This repository aims to resume the Python Sense HAT API in the C/C++ programming language. The functions provided by this library are intended for students who are taking their first steps in programming. Therefore, we use a very small subset of the C++ programming language.
- No classes. Okaaaayyy! I know. Don't slap me, even virtually.
- Typed input/output through iostream. Almost avoids burdens of C stdio formatting.
- Use of IMU RTIMULib library already written in C++. Much more convenient to get magnetic field measures from LSM9DS1 registers.
- Use of libgpiod for GPIO functions.
- Use of sysfs for PWM0 and PWM1 output channels.
The code in this repository has been compiled from various other repositories. It then developed into a full library with the addition of GPIO and PWM functions.
Open a terminal on your Raspberry Pi.
- Your Raspberry Pi user account must belong to a few system groups to access hardware devices and install the library file once it is compiled.
The result of the id
command below shows the user account belongs to the
required system groups.
id | grep -Eo '(input|i2c|gpio|spi|sudo|video)'
Check that the sense-hat packages are already there.
apt search sense-hat | grep install
python3-sense-hat/stable,stable,now 2.6.0-1 all [installé, automatique]
sense-hat/stable,stable,now 1.4 all [installé]
- Install development library packages
sudo apt install libi2c-dev libpng-dev libgpiod-dev
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Build the library and compile the example programs
cd libsensehat-cpp/ && make
Depending on the number of example programs, the compilation may take some time.
You're all done ! Now you can open the example files and run your own tests. There is a generic Makefile in the examples directory which you can copy and modify to suit your needs.
To start a new project, you need to copy the Makefile file to your working directory.
mkdir myProject && cd myProject
cp $HOME/libsensehat-cpp/labTemplate/Makefile .
Then, you can copy the example program that is closest to your needs and adapt it to your project.
cp $HOME/libsensehat-cpp/examples/01_setRGB565pixel.cpp .
Run make
to compile the program.
g++ -Wall -Wextra -Wduplicated-cond -Wduplicated-branches -Wsign-conversion -Wlogical-op -Wuseless-cast -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu++2a -o 01_setRGB565pixel 01_setRGB565pixel.cpp -lsensehat-c++ -lpng -li2c -lm -lRTIMULib -lgpiod
Run the program.
Settings file not found. Using defaults and creating settings file
Detected LSM9DS1 at standard/standard address
Using fusion algorithm RTQF
Detected LPS25H at standard address
Sense Hat LED matrix points to device /dev/fb0
8x8, 16bpp
IMU is opening
min/max compass calibration not in use
Ellipsoid compass calibration not in use
Accel calibration not in use
LSM9DS1 init complete
Joystick points to device event4
Sense Hat initialization Ok.
[ f800 ] [ fc00 ] [ ffe0 ] [ 7e0 ] [ 7ff ] [ 1f ] [ f81f ] [ fc10 ]
Waiting for keypress.
Sense Hat shut down.
In addition to this manual method, students run the
script to create a new project directory.
The script creates a new project directory in the $HOME/cpp
location and
copies the Makefile and VScode settings files into it. Here is an example of how
to use the script.
$HOME/libsensehat-cpp/ myProject
When using Visual Studio Code, the two compulsory extensions are:
- C++ Extension Pack
- Makefile Tools
Almost every function has its own example program that illustrates how it works. Source file numbering in the directory named examples designates the category of functions. Here is a list of these categories:
- 01 Get or set a single pixel
- 02 Get or set all pixels
- 03 Flip or rotate all pixels
- 04 Display a character or scroll a message
- 05 HTS221 Humidity sensor and LPS25H Pressure sensor
- 06 LSM9DS1 IMU Orientation and compass
- 07 Joystick events
- 08 GPIO read input or write output on Raspberry Pi pins subset
- 09 2 PWM channels
- 10 Color detection based on TCS34725 (work in progress ...)
- 11 Console keyboard events routines
Once the Sense HAT standard header is replaced by a stacking header, GPIO and PWM pins are available.