- activate venv
- install requirements.txt
- create .env file with db url which includes the username and password
- create database
- use alembic to create tables
- Ref https://www.codingforentrepreneurs.com/blog/hello-linux-setup-gunicorn-and-supervisor
- install supervisor -
sudo apt install supervisor
sudo service supervisor start
- add a config file in
supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl update
sudo supervisorctl status stockpickerapi_gunicorn
command=/home/ubuntu/stockpickerapi/venv/bin/gunicorn --bind -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker main:app --timeout 300
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -c stockpicker > 19feb2022.sql
scp -i privatekey.pem user@domain.com:./filename.ext filename.ext 19feb2022.sql
psql dbname -U dbuser < dbfile.sql
import json
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.tz
import requests
def lambda_handler(event, context):
holidays = ["01/01/2022", "01/02/2022", "01/08/2022", "01/09/2022", "01/15/2022", "01/16/2022", "01/22/2022", "01/23/2022", "01/29/2022", "01/30/2022", "02/05/2022", "02/06/2022", "02/12/2022", "02/13/2022", "02/19/2022", "02/20/2022", "02/26/2022", "02/27/2022", "03/01/2022", "03/05/2022", "03/06/2022", "03/12/2022", "03/13/2022", "03/18/2022", "03/19/2022", "03/20/2022", "03/26/2022", "03/27/2022", "04/02/2022", "04/03/2022", "04/09/2022", "04/10/2022", "04/14/2022", "04/15/2022", "04/16/2022", "04/17/2022", "04/23/2022", "04/24/2022", "04/30/2022", "05/01/2022", "05/03/2022", "05/07/2022", "05/08/2022", "05/14/2022", "05/15/2022", "05/21/2022", "05/22/2022", "05/28/2022", "05/29/2022", "06/04/2022", "06/05/2022", "06/11/2022", "06/12/2022", "06/18/2022", "06/19/2022", "06/25/2022", "06/26/2022", "07/02/2022", "07/03/2022", "07/09/2022", "07/10/2022", "07/16/2022", "07/17/2022", "07/23/2022", "07/24/2022", "07/30/2022", "07/31/2022", "08/06/2022", "08/07/2022", "08/09/2022", "08/13/2022", "08/14/2022", "08/15/2022", "08/20/2022", "08/21/2022", "08/27/2022", "08/28/2022", "08/31/2022", "09/03/2022", "09/04/2022", "09/10/2022", "09/11/2022", "09/17/2022", "09/18/2022", "09/24/2022", "09/25/2022", "10/01/2022", "10/02/2022", "10/05/2022", "10/08/2022", "10/09/2022", "10/15/2022", "10/16/2022", "10/22/2022", "10/23/2022", "10/24/2022", "10/26/2022", "10/29/2022", "10/30/2022", "11/05/2022", "11/06/2022", "11/08/2022", "11/12/2022", "11/13/2022", "11/19/2022", "11/20/2022", "11/26/2022", "11/27/2022", "12/03/2022", "12/04/2022", "12/10/2022", "12/11/2022", "12/17/2022", "12/18/2022", "12/24/2022", "12/25/2022", "12/31/2022"]
indian_timezone = dateutil.tz.gettz('Asia/Kolkata')
current_indian_date = datetime.now(tz=indian_timezone).strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
if current_indian_date not in holidays:
req = requests.get('https://stockapi.techtuft.com/scrape/mc')
scrape_response = req.json()
if scrape_response.get("success") == True:
req = requests.get('https://stockapi.techtuft.com/shortlist/create')
short_list_response = req.json()
if short_list_response.get("success") == True:
response = {
'success': True,
'message': f'{scrape_response.get("message")}, {short_list_response.get("message")}'
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': response
response = {"success": False, "message": f'Data fetched. {short_list_response.get("message")}'}
return {
'statusCode': 201,
'body': response
return {
'statusCode': 201,
'body': {"success": False, "message": f'Data not fetched.'}
# Update the missing stock symbols on holidays
req = requests.get('https://stockapi.techtuft.com/scrape/update-symbols')
scrape_response = req.json()
if scrape_response.get("success") == True:
response = {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': {
'success': True,
'message': f'Updated the missing stock symbols, did not scrape the data as stockmarket is closed for the day.'
response = {
'statusCode': 201,
'body': {
'success': False,
'message': f'Failed to updated the missing stock symbols. Did not scrape the data as stockmarket is closed for the day.'
except Exception as e:
response = {
'statusCode': 201,
'body': {"success": False, "message": f"Failed to updated the missing stock symbols. Did not scrape the data as stockmarket is closed for the day. Error: {e}"}
return response
Redis is needed to store the sectorial-indices data which will be kept in the redis store for 1 hour for now. The data will be reloaded if ite being accessed after one hour. This is done to avoid the data being stale.
Redis is setup using the official docker image and here is the command to set it up. This docker doesn't have password protection, so aws ec2 instance must not open the port 6379. Once everything is dockerized, the redis container should not expose the port and the -p from the command can be removed.
sudo docker run -p6379:6379 --name stockcache -d redis
- Gateway Timeout
- Check if the port for gunicorn is being used, you can find it using the command
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
- kill it using
killall -9 gunicorn
- restart the supervisord using the command
sudo supervisorctl restart stockpickerapi_gunicorn
- Check if the port for gunicorn is being used, you can find it using the command
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -c stockpicker > 16may2022.sql
scp -i aws2techtuft.pem ubuntu@techtuft.com:16may2022.sql ./
psql -U postgres
drop database stockpicker;
create database stockpicker;
psql -U postgres -d stockpicker < 16may2022.sql