Stratus is a client interface for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Services.
It was developed to for usage in the Japanese AWS management console service Cloudworks.
- Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.2
- xml-simple and rest-client gems
- json_pure or json gem (optionally)
gem install stratus
You can run interactive shell `iamsh' and call IAM API.
$ iamsh
@iam defined.
Examples to try:
returns : all iam public methods
>> @iam.methods.sort
returns : get all Amazon IAM groups.
>> @iam.list_groups
Welcome to IRB.
Create a new IAM user by CreateUser API.
>> @iam.create_user :user_name => 'john'
>> result = @iam.list_users
>> puts result['ListUsersResult']['Users']['member'].inspect
[{"UserName"=>"john", "Arn"=>"arn:aws:iam::000000000000:user/john", "Path"=>"/", "UserId"=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}]
Then create an user policy JSON string.
>> policy = {}
>> policy['Statement'] = [{
'Effect' => 'Allow',
'Action' => 'ec2:Describe*',
'Resource' => '*'
>> require 'json'
>> policy = policy.to_json
And put it by PutUserPolicy API.
>> @iam.put_user_policy :user_name => 'john', :policy_name => 'AllowDescribeEC2', :policy_document => policy
>> result = @iam.get_user_policy :user_name => 'john', :policy_name => 'AllowDescribeEC2'
>> result['GetUserPolicyResult']['PolicyDocument']
Delete an user policy and user.
>> @iam.delete_user_policy :user_name => 'john', :policy_name => 'AllowDescribeEC2'
>> @iam.delete_user :user_name => 'john'
You can require the library and call IAM API from any ruby script.
require 'rubygems'
require 'stratus'
result = iam.create_group :group_name => 'Developers'
group = result['CreateGroupResult']['Group']
puts "Group ARN is #{group['Arn']}"
Read the IAM API Reference for further information.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT licenses.
Copyright (c) 2010 Serverworks Co.,Ltd. See LICENSE for details.