Releases: pluxml/PluXml
Releases · pluxml/PluXml
- [+] Refacto plxAdmin::checkMaj() with Github repository
- FIX plxUtils::MINIFY_PATTERNS (E.G.: ":is")
- [+] console for logs of PHPMailer in parametres_infos.php (debug)
- [+] Update PHPMailer - Option for PHP < 7.2.5
- [+] Refacto plxCapcha
- FIX Fix plxAdmin::EditArticle() for article without tag
- [+] Refacto plxMotor::nextIdArtComment()
- FIX plxMotor::getPage() when name of categorie contains 'page'
If you are using PHP version < 7.2.5, unzip at the root of your site for using PHPMailer without OAuth2 or drop core/vendor directory.
- Fix : minify {plucss,theme}.css in core/admin/theme
- Fix use of realpath when a config file of a plugin is missing
- Enhance CSS rules for fatal error
- Update versions.php for updating
- Fix use of srand() in plxUtils::charAleatoire()
- Refacto plxGlob::initCache()
- Fix 1st parameter must end with / for plxGlob::getInstance() in core/admin/*.php
- Fix template for article in plxMotor::prechauffage()
- [+] Erase personal datas whn a user is deleted
- FIX Refacto plxUtils::minify()
- FIX Reset password_token* after user's authentification
- FIX Refacto plxTemplates
- [+] Displays informations about enabled plugins when a fatal error occurs
- FIX for making thumbnails from medias
- FIX plxFeed for PHP 8.0
- FIX List of inactive plugins even for bad plugin in plxPlugins::getInstance()
- FIX lang for user's selection in install.php
- Fix Typo in parametres_plugin.php
- Resolve symbolic link for Linux in plxPlugins::__construct()
- compatibilty PHP-8.0.0+ for plxMotor::ciblzName (must be declare before using it)
Release candidate for PluXml-5.9.0
For testing only
Report issue at
Or push your requests if you clone this repository.
FIX plxGlob::PATTERNS for commentaires
FIX disable plugins not ready for PHP-8.x.x and displays message error