In our paper, we introduce projection varients of approximate neural tangent kernel (NTK). These NTK are computed from inner products of Jacobians of neural network models. They benefit from the insight made in Park 2023 (TRAK), long vectors will retain most of their relative information when projected down to a smaller feature dimension. We can utilize this to reduce the scaling with number of parameters in NTK computation, and infact, can tune the computational scaling by choosing the projection dimension. We observed that for a 1000x reduction via random projection in number of model parameters on ResNet18, we could calculate an approximate NTK called the projection trace-NTK, that was promising as a surrogate model for the original neural network and whose residuals with respect to the full trace-NTK fell away exponentially, see figure below.
These projections enable calculating approximate NTK for large models and large datasets faster than ever before; with a few tweaks to the underlying TRAK module enables PyTorch users to evaluate how close their own neural network models are to kernel machines. In addition, the speed and memory savings should open-up exciting new applciations for NTK research. One application we demonstrate is to find the top most similar images for any test image, see below and in paper for more examples.
We provide a rough sketch of usage to calculate the projection-trNTK of a neural network model on Cifar10.
from trak import TRAKer
#PyTorch nn.Module object
model = ...
#this is a common state dictionary file for model
checkpoint = torch.load('./')
#we want a dataloader object that combines BOTH train and test data, with shuffle=False
train_and_test_loader = ...
Ndata = len(train_and_test_loader.dataset)
#set the projection dimension. we used K=10240 for a ResNet18 with 11e6 model
#parameters. There is assumedly a computation/accuracy tradeoff for K, that probably
#is in some ratio to number of model parameters.
#currently hacky-- if the combined size of example in train_and_test_loader = ABC then:
traker = TRAKer(model=model, task='pNTK', train_set_size=Ndata, projection_dim=K)
traker.load_checkpoint(checkpoint, model_id=0)
for batch in train_and_test_loader:
# batch should be a tuple of inputs and labels
traker.featurize(batch=batch, ...)
#this saved a memmap object of the projected gradients to disk.
A = torch.from_numpy(np.load('./path/to/0/grads.memmap')).cuda()
NTK = torch.matmul(A,A.T) #NTK has dimensions Ndata x Ndata
We advise installing TRAK V0.2.1, then clone our repository and install locally. This is because TRAK compiles fast_jl upon installation which allows us to use efficient GPU projection.
To install TRAK with CUDA
kernel for fast gradient projection, follow the installation instructions at
installation FAQs. You will need compatible versions
of gcc
and CUDA toolkit
pip install traker[fast]==0.2.1
git clone <this_repo>
cd <./this_repo>
pip install -e ./
You can then check that your python path is pointing at this version of trak rather than the original with
import trak
This repository has an additional dependency:
pip install einops
specific experiments may also utilize additional depencies; but einops should allow users to begin with the ./projectionNTK_examples/
You can find an end-to-end example in the projectionNTK_examples/
directory, including how to calcualte the top-5 most similar images.
Additional notebooks and scripts describing our experiments are available in ./experiments and ./scripts
Due to github large file size limitations we do not provide pre-computed NTK; we're actively looking for a solution that would allow
users to download the objects we computed. NTK would be 14.4GB for Cifar10.
Much credit is owed to the original TRAK repostory, of which this repo is a fork. The goal for this repository is to make our work reproducible, we would like to merge the capabilities enabled by our changes back into TRAK. Please see TRAK paper for more details.
If you use the capabilities developed to compute approximate NTK, consider citing our work!
title={Robust Explanations for Deep Neural Networks via Pseudo Neural Tangent Kernel Surrogate Models},
author={Andrew Engel and Zhichao Wang and Natalie S. Frank and Ioana Dumitriu and Sutanay Choudhury and Anand Sarwate and Tony Chiang},
You should also cite the original TRAK repository:
title = {TRAK: Attributing Model Behavior at Scale},
author = {Sung Min Park and Kristian Georgiev and Andrew Ilyas and Guillaume Leclerc and Aleksander Madry},
booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
year = {2023}
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