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Note: For the screenshots, you can store all of your answer images in the answer-img directory.

Verify the monitoring installation

  • Run kubectl command to show the running pods and services for all components. Take a screenshot of the output and include it here to verify the installation

Setup the Jaeger and Prometheus source

  • Expose Grafana to the internet and then setup Prometheus as a data source. Provide a screenshot of the home page after logging into Grafana.
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring service/prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus 9090
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring prometheus-grafana-588475b7c6-mgs49  3000 (Check pod name with kubectl get pods --namespace=monitoring)
# Add an ingress to cluster
kubectl apply -f
  • Create “all-in-one” Jaeger instance - When you have the Jaeger Operator deployed in the observability namespace, create a Jaeger instance:
kubectl apply -n observability -f - <<EOF
kind: Jaeger
 name: simplest

Create a Basic Dashboard

  • Create a dashboard in Grafana that shows Prometheus as a source. Take a screenshot and include it here.

Describe SLO/SLI

  • Describe, in your own words, what the SLIs are, based on an SLO of monthly uptime and request response time.
    A Service-Level Indicator (SLI) is a specific metric used to measure the performance of a service. SLI is a general metric to measure uptime and latency. But truly what we require within the conclusion is a genuine estimation. based on an SLO of monthly uptime and request-response time. In this case, SLI would be the actual measurement of the uptime. Perhaps during that year, you actually achieved 99.5% uptime and request-response time or 97.3% uptime and request response time. These measurements are SLI. Notice that the above example is a ratio which is a measurement to a given amount of time (the measured uptime and request-response time per year).

Creating SLI metrics.

  • It is important to know why we want to measure certain metrics for our customer. Describe in detail 5 metrics to measure these SLIs. A Service-Level Indicator (SLI) is a specific metric used to measure the performance of a service. These metrics are relevant and built around the Four Golden Signals (latency, Failure rate, uptime, Network and Resource capcity)

    • The SLO will be latency. The SLI will be the response time of requests.
    • The SLO will be Failure rate. The SLI for that will be he amount of failures in a unit of time.
    • The SLO will be uptime. The SLI for that will be time a service is active.
    • The SLO will be Network capcity. The SLI indicates the average bandwidth in a specifi period of time.
    • The SLO will be Resource capcity. The SLI for that will be he amount of CPU and RAM usage.

Create a Dashboard to measure our SLIs

  • Create a dashboard to measure the uptime of the frontend and backend services We will also want to measure to measure 40x and 50x errors. Create a dashboard that show these values over a 24 hour period and take a screenshot.

Tracing our Flask App

  • Create a Jaeger span to measure the processes on the backend. Once you fill in the span, provide a screenshot of it here.
kubectl port-forward svc/backend-service 8081:8081 (then head to http://localhost:8081/api)

# Run some request to the api endpoint
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do curl localhost:8081/api; done

# Call Jaeger UI
kubectl port-forward -n observability  service/simplest-query --address 3002:16686

Jaeger in Dashboards

  • Now that the trace is running, let's add the metric to our current Grafana dashboard. Once this is completed, provide a screenshot of it here.

Report Error

TODO: Using the template below, write a trouble ticket for the developers, to explain the errors that you are seeing (400, 500, latency) and to let them know the file that is causing the issue.


Name: Request endpoint star fail throw 405 Method Not Allowed

Date: Nov 13 2021, 17:30 PM

Subject: Backend can't acces MongoDB

Affected Area: Backend Service

Severity: High

Description: As we port-forwarding the application accessing /star endpoint, it throw 405 error which is caused by the mongodb://example-mongodb-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:27017/example-mongodb URL is not exist in the cluster. We need to make the MongoDB URL available for the cluster.

Creating SLIs and SLOs

  • Create an SLO guaranteeing that our application has a 99.95% uptime per month. Name three SLIs that you would use to measure the success of this SLO.
    • Latency: The response time of requests should less than 30ms within a month.
    • Failure rate: Ensure that the status code 2xx rates are around 97%.
    • Uptime: Uptime nedd to be approximate 99 percent within a month and response time should be around 500 milliseconds.

Building KPIs for our plan

  • Now that we have our SLIs and SLOs, create KPIs to accurately measure these metrics. We will make a dashboard for this, but first write them down here.
    • Latency: Response time.
    • Failure rate: Errors per second / response rate per second.
    • Uptime: Sucessful requests during pod uptime.
    • Network capcity: successful request per second / request per second.
    • Resource capcity: CPU, RAM usage per pod.

Final Dashboard

  • Create a Dashboard containing graphs that capture all the metrics of your KPIs and adequately representing your SLIs and SLOs. Include a screenshot of the dashboard here, and write a text description of what graphs are represented in the dashboard.

  • Uptime: Uptime of each pod.
  • Requests per second: Number of successful Flask requests per second.
  • Errors per second: Number of failed (non HTTP 200) responses per second.
  • Total requests per minute: The total number of requests measured within one minute.
  • Average response time [30s]: The average response time measured over 30 seconds.
  • Memory usage: The memory usage of the Flask app.
  • CPU usage: The CPU usage of the Flask app as measured over 30 seconds.
  • Jaeger Spans: Tracing Backend Service using Jaeger.