- Build using the build.bat script or by loading the project and using the menu Build/WebGL
- Copy the contents of Builds/WebGL to the folder where the static content should be served from. Done!
- Open your unity scene containing the SUGAR Unity Manager.
- Make sure the Base Address is correct.
- Make sure the Game Token and Game Id exist in the database. If not, add them.
- In the Menus: Tools/SUGAR/Seed Game.
- Enter the admin login details.
- Click Seed Game.
Note: You will also need to have the users and groups defined in the Canvas/Controller component created with matching Ids as well as a small amount of "chocolate" allocated to each.
You can find a dump of the required tables in databse/required-data.sql This has the required game, users, groups with resources etc but note that this does not include the admin account so it is not a replacement for the actual sugar databse, it is an addition/insertion to be added once the initial database has been setup.