byob-cms is a react component for client only CMS There are three basic concepts in byob-cms:
"config" is an javascript object that contains all the info needed for byob-cms to build the cms. You should pass config into byob-cms component as a prop. -
"resource" is a RESTful concept. You can do CRUD on the records in resources. You can think of a resource as a class and a record as an instance, or a resource as a model and a record as a document. -
We use package to render forms in the cms. There for you can provide jsonSchema and uiSchema to define the structure of the form. We let you configure schemas for CRUD pages. "defaultSchema" is used when you do not provide a schema for that CRUD type.
You can import this package as a component and give it a config prop.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import CMS from 'byob-cms'
<CMS config={config}/>,
const config = {
graphqlUrl: 'http://localhost:4000',
resources: [
name: 'drop',
uniqKey: '_id',
crudMapping: {
create: 'createDrop',
readMany: 'drops',
readOne: 'drop',
update: 'updateDrop',
// delete: 'deleteDrop',
readManySchema: {
jsonSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
title: 'string',
defaultSchema: {
jsonSchema: {
title: 'Drop',
type: 'object',
required: [
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
content: {
type: 'string',
lifeEventIds: {
type: 'array',
default: [],
items: {
type: 'string'
tagIds: {
type: 'array',
default: [],
items: {
type: 'string'
uiSchema: {
lifeEventIds: {
'ui:field': 'hasManyField'
tagIds: {
'ui:field': 'hasManyField'
name: 'tag',
uniqKey: '_id',
crudMapping: {
readMany: 'tags',
readOne: 'tag',
create: 'createTag',
update: 'updateTag',
delete: 'deleteTag',
readManySchema: {
jsonSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
title: 'string',
defaultSchema: {
jsonSchema: {
title: 'Tag',
type: 'object',
required: [
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string'
tagQuestionId: {
type: 'string',
uiSchema: {
tagQuestionId: {
'ui:widget': 'hasOneWidget',
name: 'tagQuestion',
uniqKey: '_id',
crudMapping: {
readMany: 'tagQuestions',
readOne: 'tagQuestion',
create: 'createTagQuestion',
update: 'updateTagQuestion',
delete: 'deleteTagQuestion',
readManySchema: {
jsonSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
title: 'string',
defaultSchema: {
jsonSchema: {
title: 'Tag Question',
type: 'object',
required: [
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string'
uiSchema: { },
- brand
The text on the left of the navbar - graphqlUrl
The backend graphql url used by byob-cms - resources
- resources.[].name
The name of the resource (needs to be singular). Used for GraphQL arguments and input types - resources.[].displayName
The display name of the resource (should be singular). Used for titles and routes. If missing, defaults to resources.[].name - resources.[].uniqKey
Unique key used in your records. Most of the time its 'id' or '_id'. - resources.[].crudMapping
GraphQL mutation and query names for crud options - resources.[].crudMapping.create
mutation ${crudMapping.create}($input: ${upperFirst( + 'Input')}!) { ${crudMapping.create}(${} : $input) }
- resources.[].crudMapping.update
mutation ${crudMapping.update}($input: ${upperFirst( + 'Input')}!) { ${crudMapping.update}(${} : $input, ${uniqKey}: "${uniqKeyValue}") }
- resources.[].crudMapping.delete
mutation ${crudMapping.delete}($${uniqKey}: String!) { ${crudMapping.delete}(${uniqKey}: $${uniqKey}) }
- resources.[].crudMapping.readOne
query ${crudMapping.readOne}($${uniqKey}: String!) { ${crudMapping.readOne}(${uniqKey}: $${uniqKey}) ${jsonSchemaToGqlQuery(readOneSchema.jsonSchema)} }
- resources.[].crudMapping.readMany
query ${crudMapping.readMany} { ${crudMapping.readMany} ${jsonSchemaToGqlQuery(readManySchema.jsonSchema)} }
- createSchema
- createSchema.jsonSchema
- createSchema.uiSchema
- updateSchema
- updateSchema.jsonSchema
- updateSchema.uiSchema
- readOneSchema
- readOneSchema.jsonSchema
- readOneSchema.uiSchema
- readManySchema
- readManySchema.jsonSchema
- readManySchema.uiSchema
- readManySchema.cellFormatter
cellFormatter is a function used to format each td in the table
function signature: (value, object, fieldName) -> ReactElement
default value:function defaultCellFormatter (value) { return <pre> {JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)} </pre> }
- defaultSchema
- defaultSchema.jsonSchema
- defaultSchema.uiSchema
- jsonSchemaFormExtensions
You can extend json schema form by providing this object - jsonSchemaFormExtensions.widgets - jsonSchemaFormExtensions.fields - Login
You can define your own custom Login component, setAccessToken function is
passed in as a prop. After you call it, the following graphql requests will
contain this value in the header as "authorization".
You can also use built in components like this:import { CodeLogin } from 'byob-cms';
- numberWidget, currencyWidget (both use react-number-format)
- Formats/filters text input and evaluates field as number value
- Passing/overriding props:
'ui:options': { props: { decimalScale: 0, // Blocks floats allowNegative: false, }, },
- hasOneWidget
// by default gqlOptionsName is `${fieldName}Options` query ${upperFirst(gqlOptionsName)}Query { ${gqlOptionsName} { value label } }
- ui:options
- ui:options.gqlOptionsName
- wysiwygWidget
Wysiwyg Widget use React Draft Wysiwyg.
props:- ui:options
- wysiwygConfig: An array of props passing directly to Editor Component. You can find the full list of props here
- blockType: This is a special prop that does not use directly in the Editor component. Use this if you want to start your wysiwyg with a specific container. For example, specify
blockType: 'unordered-list-item'
will begin your wysiwyg with an unordered list element.
- ui:options
- hasManyField
Same as hasOneWidget, but for array of values