A cross-platform terminal outliner; using it on:
- Windows (mainly in PowerShell, but old conhost seems to also work)
- Linux (suckless st terminal and whatever Ubuntu's default terminal is; I think gnome-terminal)
Inspired by the amazing https://github.com/void-rs/void (I have a branch that adds very rough Windows support via porting to crossterm-rs here: https://github.com/pmf/void/tree/crossterm-for-windows-support, but lost interest in Rust for recreational programming). I also looked at Zig (which I would love to like), but after spending 4 hours trying to just get at the args array on Windows, I decided to use Go.
Development happens on branch "el_loco".
Best viewed with Pragmata Pro.
Powered by Bubble Tea.
go get goutline
go build
./goutline # implicitly uses out.json in current directory when saving (warning: no auto saving right now; do s, then q)
./goutline my_file.json # use a specific file
(I try to keep these up to date, but refer directly to the implementation if something seems to behave oddly.)
Key | Action |
enter | Insert new sibling below current item |
ctrl+p | Add new item as child of current item |
i | Enter edit mode (in edit mode, the bubbletea input widget conveniently offers pseudo-readline key bindings) |
(in edit mode) esc | Exit edit mode and discard changes |
(in edit mode) enter | Confirm changes and leave edit mode |
backspace, d | Delete current item |
right, l | Expand current item |
left, h | Collapse current item |
down, j | Next item |
up, k | Previous item |
tab | Demote item (is that even a word?) |
shift-tab | Promote item |
c | Copy item |
x | Cut item |
v | Paste item |
u | Undo |
ctrl+r | Redo |
q | Leave (WARNING: without saving currently!) |
s | Save current file (out.json if nothing else has been specified) |