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Usage Example

Compile mapcss stylesheet

pgmapcss --mode standalone -tol4pgm-0.1 test.mapcss

Make sure, that '' is executed as CGI script.

In your JavaScript, load map and layer:

var map = new ol.Map({
  target: 'map',
  layers: [
    new ol.layer.Tile({
      source: new ol.source.MapQuest({layer: 'sat'})
  view: new ol.View({
    center: ol.proj.transform([37.41, 8.82], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
    zoom: 4
var layer = new ol4pgmLayer({
  url: '{x}&y={y}&zoom={z}&tilesize=1024&srs=3857'
}, map);

Parameter options

Name Description
url URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y} and {z}, e.g. "style.cgi?x={x}&y={y}&zoom={z}&tilesize=1024&srs=3857". see ol.source.TileVector for details.
single_url URL template for requests for features with specified ID (see function getFeature() for details). Must include {id} and can include {zoom} (which is the current zoom level for tile size 256px), e.g. "style.cgi?id={id}&zoom={zoom}&srs=3857"
attributions ol.source.TileVector -> attributions
defaultProjection ol.source.TileVector -> defaultProjection
format ol.source.TileVector -> format
logo ol.source.TileVector -> logo
object ol.source.TileVector -> object
projection ol.source.TileVector -> projection
tileGrid ol.source.TileVector -> tileGrid
tileUrlFunction ol.source.TileVector -> tileUrlFunction
urls ol.source.TileVector -> urls
defaultDataProjection ol.format.GeoJSON -> defaultDataProjection
geometryName ol.source.GeoJSON -> geometryName
minZoom ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> minZoom
maxZoom ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> maxZoom
extent ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> extent
tileSize ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> tileSize
visible visibility of layer (default: true)
icons_parent_path parent path of icons (e.g. icons/), default ''


Function Parameters Return value Description
setVisible(visible) visible: boolean, whether layer should be shown none set visibility of the layer
getVisible() return true when layer is visible return visibility of the layer
getFeatures() list of features returns list of loaded vector features
getFeature(id, callback) id: an OSM ID e.g. 'n1234'; callback: a function which will be called with the feature as paramter (or null, when object does not exist) feature Get the specified map feature. If the map feature is not loaded yet, an AJAX request to the single_url will be made to load the map feature.
getFeaturesInExtent(bbox) bbox: a ol3 extent list of features returns list of vector features which intersect the specified extent.
featuresAtPixel(pixel) pixel: an ol3 pixel list of features returns list of vector features which are at the specified pixel


An OpenLayers frontend for pgmapcss/CGI






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