ctr-client-react-base2 is version 2 (TypeScript) of a front-end application in React that provides a base for Business and Finance Applications.
Coded from zero based on the features of ctr-client-react, it focuses on:
- The latest technologies and approaches.
- A pair of components AuxList and AuxItem able to handle multiple auxiliary tables using data+format responses.
- Login: The simplest that allows access per features according to entitlements per role
- Settings
- Users
- Roles
- Tenants
- Countries: Base ISO 3166
- Currencies: Base ISO 4217
Connects to the server ctr-server-node-base to provide the data+format responses based in Node and PostgreSQL for faster development, but its MVC model was designed to be applied to any Language and database.
The pair of reusable React components AuxList and AuxItem will handle a given Table using responses containing:
data is either:
- A List array, containing objects with the cells to be displayed in a html table. Plus a Create button and Update links in the 1st column of each row.
- An Item object, containing the fields to be displayed in an html form with options to Return, Delete, or Submit (for creation or update).
format is an object, containing:
Some properties to display on the page, like List Header, Item header...
An array of fields containing properties defining the data display and business rules, like the following example:
{ name: 'tenant_cod', listPosition: 0, formPosition: 7, type: 'select', default: 'default', readonly: true, required: true, label: 'Tenant', width: 6, options: [ { value: 'default', text: 'default' } }
The 'type', in this context, will direct to a specific type of Html Field among:
- boolean (select between true and false)
- password
- select (the only that will use 'options')
- serial (numeric serial)
- text (the default)
A successful Login request will return a Session object containing, among other info, an Access object where the key is each Table name and its value the rights for Create/Read/Update/Delete.
- react
- react-bootstrap
- react-router-dom
Related to the tables role, setting, tenant, and user (require authentication)
- Show a list: GET /api/:table
- Show a record by cod: GET /api/:table/:cod
- Create a record: POST /api/:table
- Update a record: PUT /api/:table
- Delete a record: DELETE /api/:table/:cod
- Login and get session if successful: POST /api/login
- Reset database: GET /api/install/resetdb (require authentication)
Not running StrictMode to avoid double calling to server
Npm install is showing a few vulnerabilities but they are in the react-scripts that is a devDependency. Running npm audit --production shows no vulnerbility.
- Any suggestion or info request, make contact through www.linkedin.com/in/plinioprado.