This is the backup repository for the online project Slavic Diachronic Dictionary Server at the Danish Portal for East European Studies. The project is based on the online dictionary sytem Glossword (version 1.8.12
The focus of the project lies on historical linguistics of the Slavic languages with dictionaries for Old Church Slavonic, Old Russian, Old Ukrainian, etymology and linguistic terminology.
Although the Github repository itself does not contain any dictionary or system backup files because of their file size, it represents the project on Github and links to the corresponding backup files on Zenodo. You will find the files in the Zenodo repository. Follow the DOI link as displayed above and download the file
These are adapted to the dictionaries and have to be indicated in the individual dictionaries' preferences. Import them before importing the dictionaries.
- Scientific (containing special characters; for [ine-deu] Pokorny - Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch and [sla-eng] Derksen - Slavic Inherited Lexicon)
- Serbocroatian (for [deu-eng-rus-hbs] Glossary of Linguistic Terms)
- German (Use this one rather than the default German sort order as umlauts ÄÖÜ and the ligature ß are added; for [rus-deu-rus] Linguistische Termini)
- Russian (Use this one rather than the default Russian sort order as it is adapted for additional Old Church Slavonic characters (and Old Ukrainian etc); for use in all other dictionaries from the list below)
Please be careful with the copyrights! Try to obtain a permission from the authors. It is explicitly discouraged to use the dictionaries in any commercial context!
The individual dictionaries are saved in their ZIP files containing a HTML file with compulsory additional information (title, short description, description, custom alphabetic order and dictionary elements settings). Use this information to manually create the individual dictionary. Afterwards import the terms of the dictionary using the XML files from the ZIP file.
- [chu-eng] OCS Online - Base Form Dictionary (598)
- Old Church Slavonic Online - Base Form Dictionary. Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause, University of Texas
- [chu-eng] OCS Online - Master Glossary (1,004)
- Old Church Slavonic Online - Master Glossary. Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause, University of Texas
- [chu-eng] Swan - OCS Dictionary (11,503)
- Old Church Slavonic Dictionary. Oscar E. Swan, Nicholas H. Reimer, University of Pittsburgh
- [chu-rus] Большой церковно-славянский словарь (38,350)
- Большой церковно-славянский словарь. Григорий Дьяченко; О. А. Седакова; А.А. Плетнева; А.Г. Кравецкий; Ponomar
- [chu-rus] Краткий церковнославянский словарь (2,479)
- Краткий церковнославянский словарь., 2001-2007
- [chu-rus] Краткий церковнославянский словарь Олейниковой (1,888)
- Краткий словарь малопонятных слов и выражений церковнославянского языка. Т. С. Олейникова, Изд. Нева, C.Петербург 2005
- [chu-rus] Полный церковнославянский словарь Дьяченко (9,651)
- Полный церковнославянский словарь (с внесением в него важнейших древнерусских слов и выражений) / Сост. свящ. Григорий Дьяченко (1900)
- [chu-sla] Лексис Лаврентія Зизанія (1,084)
- «Лексис, Сирѣчь реченїя, Въкратъцѣ събранъны и из словенскаго языка на простый рускій діалектъ истолъкованы»-Лаврентій Зизаній, 1596, Вільно
- [chu-sla] Лексисъ съ толкованіемъ (892)
- «Лексисъ съ толкованiемъ словенскіхъ мовъ просто»; рукопис XVI ст.
- [eng-chu] OCS Online - English Meaning Index (700)
- Old Church Slavonic Online - English Meaning Index. Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause, University of Texas
- [eng-orv] Old Russian - English Meaning Index (1,215)
- Old Russian Online - English Meaning Index. Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause, University of Texas
- [orv-eng] Old Russian Online - Base Form Dictionary (669)
- Old Russian Online - Base Form Dictionary. Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause, University of Texas
- [orv-eng] Old Russian Online - Master Glossary (1,178)
- Old Russian Online - Master Glossary. Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause, University of Texas
- [orv-rus] Lunt - Concise Dictionary of Old Russian (8,010)
- Horace G. Lunt's Concise Dictionary of Old Russian, 11th-17th Centuries. Oscar E. Swan, Nicholas H. Reimer, 2009-2011
- [orv-rus] Слово о плъку Игорєвѣ - Словарь-справочник (1,074)
- Словарь-справочник "Слова о полку Игореве". Сост. В. Л. Виноградова. — Л.: Наука. Ленингр. отд-ние, 1965—1984
- [rus-chu] Русско-старославянский словарь (1,229)
- Pop-Up Русско-старославянский словарь 1.0. Олег Зима
- [ukr-chu] Синонїма Славеноросскаѧ (5,214)
- «Синонїма Славеноросскаѧ» - Анонімний рукописний словник з другої пол. 17 століття ділової української мови
- [ine-deu] Pokorny - Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (3,002)
- Pokorny, Julius: Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch [IEW], 1959
- [rus] Цыганенко (3,698)
- Этимологический словарь русского языка. Г. П. Цыганенко, Киев 1989
- [sla-eng] Derksen - Slavic Inherited Lexicon (2,151)
- Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon. Rick Derksen, Leiden and Boston 2008
- [rus] Свиридова (6,015)
- Этимологический словарь современного русского языка. Под редакцией М.Н. Свиридовой. М.:"Аделант", Библиотека школьных словарей, 2014.
- [rus] Фасмер / Vasmer (17,309)
- Этимологический словарь русского языка. Макс Фасмер, Перевод словаря 1964-1973
- [rus] Шанский (6,281)
- Школьный этимологический словарь русского языка. Н. М. Шанский, Т. А. Боброва. 7-е изд., М.: Дрофа 2004
- [deu-eng-rus-hbs] Glossary of Linguistic Terms (2,605)
- Multilinguales Glossar grammatischer und linguistischer Fachbegriffe (Deutsch/Englisch/Russisch/Serbokroatisch). Universität Mannheim, Philosophische Fakultät 2005
- [rus-deu-rus] Linguistische Termini (12,033)
- Linguistische Termini und ihr Umfeld (deutsch-russisch, russisch-deutsch). Henriette Zimmer, Gießen 1995*
Some of the dictionaries can discriminate between modern and traditional font faces i.e. parts of the articles as words or sentences are marked as to be displayed with an old Cyrillic font (e.g. ustav, poluustav etc). Technically these parts of the articles are marked with the CSS class ocsfont
, for example:
<span class="ocsfont">доброта̀</span>
Consider defining an old Cyrillic webfont for this CSS class in your stylesheet. I recommend the Ponomar webfonts for this.
As Glossword 1.8.12
only supports <=PHP5.6
, you propably won't be able to make a new installation of Glossword on your server.
The production installation of the Slavic Diachronic Dictionary Server has manually been adapted to work with PHP7
(see my fork).
Maybe you will be lucky enough to get Glossword to work with this backup.
Stay tuned at Glossword for a new version. The author has indicated planning an upgrade for PHP7
and PHP8