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mockfn is a library supporting mockist test-driven-development in Clojure. It is meant to be used alongside a regular testing framework such as clojure.test.

Clojars Project


The providing macro replaces a function with a configured mock.

(deftest providing-test
    [(one-fn) :mocked]
    (is (= :mocked (one-fn)))))

The verifying macro works similarly, but also defines an expectation for the number of times a call should be performed during the test.

(deftest verifying-test
    [(one-fn) :mocked (at-least 1)]
    (is (= :mocked (one-fn)))))

Refer to the documentation for more detailed information, including:


Information for developing this library.

Running tests

The following command will execute the unit tests:

% clj -X:test


The following command will build a jar file:

% clj -T:build jar

To clean a previous build, run:

% clj -T:build clean


Before releasing, update the library version in the build.clj file.

Make a commit and generate a new tag:

% git commit -a -m "Release: ${VERSION}"
% git tag -a "v${VERSION}" -m "Release: ${VERSION}"
% git push
% git push origin "v${VERSION}" 

To release to clojars, run:

% mvn deploy:deploy-file \
      -Dfile=target/mockfn-${VERSION}.jar \
      -DrepositoryId=clojars \
      -Durl= \

Notice that this step requires clojars to be configured as a server in the local ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

Contribution Policy

This software is open-source, but closed to contributions.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.