Bundle allows to create doctrine entities with fields that will be protected with help of some encryption algorithm in database and it will be clearly for developer, because bundle is uses doctrine life cycle events
Inspired by https://github.com/ambta/DoctrineEncryptBundle & https://github.com/vmelnik-ukraine/DoctrineEncryptBundle
##What does it do exactly
It gives you the opportunity to add the @Encrypt annotation above each string property
* @Encrypt
protected $username;
The bundle uses doctrine his life cycle events to encrypt the data when inserted into the database and decrypt the data when loaded into your entity manager. It is only able to encrypt string values at the moment, numbers and other fields will be added later on in development.
##Advantages and disadvantaged of an encrypted database
Information is stored safely
Not worrying about saving backups at other locations
Unreadable for employees managing the database
Can't use ORDER BY on encrypted data
In SELECT WHERE statements the where values also have to be encrypted
When you lose your key you lose your data (Make a backup of the key on a safe location)
This bundle is responsible for encryption/decryption of the data in your database. All encryption/decryption work on the server side.
The following documents are available:
#####Step 1: Download ResomediaDoctrineEncryptBundle using composer
ResomediaDoctrineEncryptBundle should be installed usin Composer:
"require": {
"resomedia/doctrine-encrypt-bundle": "1.*"
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update resomedia/doctrine-encrypt-bundle
#####Step 2: Enable the bundle
Enable the bundle in the Symfony2 kernel by adding it in your /app/AppKernel.php file:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Resomedia\DoctrineEncryptBundle\ResomediaDoctrineEncryptBundle(),
There are 4 paramaters in the configuration of the Doctrine encryption bundle.
secret_key - The key used to encrypt the data
Default: empty, the bundle will use your Symfony2 secret key.
protocol - The cipher method used to encrypt the data (list all with openssl_get_cipher_methods)
encryptor_class - Custom class for encrypting data
Encryptor class, your own encryptor class will override encryptor paramater
Default: empty
iv - initialization vector (you can calculate is length for your cipher with openssl_cipher_iv_length)
secret_key: AB1CD2EF3GH4IJ5KL6MN7OP8QR9ST0UW # Your own key
encryptor: AES-128-CBC / AES-128-ECB...
iv: 34857d973953e44a # random string whith length = openssl_cipher_iv_length(protocol)
encryptor_class: \Resomedia\DoctrineEncryptBundle\Encryptors\YourOwnEncryptor # your own encryption class
!!! write this parameters in your parameters.yml not directly in config.yml. !!!
Add @Encrypted annotation
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
// importing @Encrypted annotation
use Resomedia\DoctrineEncryptBundle\Configuration\Encrypted;
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="user")
class User {
* @ORM\Column(type="string", name="email")
* @Encrypted
* @var int
private $email;
####Console commands
#####Encrypt / decrypt data
Encrypt / decrypt a data specified in argument.
php bin/console doctrine:encrypt:data test
php bin/console doctrine:decrypt:data XXXX
2 argument :
-The data you want to encrypt/decrypt.
-The encryptor you want to decrypt the data with (optional)
#####Encrypt / decrypt database
Encrypt / decrypt all datas in database with field have @Encrypted annotation if isn't already encrypt / decrypt.
php bin/console doctrine:encrypt:database
php bin/console doctrine:decrypt:database
2 argument :
-The encryptor you want to decrypt the data with (optional)
-The batchSize, number of row encrypt / decrypt between two flush (optional | default : 200)
####Custom encryption class
Create your own class that implement EncryptorInterfaces and specify it in encryptor_class parameter.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle
I'm using Semantic Versioning like described here