Created a Mobile Notification
plugin by extending the Firebase
provided by Unreal Engine.
into your own app's Plugin folder. -
Copy the
folder into it. You should have something like:MyProject ├── Plugins └── MobileNotification └── MobileNotification.uplugin
If using a C++ Project, configure your module to reference the CustomWebBrowser module. In your *.Build.cs file, add "MobileNotification" to your PublicDependencyModuleNames. Ex:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { ... , "MobileNotification" });
In a Blueprint Project, enable the plugin by first clicking Settings > Plugins, scrolling down to Project section of plugins, and clicking Notifications > Mobile Notification. From there you can tick the Enabled checkbox:
Download and then add the Firebase configuration file to your app:
├── Config
└── Firebase
├── GoogleService-Info.plist
└── google-services.json
Update Config/DefaultEngine.ini
configuration file.
Property | Type | Description |
FirebaseEnabled | Bool | Enable Firebase plugin. Default is False so you need to explicitly set it to True |
FirebaseService | String | Set a service that extends FirebaseMessagingService. Default is com.epicgames.unreal.notifications.EpicFirebaseMessagingService (Android only) |
AutoRegisterForRemoteNotificationsEnabled | Bool | Automatically request for notifications permission. Default is False. (iOS only) |
ProjectName | String | Unreal Engine project name. Default is empty string. (iOS only) |
On initial startup of your app, the FCM SDK generates a registration token for the client app instance.
#include "MobileNotification.h"
FString Token = UMobileNotification::GetFirebaseToken();
#include "MobileNotification.h" UCLASS() class AMyGameMode : public AGameModeBase { public: AMyGameMode(); protected: virtual void BeginPlay() override; UFUNCTION() void OnTokenRefresh(const FString& Token); // Register listeners through component UPROPERTY() UMobileNotificationListener* MobileNotificationListener; private: void SendRegistrationToServer(const FString& Token); };
AMyGameMode::AMyGameMode() { MobileNotificationListener = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMobileNotificationListener>(TEXT("MobileNotificationListener")); } void AMyGameMode::BeginPlay() { // Register listeners here MobileNotificationListener->OnTokenRefresh.AddDynamic(this, &AMyGameMode::OnTokenRefresh); ... // Activate once after all listeners are registered UMobileNotification::ActivateMobileNotificationListener(); } /** * Called if the FCM registration token is updated. This is called when the * FCM registration token is initially generated so this is where you would * retrieve the token. */ void AMyGameMode::OnTokenRefresh(const FString& Token) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Refreshed token: %s"), *Token); // If you want to send messages to this application instance or // manage this apps subscriptions on the server side, send the // FCM registration token to your app server. SendRegistrationToServer(Token); }
After you've obtained the token, you can send it to your app server and store it using your preferred method.
#include "MobileNotification.h"
#include "MobileNotification.h" UCLASS() class AMyGameMode : public AGameModeBase { public: AMyGameMode(); protected: virtual void BeginPlay() override; UFUNCTION() void OnMessageReceived(const FRemoteMessage& RemoteMessage); // Register listeners through component UPROPERTY() UMobileNotificationListener* MobileNotificationListener; };
AMyGameMode::AMyGameMode() { MobileNotificationListener = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMobileNotificationListener>(TEXT("MobileNotificationListener")); } void AMyGameMode::BeginPlay() { // Register listeners here MobileNotificationListener->OnMessageReceived.AddDynamic(this, &AMyGameMode::OnMessageReceived); ... // Activate once after all listeners are registered UMobileNotification::ActivateMobileNotificationListener(); } void AMyGameMode::OnMessageReceived(const FRemoteMessage& RemoteMessage) { // Get the message data TMap<FString, FString> Data = RemoteMessage.Data; }
#include "MobileNotification.h"
#include "MobileNotification.h"
FString Token = UMobileNotification::GetDeviceToken();