Arduino EEPROM CString List Manager - EPList (For keep some Strings on Arduino EEPROM / External EEPROM and minimize use memory on Arduino Board).
Template class for EEPROM / External EEPROM.
Written by Piotr Kupczyk ( 2020 v. 0.9
SparkFun_External_EEPROM.h // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_External_EEPROM (for External EEPROM's)
For proper work execute Wire.begin() function in setup() function (main sketch). (External EEPROM)
When you finish your list is better to set Write Protect on your chip. (External EEPROM)
EPList<EEPROMClass,64> EC(4096); // Static allocation (Size of EEPROM)
EPList<EEPROMClass,64> *EC = new EPList<64>(4096); // Dynamic allocation (Size of EEPROM chip)
EPList<ExternalEEPROM,64> EC(0x50,32000); // Static allocation ExternalEEPROM (i2c chip Address, Size of EEPROM chip)
EPList<ExternalEEPROM,64> *EC = new EPList<64>(0x50,32000); // Dynamic allocation ExternalEEPROM (Address, Size of EEPROM chip)
First argument of template is type of used EEPROM (EEPROMClass / ExternalEEPROM) and second is size of one item on the list.
EC->pushItem("I'm inside the chip. "); EC->pushItem("Save your space. Thank you.");
Serial.println(EC[0]); Serial.println((*EC)[0]);
EC.setItem(0,"Good Job.")