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Simple provisioning for Kubernetes based IPv6 on bare-metal systems


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Lazyjacks are rigging used to assist in sail handling during reefing and furling, making the process easier.

In keeping with the nautical theme of Kubernetes, the lazyjack application is used to make it easier to provision bare-metal systems that they can be used with Kubernetes/Istio in an IPv6-only environment. It has been enhanced to handle an IPv4-only environment as well.

The goal is to reduce as many manual steps as possible, so that provisioning of systems can occur quickly. This is geared to a lab environment, where the user is using KubeAdm or similar tool to bring up Kubernetes.

Quick Start Guide

For the impatient, you can do the following to bring up cluster of two (or more) nodes. See below for details on each step.

  1. Provision the hardware with OS and the pre-requisite tools.
  2. Install Lazyjack on all systems.
  3. Modify the sample config file using the hosts/interfaces for your topology.
  4. Run init command on master.
  5. Copy updated config file to minions.
  6. Run prepare on each node.
  7. Run up on master, and then on minions.

A bit about IPv6 and Kubernetes...

Starting with Kubernetes 1.9, there is alpha support for IPv6 only (not dual stack) mode of operation for pods and services. There are various plugins that have or are adding support for IPv6. The reference Bridge plugin, has support and will be used by Lazyjack.

Currently, there are some external sites, like, which do not support IPv6 yet. As a result, the Kubernetes installation in 1.9+ uses DNS64 and NAT64 to access the outside world. With this solution, a DNS64 and NAT64 server will be employed via containers, rather than relying on external H/W or S/W.

How does this all work?

Once the bare-metals systems have met the prerequisites shown below, you can create a configuration file for your topology, and then run Lazyjack commands on each node to prepare and run Kubernetes.

When done, you can use Lazyjack commands to clean up the systems, effectively undoing the setup made and restoring the system to original state.


The following needs to be done, prior to using this tool:

  • One or more bare-metal systems running Linux (tested with Ubuntu 16.04), each with:
    • Two interfaces, one for access to box, one for management network for cluster.
    • Make sure management interface doesn't have a conflicting IP address.
    • Make sure swap is off (swappoff -a) for Kubernetes.
    • Internet access via IPv4 on the node being used for DNS64/NAT64 (V6).
    • Docker (17.03.2) installed and enabled (sudo systemctl enable docker.service).
    • Version 1.11+ of kubeadm, kubectl (on master), and kubelet.
    • Go 1.10.3+ installed on the system and environment set up (may need newer with later releases of K8s).
    • CNI 0.7.1+ installed.
    • openssl installed on system (I used 1.0.2g).
    • (optional) Internet access via IPv6 for direct IPv6 access to external sites.
      • IPv6 enabled on node.
      • IPv6 address on main interface with Internet connectivity.
      • Default route for IPv6 traffic using main interface of nodes.
      • Setting sysctl accept_ra=2 on main I/F (e.g. net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra = 2) of nodes.
  • Install Lazyjack and config file on each system (see below).

Preparing Lazyjack

The easiest way to install lazyjack is to pull down the latest release. For example:

mkdir ~/bare-metal
cd ~/bare-metal
tar -xzf lazyjack_1.0.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo cp lazyjack /usr/local/bin

This will provide the executable and a sample configuration YAML file.

Alternately, you can get the code:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

Build an executable, and place it where desired for easy access. For example:

go build cmd/lazyjack.go
sudo cp lazyjack /usr/local/bin/

Copy this executable, and the associated configuration YAML file (see next section) to each system to be provisioned.

Configuration Setup

Lazyjack is driven by a YAML configuration file that specifies the topology for the entire cluster, the roles that nodes play, and the values to use for subnets, CIDRs, and IPs.

You can use the default (config.yaml) or specify the configuration file on the command line using the --config option.

We'll take a look at an example file and disect each section.


    token: "<provide-token>"
    token-cert-hash: "<provide-cert-hash>"
    plugin: bridge
    work-area: "/tmp/lazyjack"
    mode: "ipv6"
    kubernetes-version: "v1.12.0"
    insecure: true
    interface: "enp10s0"
    opmodes: "master dns64 nat64"
    id: 2
    interface: "eth0"
    opmodes: "minion"
    id: 3
    cidr: "fd00:10::/64"
    v4cidr: ""
    cidr: ""
    cidr2: "fd00:20::/64"
    cidr: ""
    cidr2: "fd00:40::/72"
    mtu: 9000
    cidr: "fd00:30::/110"
    v4_cidr: ""
    v4_ip: ""
    ip: "fd00:10::200"
    remote_server: ""
    cidr: "fd00:10:64:ff9b::/96"
    ip: "fd00:10::100"
    allow_aaaa_use: true

Token (token) and Token CA Certificate Hash (token-cert-hash)

KubeAdm uses a token and CA certificate for nodes to communicate. These two fields are filled out automatically by the init command, which needs to be run on the master node, before copying the configuration file over to minion nodes for use in the up command. You don't need to set these.

Plugin (plugin)

Lazyjack will support both the Bridge and PTP plugins. Use either "bridge", or "ptp", respectively.

Work Area (work-area)

By default, the /tmp/lazyjack area is used to place configuration files, certificates, etc. that are used by lazyjack. For security purposes, you should select a secure location, by overriding the value in this field. On each init run, the area is deleted and recreated, with permissions restricting write access to user and group.

Mode (mode)

The default is IPv6, but ipv4 may be specified as of version 1.3.0, and dual-stack may be used as of 1.3.5.

Kuberentes Version (kubernetes-version)

Optional setting, where you can specify the version of Kubernetes to be used. If specified, this can be "latest" to use the latest code on master, or a version number of the form "v#.#.#" or "v#.#.#-X", where X is additional version info, like "alpha.1" or "dirty". When a number is specified, the major and minor version must match that of KubeAdm.

If omitted, the version of KubeAdm will be used to specify the Kubernetes version.

NOTE: If you are using an un-released version, it may be beneficial to set this to latest.

Insecure mode (insecure)

This optional boolean flag can be set to allow KubeAdm to run without specifying an auth token. This means that the init step is not needed, and the config YAML file does not need to be copied over to the minions, after the prepare step, thus simplifying startup for a non-production environment.

Topology (topology)

This is where you specify each of the systems to be provisioned. Each entry is referred to by the hostname, and contains three items.

First, the name of the interface to be used for the management of the cluster during operation. I used the second interface on my systems (the first being used to access the systems for provisioning), and had them on the same VLAN, connected to the same switch in the lab.

    interface: "eth1"

Second, an arbitrary ID (id) is assigned to each node. Use 2+ as the ID, as this will be used in IPs and subnets (the app doesn't validate this - yet).

    id: 100

Third, the operational mode (opmode) of the system. This string can have the value master or minion (only specify one master per cluster). It can also have the values dns64 and nat64 (again only specify these once) for IPv6 mode.

    opmodes: "master dns64 nat64"

Currently, the dns64 and nat64 settings must be on the same system (will see if it makes sense to allow them on separate nodes). They can accompany a master or minion, or can be on a node by themselves.

Support Network (support_net)

This section is only used, when operating in ipv6 mode. The entries are ignore for IPv4. For the NAT64 and DNS64 services, which are running in containers, we need a network that has both V4 and V6 addresses. This section of the YAML file specifies the IPv6 CIDR, and the IPv4 CIDR:

    cidr: "fd00:10::/64"
    v4cidr: ""

The IPv4 subnet should be large enough to contain the V4 subnet that will be created for NAT64 mapping of V6 to V4 addresses. A /16 net is usually fine (Lazyjack doesn't validate this requirement, currently).

Management Network (mgmt_net)

The network that is used by Kubernetes for each cluster node, is called out in this section.

    cidr: "fd00:20::/64"

For IPv4, this must be a /8 or /16 CIDR. This allows multiple clusters to use the third octet for the cluster ID. For example:

    cidr: ""

For dual-stack, you specify both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDRs and use cidr2 for the second entry.

NOTE: An IP(s) is(are) added to the specified interface on prepare and removed on down, so it is advised to not use the main interface used to access the node, as may loose connectivity.

Pod Network (pod_net)

A second network that is used by Kubernetes for the pods. This network should be distint from the support and management networks. Here, we specify the CIDR for the pod cluster. Inside this network, each node will carve out a subnet, using the node "ID" as the last part of the address.

    cidr: "fd00:40::/72"

In the example configuration, we would have a pod subnet fd00:40:0:0:2::/80 on node my-master and fd00:40:0:0:3::/80 on node a-minion. If you want to specify the prefix and size, the prefix must be fully qualified (e.g. in this case fd00:40:0:0:) and the size must be the size allocated to the node (e.g. 80).

For IPv4, this must be a /16 CIDR. Each node will carve out a /24 subnet, using the node "ID" as the third octet of the address. For example:

    cidr: ""

For dual-stack, you specify both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDRs and use cidr2 for the second entry.

Optionally, you can set the MTU used on the interface for the pod and management networks, on each node. Use the following, under the pod_net section.

    mtu: 9000

Service Network (service_net)

Specify the network CIDR to be used for service pods. This should be a smaller network than the pod subnet?

    cidr: "fd00:30::/110"

For IPv4, this must be a subnet that is larger than /24. For example:

    cidr: ""

For dual-stack, you must specify either an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR, which will be used for the service network.

NOTE: As of Kubernetes 1.13, the KEP for dual-stack support was under development and implementation of support was being started. As a result, some functionality, like seeing both IPs for a pod, are not operational (although the pods have both IP addresses).

NAT64 (nat64)

For IPv6 mode, to be able to reach external sites that only support IPv4, we use NAT64 (which is combined with Docker's NAT44 capabilities) to translate between external IPv4 addresses and internal IPv6 addresses. To do this, it needs IPv4 access to the Internet, and uses NAT44 via Docker to translate from it's IPv4 address to the public IPv4 address for the host. Tayga ( is used for this role and runs as a container on the node with nat64 specified as an opmode.

Tayga uses a pool of local IPv4 addresses that are mapped to IPv6 address. As such, the IPv4 pool and IPv4 address of Tayga must be specified. Lazyjack checks to make sure that both of these are inside of the support_net subnet, mentioned above.

    v4_cidr: ""
    v4_ip: ""

Also, specify the IPv6 address of Tayga on the support_net IPv6 subnet.

ip: "fd00:10::200"

For dual-stack, this section is not specified.

DNS64 (dns64)

For IPv6 mode, a companion to NAT64, the DNS64 container using bind9 will provide synthesized IPv6 addresses for external IPv4 addresses (currently, it does so for all addresses). The CIDR used for this translation is specified in this section.

    cidr: "fd00:10:64:ff9b::/96"

An external address with a IPv4 address of, would be encoded as fd00:10:64:ff9b::acd9:cee/96.

The DNS64 container will forward DNS requests to a remote DNS server, which is also specified.

    remote_server: ""

The support_net IPv6 address of the bind9 server needs to be specified.

    ip: "fd00:10::100"

If the topology supports accessing the Internet via IPv6, the following can be set to allow external IPv6 addresses to be used directly, instead of translating them to IPv4 addresses using NAT64. To do this, requires telling DNS64 to use the AAAA records for lookups. The default is false, meaning IPv4 addresses will be used in all lookups.

    allow_aaaa_use: true

For dual-stack, this section is not specified.


As mentioned above, you should have Lazyjack and the YAML file on each system to be provisioned. Since Lazyjack needs to perform privileged operations, you'll need to run this as root:

   sudo ~/go/bin/lazyjack [options] {init|prepare|up|down|clean|version}

The commands do the following:

  • init - Sets up tokens and certificates needed by Kuberentes. Must be run on the master node, before copying the config file to minion nodes. Only needed once. Not needed, if running in insecure mode.
  • prepare - Prepares the node so that cluster can be brought up. Do on each node, before proceeded to next step.
  • up - Brings up Kubernetes cluster on the node. Do master first, and then minions.
  • down - Tears down the cluster on the node. Do minions first, and then master.
  • clean - Reverses the prepare steps performed to clear out settings.
  • version - Shows the version of this app and exits.

Once a cluster is up on the master, you can setup kubectl, as described by the KubeAdm init command:

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Command Line Options

Usage: lazyjack [options] {init|prepare|up|down|clean|version}
        log to standard error as well as files
  -config string
        Configurations for lazyjack (default "config.yaml")
  -host string
        Name of (this) host to apply command (default "my-master")
  -log_backtrace_at value
        when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
  -log_dir string
        If non-empty, write log files in this directory
        log to standard error instead of files
  -stderrthreshold value
        logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
  -v value
        log level for V logs
  -vmodule value
        comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging

There are log level "1" and "4" entries in the app, if you want verbose logging. The log defaults to stderr.

The default hostname is the name of the system you are on.

Under The Covers

For each command, there are a series of actions performed...

For the init command

  • Creates CA certificate and key for KubeAdm.
  • Creates token and CA certificate hash.
  • Updates the configuration YAML file (needed for up command on minions, unless running in insecure mode).

For the prepare command

  • (IPv6) Creates support network with IPv6 and IPv4.
  • (IPv6) Starts DNS64 container, with config file from created volume, removes IPv4 address, and adds route to NAT64 server.
  • (IPv6) Starts NAT64 container.
  • (IPv6) Adds IPv4 route to NAT64 server on node.
  • Adds management network IP on specified interface.
  • Places management network IP in /etc/hosts, for this hostname.
  • Adds DNS64 support network IP as first nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf.
  • Creates a drop-in file for kubelet to specify IPv6 DNS64 server IP.
  • Creates KubeAdm configuration file, saves old one with .bak suffix, in case file customized.
  • (IPv6) Adds route to DNS64 synthesized network via NAT64 server (based on node).
  • (IPv6) Adds route to support network for other nodes to access.

For the up command

  • For Bridge and PTP plugins
    • Creates CNI config file
    • Create routes for each of the pod networks on other nodes. For dual-stack, does for each IP family.
  • Reloaded daemons for services.
  • Restarted kubelet service.
  • On master: Place CA certificate and Key files into Kubernetes area.
  • On master: Perform KubeAdm init command with config file.
  • On minion: Perform KubeAdm join command using token information.

For the down command

  • Perform KubeAdm reset command.
  • Remove routes to other nodes' pod networks.
  • Removes Bridge/PTP plugin's CNI config file.
  • Removes the br0 interface for Bridge plugin

For the clean command

  • Removes drop-in file for kubelet.
  • Removes IP from management interface.
  • Restores /etc/hosts.
  • Restores /etc/resolv.conf.
  • (IPv6) Removes route to NAT64 server for DNS64 synthesized net.
  • (IPv6) Removes route to support network.
  • (IPv6) Stops and removes DNS64 container and volume used for config.
  • (IPv6) Stops and removes NAT64 container.
  • (IPv6) Removes IPv4 route to NAT64 server.
  • (IPv6) Removes support network on DNS64/NAT64 node.

Customizing the cluster

After the prepare command has been invoked, a kubeadm.conf file has been created in the work area. At this point, before the up command is issued, you have the opportunity to tweak the kubeadm.conf file. For example, you can set the following, to use CoreDNS, instead of kube-dns:

  CoreDNS: true

Note: Newer Kubernetes versions default to using CoreDNS.

Another example is turning on IPVS for kube-proxy. The kubeadm.conf file can include:

      mode: "ipvs"

NOTE: You'll need to make sure that the kernel on the nodes support IPVS or you must load the IPVS modules. For example, on Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo su
modprobe -- ip_vs
modprobe -- ip_vs_rr
modprobe -- ip_vs_wrr
modprobe -- ip_vs_sh
modprobe -- nf_conntrack_ipv4

cut -f1 -d " "  /proc/modules | grep -e ip_vs -e nf_conntrack_ipv4

I also installed ipset and ipvsadm.


  • Some newer versions of docker break the enabling of IPv6 in the containers used for DNS64 and NAT64.
  • CNI v0.7.1+ is needed for full IPv6 support by plugins.
  • Relies on the tayga and bind6 containers (as provided by other developers), for IPv6 only mode.
  • The init command modifies the specified configuration YAML file. As a result, init must be done before copying the config YAML to other nodes, unless you are running in insecure mode where the init step is not needed and the config YAML is not updated.
  • In normal mode, because the config YAML file is modified by the root user, permissions is set to 777, so that the non-root user can still modify the file.


This section has some notes on issues seen and resolutions (if any).


If for some reason the prepare fails after updating /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/hosts, you can recover the originals from the .bak files created. However, the tool is designed to allow multiple invocations, so this should not be required.

If a system is rebooted, the entire process (init, copy config, prepare, and up) must be performed, because some changes are not persisted, and some files are created in /tmp by default (but can be configured to different area).

On a related note, you want to make sure that the node does not already have incompatible configuration on being interfaces or for routes that will be defined.

Ping failures

I had one case where I could not ping from a pod on one node, to a pod on another (but it worked in the reverse direction). Looks like an issue with some stray IPTABLES rules. Found out that I could tear everything down, do the following commands to flush IPTABLES rules, and then bring everything up:

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -t nat -F
sudo iptables -t mangle -F
sudo iptables -F
sudo iptables -X

sudo ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo ip6tables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo ip6tables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo ip6tables -t nat -F
sudo ip6tables -t mangle -F
sudo ip6tables -F
sudo ip6tables -X

Alternately, I had one case where I just changed the one filter rule to resolve the issue:

sudo iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT

Kube-dns failing to startup

I had another case where kube-dns was not coming up, and kube-proxy log was showing IPTABLES restore errors saying "iptables-restore v1.6.0: invalid mask 128' specified". This should be using the ip6tables-restore operation. I was unable to find root cause, but did KubeAdm reset, clean` command, fllush IPTABLES rules (like above), rebooted, and problem was cleared. May have been corruption of IPTABLES rules.

Customizing kubeadm.conf

You can customize kubeadm.conf, after the prepare step, to make any additional changes desired for the configuration (e.g. setting kubernetesVersion to a specific version).

Join failures in 1.10.x

I found out that with Kubernetes 1.10, the minion node fails to join, showing an error indicating that it cannot tell if container runtime is running. I found that this was fixed in 1.11, but there is no backport. As a result, I removed notes about using Lazyjack with versions older than 1.11.

Ref: kubernetes/kubeadm#814

Working on "master" branch with latest

When working with the "latest" code, built locally, instead of using apt-get (on Ubuntu) to install a released version, one has to make sure that kubelet gets installed and configured properly.

For example, using 1.13.0-alpha.1 built from master locally, besides uninstalling any older version of kubelet (which also uninstalls kubeadm), I found that I had to do more than copy the executables into /usr/bin. Specifically, the Service section of the kubelet service config file in /lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service needs to match what was used by released versions, with definitions of environment variables and the ExecStart clause using them to specify the config file and settings. The lines look like this (although you can copy a version of the file from 1.12 an reuse without changes):

Environment="KUBELET_SYSTEM_PODS_ARGS=--pod-manifest-path=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --allow-privileged=true"
Environment="KUBELET_NETWORK_ARGS=--network-plugin=cni --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin"
Environment="KUBELET_DNS_ARGS=--cluster-dns= --cluster-domain=cluster.local"

Without that info, when the kubelet service is started, it will run and tie up port 10250, preventing KubeAdm from starting things up.

Normally, because the ExecStart line calls out a non-existent config file, the service would sit in a loop continuously failing, until the kubeadm init command would load in the needed config file and things would start up as expected.

I also made sure that the /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/ area did not have any drop-in files (e.g. 10-kubeadm.conf).

Mismatched versions

I had one case where I was running 1.12 on minion, but was running 1.13 on the master and had specified latest as the Kubernetes version in the config YAML. During the up command on the minion, I saw this error:

configmaps "kubelet-config-1.12" is forbidden: User "system:bootstrap:abcdef" cannot get resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "kube-system"

The solution is to make sure that all nodes have compatible versions of images and that the Kubernetess version is correct.



  • Enhance validation
    • Ensure IP addresses, subnets, and all CIDRs are valid.
    • No overlap on pod, management, and support networks.
    • Make sure pod network prefix and size are compatible (prefix should be size - 16 bits).
    • Ensure NAT64 IP is within NAT64 subnet, and that NAT64 subnet is with support subnet.
    • Node IDs > 0. >1?
    • Docker version.
    • Kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet version 1.11+.
    • Go version.
    • CNI plugin version 0.7.1+.
    • Other tools?
  • Support Calico plugin. Cillium? Contiv? Others?

Details to figure out

  • Decide how to handle prepare failures (exits currently). Rollback? Difficulty?
  • Create makefile for building/installing. Build executable for immediate use?
  • Is there a way to check if management interface already has an (incompatible) IPv6 address?
  • Way to timeout on "kubeadm init", if it gets stuck (e.g. kubelet never comes up).
  • Add Continuous Integration tool and tests.

Enhancements to consider

  • Do Istio startup. Useful? Metal LB startup?
  • Running DNS64 and NAT64 on separate nodes. Useful? Routing?
  • Support hypervisors other than Docker (have separated out the code)?
  • Consider using Kubeadm's DynamicKubeletConfig, instead of drop-in file for kubelet.
  • Could skip running kubeadm commands and just display them, for debugging (how to best do that? command line arg?)
  • Could copy /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf to ~/.kube/config and change ownership, if can identify user name.
  • Using separate go routine for kubeadm commands, and provide a (configurable) timeout.
  • Consider including NAT64/DNS64 containers into project to remove dependencies.
  • Bringing up cluster in containers, instead of using separate bare-metal hosts.
  • Setup to allow provisioning without a token (so init step is not needed).
  • Consider allowing any subnet size for management network on v4 and leave to user to ensure room for node ID.
  • Allow IPv4 to use existing I/F on each host (implying not adding IP address or removing it on teardown.


Simple provisioning for Kubernetes based IPv6 on bare-metal systems







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