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Pods - Yield

test Coverage Status License AGPL-3 fuzzy



In this new project, Pods team is launching a 1-click exposure to strategy. The strategy consists in:

A) Allocate users deposits to a Yield Source (Lido, AAVE, AMM Pools). At the moment we're working only with Lido.

B) Each week, invest part of the yield generated weekly to buy weekly Call Options on ETH 10-20% out-of-the-money

By doing so, the depositor won't risk their principal amount and only take risks with the yield. This type of strategy is called Principal Protected.


You can find the whitepaper here:

Access Controls


  • The contracts are not upgradable by any Multisig or Governance
  • The Multisig (VaultController) can not withdraw on behalf
  • The Multisig (VaultController) can not pause the system for more than 7 days
  • The Multisig only have access to 50% of the weekly yield generated on the yield source. This represents less than 1% of the TVL
  • We do not have directly exposure to oracle risks

Below we will deep dive on those roles previleges:


Multisig 2/3:

This role is responsible for the functions endRound and startRound.During the endRound phase, other addresses can not perform deposit or withdrawal actions until the startRound function is called. In order to avoid the risk of principal funds getting stuck, after a week (~604800 blocks) any address can call the startRound function, enabling withdrawals again.

ConfigurationManager Owner

Multisig 2/3:

This role is responsible for setting the:

  • VaultController of a certain vault
  • Withdraw fee ratio of a certain vault (cap at 10%)
  • Migration contract of a certain vault (in case of migration)
  • Cap of a certain vault


Multisig 2/3:

This role is the one responsible for using 50% of the weekly yield to buy options in the best risky-price venue. This could be an off-chain exchange, L2 trade, or OTC.

Although we wished to build a strategy fully on-chain, for some reasons it's not possible right now. On the part B) (Buying weekly options) we don't have yet mature option protocols in the market with enough liquidity and low slippage. So, under the hood, on the part B) of the process, we transfer part of the yield to an Investor contract(Multisig) that will have the freedom to find the best place to buy those options (Ribbon auction / Pods AMM / OTC with Market Makers).

Operation Flowchart

Red -> Any address can call this function

Black -> Only the Vault Controller

flowchart LR
    classDef anyaddress fill:#f555;
    A[Deposit]:::anyaddress -->|increase \nidleAmount| B(EndRound)
    B --> C{Are there \ndeposits to process?}
    C -->|yes| D[processQueuedDeposits]:::anyaddress --> E
    C --> |no|E[StartRound]
    E --> A


System Actors


That EOA or a contract can interact with three functions: deposit, withdraw and processDeposits.


A contract or Multisig that would be weekly funded to buy options

Vault Controller

That vault controller have the power to:

  • Start round
  • Process deposits
  • End round


End Round

During end round the vault will perform 3 things:

a) Set the flag isProcessingDeposits to true. This should block any deposit or withdraw.

b) Check the interest generated between rounds

c) Pull tokens from the Investor. If the option from the last week ended up ITM, the Investor should leave the profit available in the contract before the Vault Controller calls the End Round function.

d) After checking interest generated, part of that yield will be transferred back to Investor based on the investorRatio variable.

Start Round

During this step, we perform the following logics:

a) Re-enable deposits and withdraws by setting the isProcessingDeposits to false.

b) Store the initial round balance and initial round share price.


npx hardhat test

You can find the system coverage below or a detailed version here :

Fuzzy Test

You will need to install echidna separately and run:

echidna-test test/invariants/ --contract STETHVaultInvariants --config test/invariants/config.yaml

Deploy and config

Deploy the contracts

npx hardhat run ./scripts/deployTestnet.ts --network <network>

Populate the system with a few transactions

npx hardhat run ./scripts/populateTestnet.ts --network <network>

Contracts Addresses

Contract Address
ConfiguratorManager 0xe982E991a394FB4d91521a14f559C98aE29186e2
stETHvv 0x463f9ed5e11764eb9029762011a03643603ad879
EthAdapter 0x4aad0755efd63f4e9b7fac19bd426db4a0d9b5e8

Bug Bounty Program

We host our BBP in Immunefi:

Coverage Results

File                        |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 configuration/             |      100 |       70 |      100 |      100 |                |
  ConfigurationManager.sol  |      100 |       70 |      100 |      100 |                |
 interfaces/                |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  IConfigurationManager.sol |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  ICurvePool.sol            |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  ISTETH.sol                |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  IVault.sol                |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 libs/                      |    66.67 |       50 |      100 |      100 |                |
  CastUint.sol              |    66.67 |       50 |      100 |      100 |                |
 mixins/                    |      100 |    83.33 |      100 |      100 |                |
  Capped.sol                |      100 |    83.33 |      100 |      100 |                |
 proxy/                     |      100 |       75 |      100 |      100 |                |
  ETHAdapter.sol            |      100 |     62.5 |      100 |      100 |                |
  Migration.sol             |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 vaults/                    |    99.28 |       95 |    96.08 |    98.88 |                |
  BaseVault.sol             |      100 |    96.67 |    95.12 |    99.21 |            403 |
  STETHVault.sol            |    97.44 |       90 |      100 |    98.08 |            149 |
All files                   |    98.95 |    89.09 |    97.33 |    99.18 |                |

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