbeat' // heartbeat
type: 'text'
data: (string)
type: 'binary'
data: (base64 string)
error : (string)
ok : false
each polysocketd server should have a valid fqdn, e.g. tom.polysocket.com. additionally, each fqdn should handle all subdomains, e.g. 1234.tom.polysocket.com.
this allows the polysocket relay servers to tell a client to connect to a specific polysocketd server (the one that has opened a websocket and ready to send/receive). this also allows the browser to open a second polysocket connection to the same server without holding too many browser connections to the same domain (connecting once to 1234.tom.polysocket.com and once to 4321.tom.polysocket.com).
router servers can be round-robined and made highly available. they are only used in negotiating a new socket connection and doing authentication, e.g. router.polysocket.com should dns rr to two unique addresses for availability.