Sciter.JS - Sciter but with QuickJS on board instead of my TIScript
Developement logfile and documentation in docs/md folder.
Sciter.JS uses QuickJS in particular QuickJS++ .
- ES6: async/await, classes, modules, destructuring;
- BigInt, BigFloat, BigDecimal - arbitrary precision IEEE 754 floating point operations and transcendental functions with exact rounding (currency, etc);
- Node.JS runtime (more or less full) is coming;
- Windows - i32, i64 and arm64 - published;
- Linux - i64, arm32 (Raspberry Pi) - published;
- MacOS - i64 and arm64 - published;
- Mobiles - pending;
Linux (Raspbian on Raspberry Pi in particular)
Path: samples/calc
Browser and Sciter shows the same HTML document.
To run demo start run-calculator-browser.bat or run-calculator-sciter.bat. The later will start - standalone Sciter engine.
Path: samples/mithril
Sciter.JS runs mithril as it is. Only basic use cases are thested so far though.