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ctr-client-react-base2 is version 2 (TypeScript) of a front-end application in React that provides a base for Business and Finance Applications.

Coded from zero based on the features of ctr-client-react, it focuses on:

  • The latest technologies and approaches.
  • A pair of components AuxList and AuxItem able to handle multiple auxiliary tables using data+format responses.


  • Login: The simplest that allows access per features according to entitlements per role
  • Settings
  • Users
  • Roles
  • Tenants
  • Countries: Base ISO 3166
  • Currencies: Base ISO 4217

Connects to the server ctr-server-node-base to provide the data+format responses based in Node and PostgreSQL for faster development, but its MVC model was designed to be applied to any Language and database.

The data+format approach

The pair of reusable React components AuxList and AuxItem will handle a given Table using responses containing:

  • data is either:

    • A List array, containing objects with the cells to be displayed in a html table. Plus a Create button and Update links in the 1st column of each row.
    • An Item object, containing the fields to be displayed in an html form with options to Return, Delete, or Submit (for creation or update).
  • format is an object, containing:

    • Some properties to display on the page, like List Header, Item header...

    • An array of fields containing properties defining the data display and business rules, like the following example:

        name: 'tenant_cod',
        listPosition: 0,
        formPosition: 7,
        type: 'select',
        default: 'default',
        readonly: true,
        required: true,
        label: 'Tenant',
        width: 6,
        options: [
            value: 'default',
            text: 'default'

The 'type', in this context, will direct to a specific type of Html Field among:

  • boolean (select between true and false)
  • password
  • select (the only that will use 'options')
  • serial (numeric serial)
  • text (the default)

A successful Login request will return a Session object containing, among other info, an Access object where the key is each Table name and its value the rights for Create/Read/Update/Delete.


  • react
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-router-dom


Related to the tables role, setting, tenant, and user (require authentication)

  • Show a list: GET /api/:table
  • Show a record by cod: GET /api/:table/:cod
  • Create a record: POST /api/:table
  • Update a record: PUT /api/:table
  • Delete a record: DELETE /api/:table/:cod


  • Login and get session if successful: POST /api/login
  • Reset database: GET /api/install/resetdb (require authentication)


Not running StrictMode to avoid double calling to server

Npm install is showing a few vulnerabilities but they are in the react-scripts that is a devDependency. Running npm audit --production shows no vulnerbility.



Base for prototypes






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