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Luau grammar for tree-sitter

Enabling Highlighting Queries for Helix Editor

  1. Find the user languages.toml file docs
  • Linux and Mac: ~/.config/helix
  • Windows: %appdata%\helix, not localappdata
  1. Append two entries inside languages.toml:
name = "luau"
scope = "source.luau"
injection-regex = "^luau$"
file-types = ["luau"]
comment-tokens = ["--", "---"]
block-comment-tokens = [
  {start = "--[[", end = "]]"},
  {start = "--[=[", end = "]=]"},
  {start = "--[==[", end = "]==]"}
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = "  "}
roots = [ "aftman.toml", "default.project.json", "wally.toml", "rokit.toml", "selene.toml", ".darklua.json", "foreman.toml", ".luaurc" ]

name = "luau"
source = { git = "", rev = "d57b5420002e38de704ee415625f2f012eb97dc2" }
  1. Run .\scripts\clone_helix_queries.ps1 (or manually clone from .\helix-queries\ into <helix-config>\runtime\queries\luau)
  2. Run hx -g fetch and hx -g build