- This project was developed as a part of my undergraduate studies for the subject of Advanced Microprocessor Architecture. My project aims to implement File Manager using Buttons as Graphical User Interface. It would be consisting of following functionalities of File Management.
- Create a File
- View a File
- Copy a File
- Rename a File
- Delete a File
- Create a Directory
- Remove a Directory
- Change a Directory
- List all in a Directory
- Buttons Action for Above all functions
To perform the above mentioned tasks I have used mainly three Bios Interrupts, INT 10h, INT 33h, INT 21h
- This project was developed in the month of November 2015
- Assmebly file IT_100.asm,
- Use GUI Turbo Assembler for executing the program.
- Thanks to my professors Prof. Siddhi Joshi and Prof. Rajendra Chhajed.
- Though I have not used any IDE except Notepad++ during development of project but, while creating this repository I found that GUI Turbo Assembler by Lakhya Jyoti Nath is good for working and execution.