This is a bot to help you set up board game arena (BGA) and terraforming mars (TFM) games in discord.
You can add the bot to your server by giving it access.
These commands will work in any channel @BGA is on and also as direct messages to @BGA.
BGA commands start with !bga
and TFM games start with !tfm
Check one of the help documents for more information about each subcommand:
NOTE: This section is for hosting this bot yourself. To add it to your server, use this link.
Run the following on any VPS
pip install -r requirements.txt
Follow the steps required to set up a Discord bot account with the following privileged gateway intents:
- Server Members Intent
Add the following permissions:
- Send Messages
- Send TTS Messages
- Manage Messages
- Read Message History
Create a file called src/
and paste the bot token into it:
TOKEN = 'yOUR tOkeN hEre'
Generate an encryption key with:
( umask 077 && python -c 'from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print("FERNET_KEY = %s" % Fernet.generate_key())' >> src/ )
make run