A traffic controller training program in C++ using OpenCV & OpenGL.
Traffic Tactician is a training program made in C++ for a uni assignment. The software uses OpenCV & OpenGL.
⚠ Note: Ensure that your environment variables are configured correctly for OpenCV. This includes a variable "OPENCV" that leads to your OpenCV build folder (e.g. C:\opencv). Your Path variable should also contain the C:\opencv\build\x64\vc16\bin directory or equivalent.
⚠ Note: Make sure to download the pose_iter_440000.caffemodel from the CMU School of Computer Science, and put it in ${SolutionDir}\TrafficTactician\pose\coco.
⚠ Note: In case of getting the "could not find opencv_world490d.lib" error, check that you have installed (the right version of) OpenCV correctly, and have configured it in your environment variables. Alternatively, you can drag the .dll files manually into ${SolutionDir}\TrafficTactician\x64${ConfigurationName}.
⚠ Note: Make sure to build the solution when making changes to settings.json to ensure having the updated header file.
- OpenGL - The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics
- OpenCV - World's biggest computer vision library
- GLFW - Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL
- GLM - OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
- GLEW - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
- Dear ImGui - The bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++
- Easylogging++ - Single header efficient logging library for C++ applications
- json2hpp - CMake module that converts a json file straight into a C++ header containing a constexpr object
- utest.h - Single header unit testing framework for C and C++
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.