Simple test application to store and search data about movies. You can also add some comments to your downloaded movies and get top movies(ranking is determined by count of comments).
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Clone the repository
- Go to project directory
- mv example.env to .env and replace
values for your own(OMDB_API_KEY you can get from - make up
To start the project:
make up
To shut down the project:
make down
To test the project:
make test
To build the project:
make build
To deploy the project:
make deploy_heroku
You can easily review all endpoints using these links:
- /swagger/ - http://localhost:8000/swagger/
- /redoc/ - http://localhost:8000/redoc/
- POST - http://localhost:8000/movies/ - BODY {"title": "Avatar"}
- GET - http://localhost:8000/movies/?title__icontains=avatar
- GET - http://localhost:8000/comments/?movie_id=20
- POST - http://localhost:8000/comments/ - BODY {"body": "Test", "movie": 1}
- GET - http://localhost:8000/top/?date_from=2020-01-01&date_to=2020-04-20
- django-choices - Choices are much cleaner, than standard - some additional functions
- factory-boy - Transparent fixtures, speeding up writing tests
- drf-yasg - Complex documentation without any effor