Intergation OpenSceneGraph to Qt Quick.
Please visit documentation pages.
Actual development code avaliable in develop branch.
Now it's distributed as package of MSYS2 distro. Type in the appropriate shell:
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-osgQtQuick
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-osgQtQuick
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-osgQtQuick
- Qt >= 5.0.0
- OpenSceneGraph >= 3.3.2
The osgQtQuick is now support all QtQuick render loop types. But if your application has problems on startup or resize the window, try to set a environment variable "QSG_RENDER_LOOP" to the value of "basic", "windows" or "threaded".
- qmlosg - Integration test of osg and qt quick + qml framework
- QtQuick2OSGItem - small package allowing to embed OpenSceneGraph scenes as visual items in Qt Quick 2 applications