is a command line program written in perl that allows you to create BO.LT pages (bolts), for every link in an RSS feed.
The first step to really using rss-feed
is to get your token (Access Token):
- log into BO.LT (its free to create an account)
- go to the API App Settings section on the Settings page.
- provide an application name (anything will do, for example rss-feed)
- save your application
- click Generate an access token for your App
BO.LT is a Page Sharing Service.
When you put a page on BO.LT it is copied along with its assets onto our servers and deployed to our edge network.
A page on the BO.LT network is referred to as a bolt
A bolt:
- can be easily shared on a number of networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
- can have a descriptive url, that people will notice (e.g.
- allows you to add your comment on the page itself (so even if its re-tweeted your comments aren't lost)
- allows you to automatically put your identity and link back to your site on the page
- supports an intutive in-browser editor that can modify the live page.
- doesn't change when the original site changes its page.
- is fast as it runs on an edge network
- will appear in your showcase of bolts as well as other showcases on BO.LT (e.g. Reddit Feed)
- has segmented view metrics
- can be setup to autmatically integrate your metrics provider
Documentation on the BO.LT api can be found here