The functional content for this project is conisists of three main categories. Each functional-category is reflected as its own directory hierarchy.
This project's primary aim is to automate the deployment of the Jenkins service within AWS via ClouFormation (CFn templates). Therefore, the template-directory would be considered the core of this project. Each template file — with the exception of the "parent" templates — corresponds to a discrete set of related AWS deployment tasks. Templates are named to try to reflect the AWS configuration elements or processes being automated:
The following templates underpin the automation of deploying AWS service elements:
: Deploys an auto-scaled, STIG-hardened, EL7-based EC2 instance to host a Jenkins master-node. AWS AutoScaling service improves availability of the master-node service.make_jenkins_EC2-Master-instance.tmplt.json
: Deploys a STIG-hardened, EL7-based EC2 instance to host a Jenkins master-node.make_jenkins_EC2-Agent-Linux-autoscale.tmplt.json
: Deploys an auto-scaled, STIG-hardened, EL7-based EC2 instance to host a Jenkins agent-node. AWS AutoScaling service improves availability of the agent-node service.make_jenkins_EC2-Agent-Linux-instance.tmplt.json
: Deploys a STIG-hardened, EL7-based EC2 instance to host a Jenkins agent-node:make_jenkins_ELBv1-pub-autoscale.tmplt.json
: Deploys a user-facing, "Classic" Elastic Loadbalancer.make_jenkins_ELBv2-pub.tmplt.json
: Deploys a user-facing, "Application" Elastic Loadbalancer. Note: This template is not currently well-maintained and does not come with any Jenkins pipeline-definition.make_jenkins_IAM-role.tmplt.json
: Creates an IAM instance-role. When attached to an EC2 instance, provides access to a deployment's S3-based resources as well as providing access to cloud-layer functionality required to enable centralized management (via SSM, logging (via CloudWatch).make_jenkins_S3-bucket.tmplt.json
: Creates an S3 bucket used (primarily) to host the Jenkins service's daily and auto-recovery backups. Buckets are created with a default security-posture of "private". Access to bucket-contents are only available to authenticated users and processes. Process-accesses are authenticated by way of the previously-mentioned attachment of IAM instance-roles to the Jenkins EC2 instances.make_jenkins_SGs.tmplt.json
: Creates the VPC security-groups used to protect AWS-hosted Jenkins resources. It is expected that Jenkins-hosting EC2 instances will be deployed to unroutable subnets and that any resources that need user-facing access will be routed to the EC2s by way of user-facing proxies (see the previously-noted Elastic Load-balancers). This template creates the requisite network permissions for:- Users to access the web-proxy service-components
- The access-proxy to bidirectionally communicate with the EC2 hosting the Jenkins Master service
- The Jenkins Master service and Jenkins Agent-nodes to communicate with each other.
The following templates act as control-layers for the service-templates. The service-templates deploy in related "layers", with higher-level layers depending on the lower-level layers being in a good/complete state. The lower-level layers export configuration-information used by the higher-level layers. The "parent" stacks provide automatic linking of lower- and higher-level layers by using the lower-level layers' outputs as inputs to the higher-level layers. This eliminates the need to manually-populate each of the service-template's inputs.
: This template is used to control the deployment ofSG
service elements. These elements are then leveraged by theELB
templates to provide services to the Jenkins users.make_jenkins_parent-instance.tmplt.json
: This is an "end-to-end" service-deployment template. It coordinates the invocation of theSG
and autoscaling masterEC2
templates. When the parent stack completes, a fully-instantiated Jenkins service should be available and ready for configuration (initial configuration of the application and setting up appropriate DNS entries to point Jenkins-users at the service-proxy)make_jenkins_parent-autoscale.tmplt.json
: This is an "end-to-end" service-deployment template. It coordinates the invocation of theSG
and autoscaling masterEC2
templates. When the parent stack completes, a fully-instantiated Jenkins service - with enhanced service-availability via AutoScaling - should be available and ready for configuration (initial configuration of the application and setting up appropriate DNS entries to point Jenkins-users at the service-proxy)
This directory contains the files invoked by the EC2 templates to handle the configuration of the deployed EC2 instances to host Jenkins Master and Agent services.
: This script takes care of the baseline configuration of the underlying EL7 host. This script makes the host ready for the installation of the Jenkins Master
: This script installs the Jenkins Master service. This script detects whether the installation should proceed as a "fresh" install or as an "auto-recovery" install:- In the former case, upon completion, the Jenkins Master service will be ready for initial configuration.
- In the latter case, upon completion, the Jenkins Master service will be pre-configured to the state defined in the auto-recovery files.
: Simple script tocurl
file from the Jenkins Master node and install it.jenkins-agent_userscript.ps1
: Content TBD: authoring in
: This script automates the tailoring of an Agent-node to meet the template user's specific needs. Script will mostly be used for pre-installing Jenkins agent plugins and doing further configuration of the agent-node to meet the needs of those plugins. Notes:- The script hosted in this repository is meant to act as an example of the types of things that can be done.
- Template-users' real chain-scripts should be hosted in a protected,
-fetchable repository service (e.g. Artifactory, authenticated HTTP download directory, etc.) and maintained in a separate, version-controlled, private projects. - This document's emphasis on protecting the template-users' "real" script is due to the expectation that such script may contain potentially sensitive information (API tokens or other credentials; back-end system-names/addresses; etc).
This directory hierarchy is designed to contain tools to further facilitate deployments leveraging other automation frameworks.
Note: Currently, this hierarchy only contains Jenkins pipeline definitions (in the Jenkins
subdirectory). As this project is matured, it is expected that support for other frameworks will be added. Users of this project should feel free to contribute support for further frameworks.
This directory (hierarchy) contains Jenkins pipeline definitions to allow placing the CFn-based service-deployment components under the control of a Jenkins domain.
This directory contains the Jenkins pipeline definitions used to place the CFn-templates used for deploying Jenkins Master server elements under Jenkins control:
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to drive themake_jenkins_EC2-Master-Linux-autoscale.tmplt.json
CFn template.EC2-Instance.groovy
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to drive themake_jenkins_EC2-Master-Linux-instance.tmplt.json
CFn template.Infra-layers.groovy
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to drive themake_jenkins_infra.tmplt.json
CFn template.Master-Elbv1.groovy
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to drive themake_jenkins_ELBv1-pub-autoscale.tmplt.json
CFn template.Parent-Full-Instance.groovy
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to drive themake_jenkins_parent-instance.tmplt.json
CFn template.
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to facilitate the migration of backup data from an previously-existing S3 bucket to a new/empty S3 bucket
This directory contains the Jenkins pipeline definitions used to place the CFn-templates used for deploying Jenkins Agent server elements under Jenkins control:
: Jenkins pipeline-definition to drive themake_jenkins_EC2-Agent-Linux-instance.tmplt.json
CFn template.
Currently, there are not any "helper" definitions for Agent nodes.
(This section left intentionally blank)