yarn start
yarn build
Deployments are done using Netlify. You must be added to the thirdave.network Netlify organization to deploy.
# To deploy, commit and push to master
git push
heroku git:remote -a thirdwave-network-mailer
git subtree push --prefix src/server/ heroku master
heroku logs --tail
Contentful CLI Contentful exporting Contentful importing
# To install the Contenful cli utilities globally
yarn global add contentful-cli
# Then, to link the utilties to your account
contentful login
# Then, you can select a space to use for the import/export
contentful space use
Note: Should you use an existing space, change its locale to English (en).
# To export the latest Contentful content and assets run
contentful space export --space-id "txu76a3w3kbd" --include-drafts --download-assets --export-dir "./contentful-export"
In your project, ...
# In this repository
contentful space import --content-file ../contentful/contentful-export-vnhpjjd2fzcz-master-2019-07-04T16-29-36.json
# In a new repository
contentful space import --content-file
BSD 3-Clause, see the LICENSE file.