Nyaay - Developed for IET on Campus Hackathon In January '18
- Pre-abuse action(Preventing the abuse)
- Post-abuse action
Using Cognitive technology we detect text msg, images , profile picture and profile info of a particular individual to block abusive content and preventing it to be shared and reporting to concern authority.
• Profile analysis of the person in Conversation with. • Scanning the Profile pictures for fake pictures of celebrities and empty one’s. • Searching through the mutual connection on social media to find common links. • Anti-Phishing filter.
• Nyaay Bot • Most children face an insecurity of sharing there problems about such abuses to their parents and this leads many unnecessary steps form them. •To stop this here is Nyaay Bot which lets them share there problems and such experiences which understands the feelings of the person and directs them in a proper way.
• Getting to know about the abuse one went through. • Analysis of what exactly happened and how. • Helping children overcome the fear and to take unnecessary actions. • Report to concern authorities and parents