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Prevents leaking sensitive fields defined inside `case class`

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Prevents leaking sensitive fields defined inside case class.

Simple example of @redacted usage

In Scala, case class(es) are omnipresent: they are the building blocks for complex business domain models, due to how easily they can be defined and instantiated; on top of that, the Scala compiler provides a convenient toString method for us that will pretty print in console/log their content, for example:

case class UserPreferences(useDarkTheme: Boolean, maxHistoryItems: Int)

val id = 123
val up = store.getUserPreferencesByID(123)"user preferences for user $id are $up")

will print

user preferences for user 123 are UserPreferences(true, 5)

However, this becomes a double-edge sword when handling sensitive data: assume you're writing an HTTP server, and you have a case class to pass its headers around, i.e.

case class HttpHeaders(userId: String, apiKey: String, languages: Seq[Locale], correlationId: String)

or a case class representing a user in a DB

case class User(id: UUID, nickname: String, email: String)

you probably wouldn't want to leak by mistake an apiKey (for security reasons) or an email (for PII/GDPR reasons).

Sure, you can get creative and define middleware layers/utility methods and so on to circumvent the issue, but wouldn't it be better if you were simply to say "when I dump the whole object, I don't want this field to be printed out" ?

@redacted to the rescue!


in your build.sbt file, add the following lines

val redactedVersion = // use latest version of the library
resolvers += DefaultMavenRepository

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.github.polentino" %% "redacted" % redactedVersion cross CrossVersion.full,
  compilerPlugin("io.github.polentino" %% "redacted-plugin" % redactedVersion cross CrossVersion.full)

and then, in your case class definitions

import io.github.polentino.redacted.redacted

case class HttpHeaders(userId: UUID, @redacted apiKey: String, languages: Seq[Locale], correlationId: String)

case class User(id: UUID, nickname: String, @redacted email: String)

That's all!

From now on, every time you'll try to dump the whole object,or invoke toString method

val headers: HttpHeaders = HttpHeaders(
  userId = UUID.randomUUID(),
  apiKey = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
  languages = Seq("it_IT", "en_US"),
  correlationId = "corr-id-123"
val user: User = User(
  id = UUID.randomUUID(),
  nickname = "polentino911",
  email = ""

this will actually be printed

$ HttpHeaders(d58b6a78-5411-4bd4-a0d3-e1ed38b579c4, ***, Seq(it_IT, en_US), corr-id-123)
$ User(8b2d4570-d043-473b-a56d-fe98105ccc2b, polentino911, ***)

But, of course, accessing the field itself will return its content, i.e.


will still print the real values:

$ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Nested case class

It also works with nested case classes:

case class Wrapper(id: String, user: User)

val wrapper = Wrapper("id-1", user) // user is the same object defined above

will print

Wrapper(id-1,User(8b2d4570-d043-473b-a56d-fe98105ccc2b, polentino911, ***))

Nested case class with upper level annotation

It also works with nested case classes:

case class Wrapper(id: String, @redacted user: User)

val wrapper = Wrapper("id-1", user) // user is the same object defined above

will print


Value case classes

@redacted plays nicely with value case classes too, i.e.

case class Password(@redacted value: String) extends AnyVal
val p = Password("somepassword")

will print on console


Note on curried case classes

While it is possible to write something like

case class Curried(id: String, @redacted name: String)(@redacted email: String)

the toString method that Scala compiler generates by default will print only the parameters in the primary constructor, meaning that

val c = Curried(0, "Berfu")("")

will display


Therefore, the same behavior is being kept in the customized toString implementation.

How it works

Given a case class with at least one field annotated with @redacted, i.e.

final case class User(id: UUID, @redacted name: String)

the compiler plugin will replace the default implementation of its toString method with this

final case class User(id: UUID, @redacted name: String) {
  def toString(): String = "User(" + + ",***" + ")"

The way it's done is the following:

PatchToString phase will inspect every class type definition and check whether the class being analysed is a case class, and if it has at least one of its fields annotated with @redacted ; if that's the case, it will then proceed to rewrite the default toString implementation by selectively returning either the *** string, or the value of the field, depending on the presence (or not) of @redacted like so:

def toString(): String =
  "<class name>(" + this.< field not redacted > + "," + "***" +...+")"


  • create Sbt plugin
  • add some benchmarks with jmh



Prevents leaking sensitive fields defined inside `case class`





