Day 1: 23/12/2020
- Finished watching Introduction to AI in Business curriculum and writing quiz.
- Participating in #TreatYourselfTuesday in the #celerbrate channel my Christmas Chocolates 🍫 arrived 🥰! Planning takes a little walk today. Spending cozy time reading Palak.Udacity and Grace.Udacity their warm writing and watching the attached TED channel and reading the motivation article
☺️ ! Meanwhile reading how other fellow scholars treat themself! - Take the 60 Days of Udacity pledge ⭐ !
- Participating in #introduction channel introduce myself and catch up with fellow scholars! I have a lot of fun times here ❤️ !
Day 2: 24/12/2020
- Finished watching curriculum 3 Creating a Dataset lesson 1 Data Fit and Annotation and writing quiz.
- Participating in #WellnessWednesday went out for a 5km run help my brain practicing focus and relax:blush:!
- Wondering about which study group should I join? Greek Study Group and California Go! Study Group seems very appealing to me!
- My #TreatYourselfTuesday been selected by Palak.Udacity! A happiness shy blushing on my face 😊 thank you Dear Palak.Udacity!
- Reading #relax channel see how other scholars enjoy their #WellnessWednesday and catch up with them! Merry Christmas to everyone!
Day 3: 25/12/2020
- Watching curriculum 4 Build a Model lesson 1 Training and evaluating a model.
- Participating in #ThankfulThursday write a list of 5 things that I'm grateful in my life 😄!
- Join multi-study group and say Hello to fellow scholars.
- Reading #celerbrate channel and see how others enjoying their #ThankfulThursday. Merry Christmas to all 🥰!
Day 4: 26/12/2020
- Finished Watching curriculum 4 Build a Model lesson 1 Training and evaluating a model and writing quiz.
- Having fun time watching Christmas movie.
Day 5: 27/12/2020
- Watching curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models lesson 1 Measuring Business impact & Mitigating Bias and writing quiz.
- Watching Charles Isbell and Michael Littman: Machine Learning and Education | Lex Fridman Podcast #148
Day 6: 28/12/2020
- Watching curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models lesson 2 Case Study: Video Annotation and writing quiz.
- Watching Matthew Johnson: Psychedelics | Lex Fridman Podcast #145
- Watching Diana Walsh Pasulka: Aliens, Technology, Religion & the Nature of Belief | Lex Fridman Podcast #149
Day 7: 29/12/2020
- Reading curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models lesson 3 Optional Project Capstone Proposal: Create an AI Product Business Proposal. Planning revisits lesson materials and think of my imaginary Proposal 😊.
- Participating in California go! study group meeting time Polly feeling a lot of fun ❤️!
- Finished Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program to curriculum 1. Introduction to Computer Vision lesson 4 Image Representation & Classification.
- Reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 20 Portfolio Optimization and reading Project 3: Smart Beta Portfolio and Portfolio Optimization.
Day 8: 30/12/2020
- Participating in California go! study group meeting! Meet Viktoria Liu who is a warm, beautiful and light-hearted person 😊. We discuss the Group project idea, our progress in the Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program and our hobby together ⭐.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program to curriculum 1. Introduction to Computer Vision lesson 5 Convolutional Filters and Edge Detection.
- Reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 24 Risk Factor Models section 7 Factor Model of Portfolio Return.
- After completed the course start reviewing curriculum 3 Creating a Dataset
Day 9: 31/12/2020
- Having Bertelsmann Scholarship with me countdown for this year which is very sweet, thank you Udacity scholarship team ❤️. I'm getting to know many scholars here.
- Participating in Optional projects with a group of scholars, student leader Alex Gessner is awesome ⭐!
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program to curriculum 1. Introduction to Computer Vision lesson 5 Convolutional Filters and Edge Detection to section 25 Face Recognition and the Dangers of Bias. Spent more time in recommendation readings.
- Finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 24 Risk Factor Models section 18 Interlude is very touching, sweet, and thoughtful ❤️😊.
Day 10: 1/1/2021
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program to curriculum 1. Introduction to Computer Vision lesson 6 Types of Features & Image Segmentation section 4 Dilation and Erosion. Spent time organizing Dear references.
- Reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 25 Time Series and Cross-sectional Risk Models section 9 Fama French Risk Model.
- Watching Michael Malice: The White Pill, Freedom, Hope, and Happiness Amidst Chaos | Lex Fridman Podcast #150 celebrate 2021 😊!
- Continue practicing Leetcode & HackerRank.
- Spending time reading excellent Kaggle notebook Intro to Time Series Forecasting⭐!
- Went out for a run.
Day 11: 2/1/2021
- Reading Using deep learning and Google Street View to estimate the demographic makeup of neighborhoods across the United States from Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program.
- Practicing Leetcode & HackerRank.
- Continue reading excellent Kaggle notebook Intro to Time Series Forecasting⭐!
- Reading excellent Kaggle notebook RANZCR / ResNet200D / 3-stage training / sub
- Enjoying holiday ⭐!
Day 12: 3/1/2021
- Having a fun time participating in optional project study group discussion 😊!
- Finished reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program to curriculum 1. Introduction to Computer Vision lesson 6 Types of Features & Image Segmentation start reviewing lesson 7 Feature Vectors to section 7 BRIEF.
- Finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 25 Time Series and Cross-sectional Risk Models and lesson 26 Risk Vector Models With PCA start reviewing lesson 27 Alpha Factor to section 3 Alpha Factors versus Risk Factor Modeling.
- Practicing LeetCode Find the peak element & HackerRank Nested Lists.
Day 13: 4/1/2021
- Reviewing curriculum 2 Introduction to AI in Business examine each quizs.
- Participating in optional projects study group discussion 😊 and interact with scholars is more light-hearted!
- Enjoying discussion with Vera Buss talk about Nanodegrees we love and enrolled ❤️!
- Finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 27 Alpha Factor to section 10 Ranking Part.
- Practicing LeetCode Palindrome Permutation.
Day 14: 5/1/2021
- Finished reviewing curriculum 2 Introduction to AI in Business and examine each quizzes.
- Conversation with Optional projects study group fellow scholars brings more fun 😊.
- Practicing LeetCode Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II & HackerRank Lists.
- Reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 27 Alpha Factor to section 13 Zscore.
Day 15: 6/1/2021
- Reviewing curriculum 3 Creating a Dataset lesson 1 Data Fit and Annotation and examine each quizzes.
- Start reading and Implement Optional project: Create Medical Image Annotation Job.
- Having a fun time have conversation with Optional projects study group fellow scholars 😄!
- Reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 27 Alpha Factor to section 35 The Fundamental Law of Active Management: Part 2.
- Due to the last access time in AI for trading Nanodegree Program(Jan 11th) paused implementing CS50’s
Introduction to Game Development assignments 2, 3 and 4 for a while, I'm happy that I have my assignment 0,1 scores on my grade book 😊! Follow the description implementing each assignment's specification helps me build a more solid foundation and have many fun time in LUA! They are excellent assignments ❤️.
- Reading Fenomenologia Programmatore English version because I have proofread them and writing feedback to the Author. This book is very good writing and attract me to read and self reflection of the chapters. Somehow while reading this book calms me down 😌.
Day 16: 7/1/2021
- Participated in California go study group 2nd group meeting with Viktoriia Liu, Daniel Montilla, Etendra Verma and Ernesto Guevara introduce how to add collaborators in Github repo on ZOOM, listened everyone introduce themself and their progress. Having fun time and discuss Group projects together:heart:! Viktoriia is a great leader and listener who capable leading the conversation with every members :blush: Implement mount on Google Drive code cell in Google Colab as a start and add collaborators table on readme. More and more scholars this week!
- Reading AI for PRODUCT MANAGERS ND P1 CHEAT SHEET which provide by Viktoriia.
- Reading Fenomenologia Programmatore English version because I have proofread them. Writing thoughts to the Author makes me happy 😄!
- Reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 27 Alpha Factor to section 42 Quantile Analysis Part 2.
- Today a little bit overwhelmed go out for the dinner 😌.
Day 17: 8/1/2021
- Finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading lesson 27 Alpha Factor. Reviewing lesson 28 Alpha Factor Research Methods to section 24 iVol: Joint Factor: Volatility Enhanced Price Earnings Ratio.
- Reading Jane Street Market Prediction Test your model against future real market data want to use this opportunity combine and enhance my learning experience from AI for trading Nanodegree Program.
- Can't participate Alex Gessner (she/her)'s optional projects study group first group meeting(12AM Taiwan time can't manage to stay awake 😪) so I Update how to Add Collaborators to repo and Collaborator Contributions with GitHub DeskTop in study group channel.
Day 18: 9/1/2021
- Finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Quantitative Trading, Full time reviewing curriculum 2. AI Algorithms in Trading to lesson 19 Feature Engineering section 6 Market Dispersion.
- Organizing AI for trading Nanodegree Program references.
Day 19: 10/1/2021
- Finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program curriculum 2. AI Algorithms in Trading. Full time reviewing extra curriculum.
- Organizing AI for trading Nanodegree Program references and videos.
Day 20: 11/1/2021
- I finally finished reviewing AI for trading Nanodegree Program including extra curriculum which I feel content 😊!
- Finished organizing AI for trading Nanodegree Program references and videos.
- Reading Jane Street - Features Hierarchical Clustering this excellent notebook and learning.
- English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate starts today and I enrolled in Course 1 immediately watching lectures and start reading Graded discussion.
- Today I saw other scholar talked about have to participate Slack at least 2 channel per day, I need to be more aware of that. I mainly participating 60daysofUdacity channel and reply lovely questions other scholar have interest and asked me.
Day 20: 12/1/2021
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate graded discussion carefully.
- Practicing Hackerrank String Validators and LeetCode Add Two Numbers.
Day 21: 13/1/2021
- Think of how to write AI Track - Student Stories Challenge Form.
- Finished writing Midpoint Survey.
- Today lovely Kaggle share Google Research Football Simulation with Manchester City with me where I can learn more about the results which could impact many areas related to reinforcement learning and training AI agents to learn complex skills. It's perfect have these discuss and notebook to continue explore reinforcement learning ❤️!
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate graded discussion very carefully and replying classmates their posts.
- Looking forward to tomorrow's California GO study group meeting 😊.
Day 22: 14/1/2021
- Think of how to write AI Track - Student Stories Challenge Form.
- Having fun time participate in California Go study group meeting with @Viktoriia Liu @Daniel Montilla @Anne L and @Etendra Verma discuss group project topics & contents.
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill. Received my first grade today 😊 feeling lovely ❤️!
- Practicing Hackerrank text wrap and LeetCode Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero.
Day 23: 15/1/2021
- Think of how to write AI Track - Student Stories Challenge Form.
- Reading and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate graded discussion very carefully and replying classmates their posts. Yesterday I'm lucky join 1 vs 1 zoom meeting session with Madam April who help me to learn how to narrow down research topics and encourage me to talk and willing to praise her students. I'm very grateful to have this chance enrolling in this course 😊. I hope everything can goes well. I need to be more focus on writing another two projects before Sunday AZ time. Today I received my second grade❤️
Day 24: 16/1/2021
- Reading and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Assignment Evaluating Sources Writing very carefully. Today received my third grade:heart: I feel very content!
- While writing Assignment Evaluating Sources Writing, I open up the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence) URL which I learn it from Udacity Nanodegree Program 😊! It's a great source for those who want to read articles and conferences relate to Artificial Intelligence so I would love to share in here 😄 and glad that I have this opportunity to use it. Writing is a good process of releasing your thoughts and learn from credible sources.
- I eat something not supposed to eat and need rest earlier for the day.
Day 25: 17/1/2021
- Reading and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Independent Project - Develop a Research Question very carefully. Found out the option projects and knowledge I studied from Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program can also be used along with the Learning Research Skill course materials.
- Participating CS50’s New Year’s Seminars where is a good place to learn Python so I would love to share in here.
- Received a warm and comfort letter from Udacity which makes me feel warm and enlighten so I collect it here ❤️.
Day 26: 18/1/2021
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program Lesson 7 Feature Vectors section 11 ORB in video, section 13 HOG, reading Notebook: Implementing ORB and Notebook: Implementing HOG. Learned ORB can perform object detection in real time video very fast. It works well in consistent features not affect by background images such as facial detection but not in Pedestrian detection.
- Reading and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill graded discussion very carefully and replying classmates their posts.
- Watching Max Tegmark: AI and Physics | Lex Fridman Podcast #155
- Practicing Hackerrank String Formatting and LeetCode Max Number of K-Sum Pairs.
- It's very sweet found my Slack name on the AI Track - Honorable Mentions Wall❤️😊.
Day 27: 19/1/2021
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program Lesson 7 Feature Vectors section 13 HOG, reading Notebook: Implementing HOG.
- Today I read Exploring Cultural Differences in Classroom Expectations of Students from the United States and Taiwan from English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill finally figure out the different learning behavior between my early MOOC year and my friends from the USA, India and Pakistan. They are enjoying learning through asking question and collaborate in nature ⭐!
- Reading OpenCV AI Competition. Aftab, Hark and Sarah invited me participate write proposal together. It's a good place to continue making contribution after we graduate from Computer Vision Nanodegree Program and the Intel edge AI developers Nanodegree program perfect as I'm reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program. But this time I still make Bertelsmann Scholarship and English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill as first priority and hope I won't burnout this time. I'm also learning take care of my wellness don't get too stress. Meditation and jogging are two of methods balance my state of mind.
- Participating Student story challenge is fun 😊! I hope I can mange to submit by this Sunday.
Day 28: 20/1/2021
- Reviewing Bertelsmann Scholarship - Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models Lesson3 Optional project: Capstone Proposal. Suddenly realize that we can reference this project proposal format writing OpenCV AI Competition Proposal share and discuss this with Aftab, Hark, and Sarah.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization to section 3 Outline and Data.
- Reading Riiid! Answer Correctness Prediction Track knowledge states of 1M+ students in the wild the materials are excellent place to learn Machine Learning through this competition.
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Citing Sources Writing Assignment
and feedback from Evaluating Sources Writing Assignment feel pressure because I didn't aware of the APA Format 😱. Thank you Dear Instructor April who writing feedback for me😊! Have to quickly pick up APA style format.
Day 29: 21/1/2021
- Searching research references and Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Assignment How do cultural differences influence student expectations? and graded team Assignment Partner Presentation. This is the first time I have team assignment on Coursera. Wow! Welcome to 2021! Today I catch up with Bing Li, my classmate from English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course. She is so good at English writing and we writing PPT together and setup ZOOM time to record our presentation. I feel this is a complicate topic which I never thought about it during my MOOC and Udacity years meet so many friends from different lands. I only thought they are so brave enough to approach professors asking question like friends in my early MOOC years. I never write topic like this they are so new to me ❤️ though I feel unfamiliar and complicate 😄.
Day 30: 22/1/2021
- Reading research references and Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Assignment How do cultural differences influence student expectations?
- Practicing LeetCode One Edit Distance & Hackerrank Merge the Tools!
Day 31: 23/1/2021
- Spent all day reading research references and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Assignment How do cultural differences influence student expectations?
- Spent all day searching, reading research references, and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Assignment Independent Research Project - Select Sources. First time use Microsoft Academic which generates APA style citation format automatically. It is so convenient 😄! Will Examine both assignments carefully tomorrow.
Day 32: 24/1/2021
- Participating CS50’s New Year’s Seminars A Taste of SQL ZOOM session, I'm happy that I can be one of a little mentor here. I can feel happiness when actually helped other MOOC students here. I'm collecting my happiness ❤️!
- Have our very first ZOOM meeting with Bing Li, my classmate from English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course on Coursera recorded our presentation The East vs. The West in Academic Settings for team assignment.
- Spent rest of the day examine Assignment How do cultural differences influence student expectations? and Assignment Independent Research Project.
- Enjoying my time writing student story for Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship student story challenge select two photos to participate this fun event 😊 if not this challenge, I probably won't renew selfie 😄!
Day 33: 25/1/2021
- Examine English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Assignment How do cultural differences influence student expectations? and Assignment Independent Research Project carefully a bit nervous. Start week 3.
- Examine Bertelsmann Scholarship - Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program make sure no quiz been left.
Day 34: 26/1/2021
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week 3 Natural Resources.
Day 35: 27/1/2021
- Spent time take a close look at Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization to section 4 CNN Architecture, VGG-16 while reading this page I can feel crystal knowledge and great love from the writing style 😊.
- Aftab, Sarah, Hark, and I busy with our lives so we don't participate in the Intel OpenCV Challenge. I told Aftab it's okay then we move on. Listen to him share the beautiful mountain photos from India and talk about his hiking.
- After English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill course start, I received many inspiration and encouragement emails from Instructor April. Reading the assignment feedback from her is very helpful how can I describe it? As I received an email today, I can feel the connection between Instructor April and her students. I sincerely want to say thank you to Coursera and Arizona state university provide this course to allow us to enroll. Thank you, April for writing this feedback to me so I can be more aware of my writing skills. Continue watching week 3.
- Study Jam is about to start! I'm so exciting hopefully I can participate in the study Jam in time to immerse myself with Palak.Udacity and fellow scholars.
Day 36: 28/1/2021
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill assignment How do cultural differences influence student expectations, team assignment PPT presentation and assignment Independent Research Project feedback very carefully and watching week 3 Nature Lecture “Nature, You’ve Got Our Attention”. Writing posts respond to other classmates are fun. While reading other classmates described their hometown, the scene comes vividly in my imagination.
- Watching Lex Fridman: Ask Me Anything - AMA January 2021 | Lex Fridman Podcast, I feel comfort while watching this podcast:blush:.
Day 37: 29/1/2021
- Practiced LeetCode & HackerRank.
- Today received English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Instructor April record her feedback of the team assignment in ZOOM to Bing Li and me, it's so kind ❤️! I watched it carefully remember the mistake I made while recording the presentation. After I off work, I can recall Madam April's gentle smile in the end. It will become an important memory of mine so I starred the email to collect it as well.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill assignment Paraphrase. Try to learn an important English writing skill called Paraphrase. The project assignments are so intense.
Day 38: 30/1/2021
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Paraphrasing Writing Assignment, Peer-graded Assignment: Paraphrase Peer Review and Independent Project - Paraphrases and In-text Citations.
Day 39: 31/1/2021
- Examine and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Paraphrasing Writing Assignment, Peer-graded Assignment: Paraphrase Peer Review and Independent Project - Paraphrases and In-text Citations.
- Participating in CS50 Seminar 2021- A Taste of Linux enjoying my time being a little mentor during ZOOM.
- Implementing kernel for Research Prediction Competition Indoor Location & Navigation Identify the position of a smartphone in a shopping mall achieved Top 2 for a short temporary of time. Celebrate little progress for 2021 😄!
Day 40: 1/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization to section 6 Defining Layers in PyTorch carefully.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill peer review peer-graded assignment carefully.
- Reading and Implementing kernel for Research Prediction Competition Indoor Location & Navigation Identify the position of a smartphone in a shopping mall and Jane Street Market Prediction Test your model against future real market data.
Day 41: 2/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization Notebook: Visualizing a Convolutional Layer get familiar with how to use PyTorch.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill peer review peer-graded assignment carefully and reading week 3 assignments feedbacks carefully. I feel lively while reading Instructor April's feedback and she told me the view of her hometown with the agricultural area where grow corn and alfalfa. It must be a very beautiful place 😊.
Feedback 1 | Feedback 2 |
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- Reading and Implementing kernel for Research Prediction Competition Indoor Location & Navigation Identify the position of a smartphone in a shopping mall and Jane Street Market Prediction Test your model against future real market data. Received an email from Dear Kaggle attached with the new course US Vaccine Tracker Geospatial Analysis: Bonus Lesson
Day 42: 3/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 9 Pooling Layers and Notebook: Visualizing a Pooling Layer.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week4 quiz, watching lecture materials, and reading another half of week 3 assignment feedbacks carefully.
- Participating in the Mentor and Mentee program ❤️!
- Reading and Implementing kernel for RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge - Classify the presence and correct placement of tubes on chest x-rays to save lives and Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification - Find individual human cell differences in microscope images.
- Watching Natalya Bailey: Rocket Engines and Electric Spacecraft Propulsion | Lex Fridman Podcast #157, the conversation is joyful and the Harry Potter part is extremely lovely.
- Planing to finish all episodes of Martin's Morning Musings Live! because it's really good to listen and helps me learn especially E.238 😊.
Day 43: 4/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 13 Training in PyTorch.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week4 quiz, watching lecture materials, and reading assignments instruction carefully. Tonight at 11:00 PM we have a webinar 😄!
- Reading and Implementing kernel for RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge - Classify the presence and correct placement of tubes on chest x-rays to save lives and Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification - Find individual human cell differences in microscope images.
- Planing to finish all episodes of Martin's Morning Musings Live! because it's really good to listen and helps me learn especially E.238 and E.235 😊.
Day 44: 5/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Try my best learning and writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill synthesized paragraph and reflection assignment and synthesizing writing assignment. Try to learn new research writing skills like combine paragraph skills to synthesizing our own ideas base on prior research with in-text citations with the APA style format.
- Watching Martin's Morning Musings Live! because it's really good to listen and helps me learn especially E.238 and E.235.
- Reading and Implementing kernel for Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification - Find individual human cell differences in microscope images.
Day 45: 6/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 16 Review: Dropout.
- Watching Zev Weinstein: The Next Generation of Big Ideas and Brave Minds | Lex Fridman Podcast #158, it is excellent listen to deep conversation, exploring the different topic.
- Try hard writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill synthesized paragraph and reflection assignment and synthesizing writing assignment. Try to learn new research writing skills like combine paragraph skills to synthesizing our own ideas base on prior research with in-text citations with the APA style format.
- Watching Martin's Morning Musings Live! find a good place to listen to philosophy and life. I love E.238 and E.235.
- Reading and Implementing kernel for Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification - Find individual human cell differences in microscope images.
Day 46: 7/2/2021
- Enjoying my time and participating in Study Jam 😊!
Event 1 | Event 2 |
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- Enjoying my time become a little mentor in CS50’s New Year’s Seminars - A Taste of Game Development ❤️.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Try hard writing and examine English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill synthesized paragraph and reflection assignment and synthesizing writing assignment. Try to learn new research writing skills like combine paragraph skills to synthesizing our own ideas base on prior research with in-text citations with the APA style format.
Day 47: 8/2/2021
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 18 Network Structure.
- Reading Jane Street Market Prediction Test your model against future real market data and Implementing kernel for Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification - Find individual human cell differences in microscope images.
- Learn to use optuna.
- Watching Richard Craib: WallStreetBets, Numerai, and the Future of Stock Trading | Lex Fridman Podcast #159
- Last week is English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill webinar, I'm super happy to see Instructor April and immerse myself in the memory from the beginning of the course, she encourages me to talk and willing to praise her students. I read feedbacks from her and try to memorize everything down. Today I saw the webinar record can't help but collect a photo of her gentle smile came as I collect Brenda.Udacity's photo, Palak.Udacity's photo from Microsoft Azure Machine Learning scholarship and CS50X's photo 😊! I'm glad I have a chance to enroll in this course to meet Instructor April! These memories will help me carry on.
Day 48: 9/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Spent more time reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 18 Network Structure.
- Reading Jane Street Market Prediction Test your model against future real market data and Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification - Find individual human cell differences in microscope images.
- Watching English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week5, reading week 4 assignments feedbacks feels there are a lot of things I need to modify.
- Spent a short time processing and visualize the Numberai datasets.
- Watching Martin's Morning Musings Live! find a good place to listen to philosophy and life.
- Tomorrow is the Lunar New Year holidays planning jogging into the nearby mountain organizing my recent thoughts and feelings.
Day 49: 10/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 22 Visualizing CNNs (Part 2)
- Spent time searching academic articles about sustainability and Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Summarizing Writing Assignment.
- Watching Martin's Morning Musings Live! learning philosophy and life.
- Jogging into the nearby mountain saw a lot of SAKURA ⭐.
Day 50: 11/2/2021
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Writing and examine English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill Summarizing Writing Assignment. Studying week 5 and reading week 4 assignment feedback.
- Studying and Implementing kernel for Jane Street Market Prediction Test your model against future real market data.
- Reading Numberai documents.
- Watching Dragon Rider
- Enjoying listen to Lunar New Year's fireworks.
Day 51: 12/2/2021
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 23 Visualizing Activations.
- Examine Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week 5 graded discussions.
- Enjoying listen to Lunar New Year's fireworks.
Day 52: 13/2/2021
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week 5 graded discussions, group summary team assignment and Final Exam.
- Enjoying listen to Lunar New Year's fireworks.
- Brendan Eich: JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave | Lex Fridman Podcast #160
Day 53: 14/2/2021
- Examine Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program curriculum 4 Build a Model.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week 5 Summarize - Writing Practice 2 and Final Reflection. Reading Summarizing Writing Assignment feedbacks.
- Keep myself warm and cozy 😊.
- Enjoying the fun time in CS50x Movie Night*. This is my first time watching movie with CS50x classmates around the world ❤️.
Day 54: 15/2/2021
- Examine Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program curriculum 4 Build a Model.
- Participating #tech_help channel enjoying conversation time.
- Reviewing Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 25 Last Feature Vector and t-SNE.
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill week 5 assignment feedbacks.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Keep myself warm and cozy 😊.
Day 55: 16/2/2021
- Complete English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 1 Learning Research Skill and reading week 5 assignments feedbacks. Thank you for Instructor April who spent time wrote a lot of valuable feedbacks to me and say congratulation to me and my classmates :heart:. Thank you to Billy from Coursera who helped me open support ticket and said congratulation to my completion of course 1! Hope I can find my way enroll in Course 2. I’m very grateful be able to receive congratulations from Instructor April from AZU, Billy and Jared from Coursera. It’s really great to have people celebrate with me :blush:.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Watching Jason Calacanis: Startups, Angel Investing, Capitalism, and Friendship | Lex Fridman Podcast #161. It's a beautiful episode, I glad I'm able to listen to this podcast many important things within.
Day 56: 17/2/2021
- Start English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill safely.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
Day 57: 18/2/2021
- Studying English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill week 1 and writing assignments.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
Day 58: 19/2/2021
- Studying English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill week 1 and writing graded discussion about Argumentation, Language and Identity, Discover Language and Identity and Independent Project - Thesis and Outline.
- I received email from Udacity said that I have an opportunity to write my story to Udacity featuring inspiring stories. At that night, I immediately filled the featuring inspiring stories form because it’s a chance to let Udacity know how much I love them and very grateful for those Nanodegrees and scholarships experiences I have. A memories with loves help me to be a better version of myself :heart:.
- Watching Jim Keller: The Future of Computing, AI, Life, and Consciousness | Lex Fridman Podcast #162
Day 59: 20/2/2021
- Searching references for writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill Peer-graded Assignment: 5 paragraph of Argumentative Essay - Should everyone learn and speak one global language?
Day 60: 21/2/2021
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill Peer-graded Assignment: 5 paragraph of Argumentative Essay - Should everyone learn and speak one global language? and graded discussion.
- Participating tech_help channel.
- Today is the 60th day will continue to the end of scholarship, Thank you, Udacity for selecting me into this scholarship before Christmas and be a companion of mine during Lunar New Year ❤️.
Day 61: 22/2/2021
- Wrote and submitted English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill Peer-graded Assignment: 5 paragraph of Argumentative Essay - Should everyone learn and speak one global language? and graded discussion. Continue writing Independent Project - Thesis and Outline and review my peers.
- Replying threads in #tech_help and #general_discussion channel.
Day 62: 23/2/2021
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill Independent Project - Thesis and Outline. Made first submission will continue examine independent project tomorrow.
Day 63: 24/2/2021
- Sign up as a Python mentor for unmatched mentees ⭐.
- Examine English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill Independent Project - Thesis and Outline. Watching Week 2 and wrote graded discussion. It's very deep and a process need self reflection with the lecture materials.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Today I know I’ve been accepted as a mentor for Kaggle’s BIPOC Grant Program 😊! It's exciting and I scream. Hope I can manage to it with English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill not sure I can handle it but this is a good change for me,too. The writing projects is intense but very helpful while writing for a significant problem, tackling through it and self reflection.
- Reading Kaggle New Feature Engineering course.
Day 64: 25/2/2021
- Reply threads in # tech_help channel.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill graded discussion, watching and reading week 2. Prepare early sleep tonight to participate English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill webinar at 11:00 PM.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
Day 65: 26/2/2021
- Catch up with my mentees 😊 listen and reply mentee's questions.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill week 2 assignments.
- Practicing HackerRank and LeetCode.
- Friday movie night 100% Wolf.
Day 66: 27/2/2021
- Catch up with my mentees 😊 listen and reply mentee's questions enjoy our conversation time.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill week 2 graded discussion.
- Take a full rest today.
Day 67: 28/2/2021
- Reading and reply mentee's questions enjoy our conversation time ⭐.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill week 2 assignments.
Day 68: 1/3/2021
- Reading mentee's reply feel light hearted.
- Writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay.
Day 69: 2/3/2021
- Still writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay, watching week 3 and reading feedbacks of graded discussion from Dear Instructor April and classmates.
- Today early morning 1 vs 1 video conference with Dear Instructor April have our great conversation time. I will remember forever ❤️.
- Participating Kaggle’s BIPOC Grant Program Slack Channel.
- Practice LeetCode
- Today and yesterday listened to Josh Barnett: Philosophy of Violence, Power, and the Martial Arts | Lex Fridman #165 and Andrew Huberman: Sleep, Dreams, Creativity, Fasting, and Neuroplasticity | Lex Fridman Podcast #164
Day 70: 3/3/2021
- Still writing English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay and start review classmates their works. Spent time reading week 3 Independent Project Final Essay revision, Independent Project Final Presentation and Final Independent Research Project and Reflection.
- Practice LeetCode.
- Reply thread in # tech_help channel.
- Should start revisit Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program course content ❤️.
- Participating Kaggle’s BIPOC Grant Program Slack Channel, meeting another Udacian Gigi 😊.
Day 71: 4/3/2021
- Revisiting curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models lesson 1 Measuring Business Impact & Mitigating Bias.
- Received email from Dear Udacity that it's time to revisit C++ Nanodegree program chipped course content pice by pice before May. Last time stay with my C++ Nanodegree program ❤️. Checked I organised and collected C++ Nanodegree program course contents as well as one of my treasures.
- Submitted English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay and review classmates their works. Start collecting and organising reviews and emails Dear Instructor April wrote to me ❤️.
- Practice LeetCode.
- Participating Kaggle’s BIPOC Grant Program Kickoff Meeting. Saw Julia Elliott and my mentee in person ❤️ and talk to one of the Computer Vision Nanodegree Program Instructor Alexis Cook in Slack and received a emoji from her! WOW, It's like a dream!
- Today one of my Bertelsmann scholarship mentee Ambuj share his new breakthrough achievement with me shout out for Ambuj and celebrate his breakthrough!
Day 72: 5/3/2021
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay and assignments feedbacks start revision final essay, Final Independent Research Project and Reflection and writing final essay presentation slides.
- Friday movie night Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon | Official Trailer 🎥⭐
Day 73: 6/3/2021
- Revisiting curriculum 5. Measuring Impact and Updating Models lesson 2 case study: Video Annotation and curriculum 4 lesson 1 training and evaluating models.
- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 1. Welcome lesson 1 welcome to the C++ Nanodegree Program to lesson 2 Introduction to the C ++ section Compilation. Watching Instructor David Silver said welcome lesson is very cheering ⭐!
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay and assignments feedbacks continue revision final essay, writing Final Independent Research Project and Reflection and final essay presentation slides.
- Practice LeetCode & HackerRank.
Day 74: 7/3/2021
- Revision English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay and preparing final essay presentation slides.
- I'm happy to see my Bertelsmann Scholarship mentee happy 😊 Thank you, @Harini Pavithra for sharing your joy with me!
- Practice LeetCode.
Day 75: 8/3/2021
- Revisiting curriculum 4. Build a Model lesson 1 training and evaluating models to section 16 Transfer learning. I'm impressed by the imbalanced datasets section.
- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 2. Foundations lesson 3 A* search 😊.
- Submitted English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course 2 Applying Research Skill final essay presentation.
- Discussed and Booked Google hangout meeting time to touch base with my Kaggle BIPOC Grant Program mentee 😊!
- Practice LeetCode.
Day 76: 9/3/2021
- Revisiting curriculum 3. Creating a Dataset lesson 1 Data fit and annotation section 10 Job Design.
- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 2. Foundations lesson 3 A* search section 11 CODE: Adding Nodes to the Open Vector.
- Received Congratulation on course completion and blessing email from Dear Instructor April and Arizona State University team 😊. Thank you Dear Instructor April and Arizona State University, I will collect this email well and miss these months in English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate ❤️!
- Practice LeetCode.
Day 77: 10/3/2021
- Revisiting curriculum 2. Introduction to AI in Business lesson 2 Introduction to AI and Machine Learning section 5 Why deep learning?
- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 2. Foundations lesson 4 Writing multifile programs.
- Revisiting Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 18 Network Structure
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate final essay feedbacks.
- Spent time think of the topics and materials for Kaggle’s BIPOC Grant Program: Events/Talks.
- Practice on LeetCode.
Day 78: 11/3/2021
- Revisiting curriculum 2. Introduction to AI in Business lesson 3 Using AI and Machine Learning in Bussiness section 4 The Business Case.
- Voted Student story challenge.
- Participated AMA session on ZOOM and saw @Palak.Udacity, @Grace.Udacity and @Isabella.Udacity in person!! I took screenshots for us ❤️!
AMA 1 | AMA 2 |
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- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 2. Foundations lesson 4 Writing multifile programs section 10 References vs Pointers.
- Revisiting Computer Vision Nanodegree Program lesson 8 CNN layers and Feature Visualization section 25 Last Feature Vector and t-SNE and section 26 Occlusion, Saliency, and Guided Backpropagation.
- Reading English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Final Independent Research Project and Reflection and final essay presentation slides feedbacks. I feel super happy when reading Dear Instructor April said I'm the most Improved Learner in the Course!" Bravo! and we will be in touch ❤️! Hope one day I can visiting Arizona State University invite Instructor April for a meal 😄, collecting webinar record for memory of English Proficiency for Graduate Studies Certificate Course.
Day 79: 12/3/2021
- Finished check all Bertelsmann Scholarship - Introduction to AI in Business Nanodegree Program content and quiz 😄!
- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 3. Object-Oriented Programming. It's good to see Sir Bjarne Stroustrup and Instructor Stephen Welch 🌟! Reading Build an OpenStreetMap Route Planner Project and review.
- Revisiting Computer Vision Nanodegree Program Project: Facial Keypoint Detection.
- Waiting for tonight 2:00 AM End of Phase 1 Program Party 😊!
- Practice on LeetCode.
- Review CS50’s Introduction to Game Development - Breakout.
Day 80: 13/3/2021
- Have a great time in the Phase 1 end of program party 😊! Will continue update to the last day March 16th 🌟
Party time | Party time |
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Day 81: 14/3/2021
- Take a good rest enjoying sunshine and have a good meal outside 😊!
Day 82: 15/3/2021
- Revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program curriculum 3. Object-Oriented Programming lesson 2 Intro to OOP section 11 Scope Resolution.
- Revisiting Computer Vision Nanodegree Program curriculum 3. Advanced Computer Vision & Deep Learning lesson 1 Advanced CNN Architecture section 9 Faster R-CNN.
- Enjoying conversation time with mentee.
- Practice LeetCode.
- Watching Silvio Micali: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Algorand, Bitcoin & Ethereum | Lex Fridman Podcast #168, I love Sir Silvio Micali said express emotion not suppress ❤️! After finish revisiting C++ Nanodegree Program and Computer Vision Nanodegree Program, I would love to study Blockchain 😊!
- Thank you Dear Udacity for selected me into Bertelsmann Scholarship Phase 1 🌟! I feel joyful being a mentor along this Scholarship 😊! Thank you Dear Sir David J. Malan, CS50 TA, CS50 staffs and Kaggle provide me these chances to be a mentor assist people from different land which makes me feel joyful along the way ❤️