Major. Minor. isNotShaderCacheContained (1 if not Contained)
Add Basic Folder Structures
Add Basic Wall Collider
Add One Hinge Joint Door
Clear All Props from unityPackage Q512
Sceen -> non-static
trying new space
Bugs require Fix:
- collider fix,
- hinge joint fix,
- wall fix
fix collider
Hinge Joint not fixed yet
Fill up new space
Still non-static
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
- exit sign for upper cube of door(Maybe Ricgh Text UI will fix it)
- upper cube: Anchor override for two reflection probes with weights
- other area space bug
fix room-Boiserie and Room-shelf bug(Shelf separate into two parts)
Add windows.max for needs of boolean expression when adding windows
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
- exit sign for upper cube of door(Maybe Ricgh Text UI will fix it)
- upper cube: Anchor override for two reflection probes with weights
- other area space bug
Complete partial office structure
Still non-static
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
- exit sign for upper cube of door(Maybe Ricgh Text UI will fix it)
- upper cube: Anchor override for two reflection probes with weights
- other area space bug
Fixed upper cube of the door
Office Strcture minor Adjust
Still non-static
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
Add Props: Tray, Mug, KirbyMug, CupCake, Record Player
Finish Section: Book Shelef of Office
Still non-static
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
Add Props: Spinning Top, Golden Laugh
Try Add Reflection Probe Under top for top's reflection, however result is not good. Depreciated for now.
Still non-static
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
Add Props: Creeper Doll, Kirby Doll, Flowers, Mac Keyboard&Mouse
Adjust Desktop structure
Almost ready to start bake light
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix
Adjust Ceiling light
trying add Fur Shader to Dools, but due to resouce-consuming depreciated.
trying adjust material of spinning top, however it stay for original mat for now.
Almost ready to start bake light
Bugs require Fix:
- Hinge joint fix // May Not Needed? <- if restrict access to other room?
Adjust Wall Frames
Almost ready to start bake light
Bugs require Fix:
Hinge joint fix // May Not Needed? <- if restrict access to other room?
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
Lighting Baked
Lots of workaround for beautify Scenes
Bugs require Fix:
- Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
Fix Position of Caffe Table, Console
Adjust Exposure and Rotation of Skybox
Bugs require Fix:
- Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
Merge Project With M,P Version
Bugs require Fix:
- Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
Note: Compressed With lightmap, ShaderCache, etc.
Backup of new Lightmap
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Import some of haku animation
Build up simple demo of HeadLookController, BreathController
HeadLookHelper is depreciated due to it may cause "The Exorcist"
Adding Enviornment Compensation Light, Haku Compensation Light (Now Both are Directional Light with different Culling Mask)
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Update Idle State Animation: Blending(Actually additvely blend) Animation of sitting.fbx from, trying syncing with BreathController
* AvatarMask: Torse & two arms (NO HAND & IK)
* BreathController: Duration: 0.78
* AnimtaionController: BreathLayer: Additively, weight = 0.15
* AnimtaionController: BreathLayer.Delay -> BreathLayer.Breathing: Transition Duration = 0.25, Offset = 0
* AnimtaionController: BreathLayer.Breathing: Speed = 1
* Animtaion: sitting.fbx: frame 177 - frame 363 + AvatarMask
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Adding Tracking target for HMD (Now Param: z = -1.93)
Trying Blend Legs part with previous parts, However Foot Ik reacts wierd
* Use 3ds max reconstruct Animation (So many works)
* However OL Haku's Heels won't move
* Temporaily change to Uniform Haku Instead
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Considering use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
Finish Haku Office Animator: Leg Layer
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Considering use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
Setup Haku Office Animator: UpperBody Layer
Setup Randomly Leg Motion Script
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Considering use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
Setup Simple grab object controll
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Considering use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
Wall Collider needs to be fit exact space more
Floor Collider needs to be fit exact space more
Gravity: Due to the scene is two big, acts like moon
Shrink the scene
Override single scene gravity settings
The place of rose should be adjusted
The Scale of Camera Rig Should be adjusted
Fix Gravity Bug
* Gravity is propotion to scale
* Wierd AddForce after realeasing grab object is because I rotated [CameraRig]
Update Simple give gift interaction
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Considering use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Update Basic Lunch Scene
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Considering use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Update Hurt Effect in Minecraft, Time countdown, etc.
Update Game Control of Minecraft Scene
Update Simple Whole Game Control
Confirmed use Uniform Haku Instead of OL Haku
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Update Controller details
I forgot what I've done :(
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Update Tutorial change image solution(hit.point to uv)
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
The scale of room props should be adjusted
ScreenFadeOut when changing scene (now only attached on Minecraft)
Bugs require Fix:
Lack of Office Props on Haku's Desktop
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Merged from ProjectHaku_P_Version5.4
Construct Full Dropping gift script in Office Scene(All Gifts & after drop & detect drop with headLookController)
Construct simple upper body animator (However random play script are not finished yet)
Construct Planes that able to teleport
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
UpperBody Randome motion script not finished // almost done
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Finished Construct upper body animator
Add Special Areas For haku to peek
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Camera needs to higher?
The scale of room props should be adjusted
Merged from ProjectHaku_Y_Version5.8
Finished Basic Crab Scene (including Morph Controll & revised anim, however not baked physics)
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Finished Crape and crab Lunch Scene
Not quite sure waht updated in this version
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
experiment with revised animations
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Revised Animations and fixing wierd bug when fast entering giving gift's collider, causing haku look at you while her hands still typing (Update: Ver 6.5 Not Fixed?)
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Add Basic Wedding Scene
Spawn Camera on specific point by substract the placement between CameraRig & Camera(eye), However it works strange on office scene
add experimental scene: Office Before Lunch
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Adjust BeforeLunchScene without physics effects on animation, a.k.a. broke meshes
.5 is for haven't clean up experimental animations
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
clean up experimental animations
Adjust BeforeLunchScene
頭髮用MMD4Mecanim 的 Bullet Physics + MMDRigidbody 的 Cube
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Add Scene: Opening
Minecraft 全部串接 (計時倒數、GameStart/Over Canvas、creeper dying effects),只缺ipad控制
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Add Tutorial Control in Scene:Minecraft
Setting up Scene:Before Lunch
Finish concat Scene:BeforeLunch and Scene:Lunch
Trying setup Ending Scene for more details (Now Add: Canvas anim, camera change position)
Force Rendering support to dx11 in windows, however MKGlow not fixed?
Ignore dxd9d in some shaders(Axi) of ArchVizPRO
Bugs require Fix:
Wierd physics are because of specialArea Collider in cameraRig?
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Finished Scene:BadEnding
Construct Basic scene controll of Scene:GoodEnding, need testing and finish it with HMD on
Bugs require Fix:
Wierd physics are because of specialArea Collider in cameraRig?
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Merge with Project_M_ver6.5, Adjust Scene:Office prop's scale
Bugs require Fix:
Wierd physics are because of specialArea Collider in cameraRig?
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Finished Scene:GoodEnding (Not checked in VR)
Bugs require Fix:
Wierd physics are because of specialArea Collider in cameraRig?
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Finished Scene:GoodEnding & Scene:BadEnding & Scene:Opening, Not including art details
Add Scripting Control to bgm fadeIn/Out
Bugs require Fix:
Wierd physics are because of specialArea Collider in cameraRig?
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Finished Bgm Controlling
Bugs require Fix:
Wierd physics are because of specialArea Collider in cameraRig?
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
FadeOut Bgm:EndingGoodWait
調整Minecraft Count Canvas
修正Office物理bug(果然是因為SpecialAreacapusle,調整physical detection layer 修正)
全部的bgm、音量再調整、Office Recorder
加入Lunch Ipad
修正SpawnAtPoint Bug: 因為CameraEye 和 CameraRig本身的Scale的引響(將CameraRig Scele 調成1解決,不過因此 Scene:Office 東西位置需要再微調)
修正 修正SpawnAtPoint Bug 之後地板會閃爍:拿掉 PlaneRefection就可以了(可能是之前改DXD9的關係)
修正 Minecraft CleanUp 沒有兩隻手把都啟用的bug
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Adjust Skirt
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
LunchScene, EndingScene * 2 材質、光照完成!
Fix goodEnding CleanUp Bug
Fix goodEnding SpawnAtPoint Bug
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
Update Hint in Scene:Office
Update Dialog Sprite in Scene:BeforeLunch & adjust time for changing scene
Update Eaten effects on crape & crab(Add Donut)
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Should add: Haku eating morph and SFXs
Scene:Lunch LaserPointer Bug
More less-important details are in
Adjust Haku's scale in whole game
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Should add: Haku eating morph and SFXs
Scene:Lunch LaserPointer Bug
More less-important details are in
修正 Vive Tutorial ReleaseObj 時給予velocity, augularVelocity 的問題(應該要用local座標系的速度、角速度)
建立API: 固定出生點視角 (根據 Start 時頭盔位置計算CameraRig轉動量,並根據旋轉之後位置重新指定位置)
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
Should add: Haku eating morph and SFXs
Scene:Lunch LaserPointer Bug
More less-important details are in
紀錄上次更新API細節: 固定出生點視角 修正
一為根據Camera轉動場景,在生成位置 但是這樣就無法static (舊的作法) // 不好
修正新API之後 Ending 場景切換 Camera 位置
初步 Bake 中,效果還好,但是
光線在天花板處有明顯分界 // 應該是因為point light + 半圓燈罩? 正常嗎?
沒有陰影的感覺 也沒有樹葉陰影的感覺
因為下面的Plane 在手把的 TeleportMask中
強迫完成教學的設計模式 (但是無法處理喜歡亂搞的玩家)
加入 GoodEnding 觀眾
加入Office Judge 禮物時轉頭
修正 Office 給東西動畫的bug (因為 Update UpperBodyMotion使用 IEnumerator,所以控制城拿東西後馬上被 Assign 回 Keyboard了)
* 修正 Lunch LaserPointer Bug
* 調整 Minecraft Canvas位置
* Office 撿不到東西 // 沒問題啊?
* Lunch 要離Haku進一點
* Minecraft場景拿不到Ipad // 修改擺放位置
* 調整 BeforeLunch Bgm 音量到 0.3 // 原本的兩倍
* 修正BadEnding Haku表情
* Office表情慢一點點 // 因為加入轉頭
* Haku頭髮Shader透明? // 因為貼圖本身那邊有alpha = 255的狀況,change MainTex to HairNT
* Office Keyboard 音效 // 不過沒有fadeIn, Out, 沒有很fit手指動作
加頭髮 > 小穿越
Idle -> take東西會小小穿越裙子 // 先不處理!
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
Shadow of Realtime Direction Light Behavior really wierd (Just Like Silent Hills, WTF)
More less-important details are in
加入 Minecraft Haku + ID
Opening 教學場景 Canvas位置調整 放寬ipad 中間頁面切換 提示有的劍不能砍 -> 劍data Canvas 天花板避免順移 -> 不過還是有無法避免的狀況 午餐新增對話框 "那我們回去吧!" "你要吃嗎 我喂你" 午餐Crape 位置 // 不調整 Adjust 午餐Face Collider // 避免瀏海穿越到臉中 拿掉 午餐胸前collider // 雖然說對側邊長瀏海有幫助,但是似乎對於後面馬尾影響過大 Office Haku馬尾有點怪 (不過 BeforeLunch 不會? // 目前暫時拿掉,不過會不會是因為Dynamic Bone? Frame 位置調整 // 拿掉 Collider 快速按下去留聲機會怪怪的? // 做relay 切換 Office 頭髮穿透 // 重新調整椅子位置 Scale Office Haku 補償光 ++ Ending固定在視角? // 暫不考慮 修改Ending Canvas: 請在他身邊看著他 Haku Wedding 太慢 // 把音樂fadeOut 割成 IEnumerator 不放觀眾 // 暫時拿掉,有人反應很令人分心? ipad Coliider怪怪的? // 因為射線射到手把Controller,目前把cube size改成 (.7, .7, .7) 修正 部分 Office 不應為 Static 的物件 修正 GoodEnding / BadEnding SpawnPoint Bug 加入 EndingScene 箭頭提示要看的方向 // 有點醜?
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
More less-important details are in
教學說明改成 "按下兩側的箭頭" 最後一頁 Hover Minecraft 傳送門 拿起來才消失 劍Canvas Minecraft fallback 回第一版地板 Tray 打光 //維持原樣 教學說明改成 "把禮物親手交給她" 修正 Office // 現在也會有RectileNo Rectile Red warning // 原來是忘了assign texture Opening Scene 加入 "試著移動看看" "試著抓取Ipad" 教學字體統一到 華康竹風體(P) Minecraft放到最後多一頁 "PS 有些劍不能拿" Office 時間長一點 // 180sec Haku 電腦的圖, 自己電腦的圖 Frame 提示 咳嗽聲 自己吃的聲音 太小聲 咳嗽換回原本的版本, maleHamu pitch = 1.23 Lunch Loop 回去時考慮暫停Animator 跟 hamu音效 GoodEnding 光影閃爍 Haku身後的柱子 原因是因為realtime光,已拿掉 分數bug Lunch IncScore 放在 Update Office 送東西 Collider 偵測附上手把的雙重保險? 類似 Sword isGrabed的方式 午餐椅子的collider 苦力怕被擊退 修正 HurtCapsule 不自然的shader結果 // WorkAround
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
* Minecraft Canvas 此把劍無法傷害苦力怕 * BeforeLunch Hair Collider修正 * 晃很久苦力怕bug * Rectile bug? * 拿起東西的機制
More less-important details are in
辦公室提示改成送其中一個禮物後消失 修改 Lunch Haku 肩膀動畫幅度
在 Minecraft 放入陀螺
修正 GoodEnding 中 Haku 的光影效果
拿掉 Minecraft場景中的布幔 // 在 Realtime 光影下有閃爍問題
修改Player Settings(ProjectName, Icon, Cursor)
調整 Lunch SFX 平衡
將Spinning Top 加上髮絲紋的法線貼圖
Bugs require Fix:
MKII Glow Shader Bug on d3d9x // One Workaround is to exclude direct9 on build setting
* Minecraft Canvas 此把劍無法傷害苦力怕 * BeforeLunch Hair Collider修正 * 晃很久苦力怕bug * Rectile bug? * 拿起東西的機制
More less-important details are in
修正 MKGlow Shader Error // 只是忘了上Glow貼圖?
導入新系統:Eye Raycast // Office 拿掉 Mune, yarashi Threshold 設成 150
* BeforeOffice/Office 桌子邊修正 // 弄新的Plane替代 * 拿掉 Cursor (炸掉惹) * Office Desktop Props Scale 跑掉了 // 拿掉書 * 修正 Office 筆筒位置 * Office 天花板燈有點空虛 // 放 Point Light, 用 range + culling mask, 但是還是會有Distance問題 * Office Donut 位置上來一點點 * Office Keyboard 聲音調小 * BeforeOffice 陀螺應該要轉 // 直接拿掉陀螺 * Ending要把 Keyboard 播放 cut 掉 // 直接volume Fade 到 0 * Minecraft 陀螺位置 * BadEnding BGM 有點小聲 // 調成 0.6 * BadEnding Haku的腳要上面一點 * Opening 沒有 RectileNo 效果? // 現在有了 * Opening 教學 .5f 的 Delay // .3f更直覺,但是容易點太快 * 修正 Minecraft 場景有時候拿不出劍 // 因為 CameraCollider, 用 Collision Layer 解決 * 修正 Minecraft 場景 Hurt Effect Bug * 修正 GoodEnding Rectile Offset 太小
Bugs require Fix:
- More less-important details are in
- 裙子動畫修正
Bugs require Fix:
- More less-important details are in
- 修正Office 在手收回去時用丟的送禮物的bug 以及 同時拿兩個禮物靠近,一個送她另一個前後進去Collider的bug
Bugs require Fix:
Minecraft 武器快速換手會有音樂沒有撥放的bug
More less-important details are in
修正Office Keyboard 位置
Build 參數:
Demo 版 -> Office 時間 90秒, score > 5 Ending
Release 版 -> Office 時間 150秒, score > 65 Ending
Bugs require Fix:
Minecraft 武器快速換手會有音樂沒有撥放的bug
More less-important details are in
- 增加 AlterEnding (Not Achievable Ending)
Bugs require Fix:
Minecraft 武器快速換手會有音樂沒有撥放的bug
More less-important details are in
- 修正Haku 褲襪貼圖
Bugs require Fix:
Minecraft 武器快速換手會有音樂沒有撥放的bug
More less-important details are in
加入 Haku Nade
Bugs require Fix:
Minecraft 武器快速換手會有音樂沒有撥放的bug
More less-important details are in
- 專案 Clean up
Bugs require Fix:
Minecraft 武器快速換手會有音樂沒有撥放的bug
More less-important details are in